You remember Ms. Bachmann; she's the 6th District Representative from Minnesota who went over the top talking to Chris Matthews of Hardball, calling for a return to McCarthyism. She went so far in her demagoguery that General Colin Powell singled her out in his remarks after his Meet the Press endorsement of Senator Obama's candidacy, as has been widely documented.
Her remarks were so out of step with even her gerrymandered district that not only is her her Democratic challenger (Tinklenberg) suddenly awash in donations, her former Republican opponent during the primary said Bachmann had dishonored her office and reentered the race as a write-in candidate. Republicans, Democrats, journalists, people from all walks of life and every political stripe have rejected her smear-mongering.
But she's still got one supporter.
During a debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters that aired state-wide, the Democratic challenger in MN CD #2, Sgt. Steve Sarvi, asked incumbent Rep. John Kline if he would denounce Ms. Bachmann’s outrageous comments; does Kline agree that some Democratic members of Congress are “anti-American” and should be investigated? Does he believe the millions of people who have voted for these public servants also are “anti-American”?
We don’t know because Kline wouldn’t answer the question. Instead, Representative Kline dodged like an old-school politician who expects few are paying attention; he tried to change the subject. He doesn't want to go on the record as disapproving of smears and innuendos. In my book that's tacit approval. Edmund Burke noted centuries ago, that, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." This is not the time for watching quietly, or doing nothing.It wouldn't have required much bravery for John Kline to agree with the Colin Powell (among other life-long Republicans) to say Bachmann's remarks have gone too far, but he couldn't even pick a side in the situation. He couldn't give Sarvi, or the voters of Minnesota, a straight answer.
As Republican Representatives from Minnesota, Kline and Michelle Bachmann have nearly identical voting records. Some even regard Kline as her obvious mentor. I regard Kline's unwillingness to either condemn her outrageous remarks or take the side of one of his closest allies as a sign it's time for fresh leadership in the 2nd Congressional District of MN, not just Bachmann's 6th. I urge you to contact your friends and family in Minnesota, to make sure they realize how these two view patriotism, and to help sweep new energy into the legislature on November 4th by donating to their campaigns today.
"We have got to stop this kind of nonsense, pull ourselves together, and remember that our great strength is in our unity and in our diversity. "
~General Colin Powell (Ret.)
Here are the two links: to help Sgt. Steve Sarvi unseat John Kline, and to help Elwyn "El" Tinklenberg unseat Michelle Bachmann.
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