Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nation's first face transplant done in Cleveland |

Nation's first face transplant done in Cleveland | From AP and AJC : “CLEVELAND — A woman so horribly disfigured she was willing to risk her life to do something about it has undergone the nation's first near-total face transplant, the Cleveland Clinic announced Tuesday. Reconstructive surgeon Dr. Maria Siemionow and a team of other specialists replaced 80 percent of the woman's face with that of a female cadaver a couple of weeks ago in a bold and controversial operation certain to stoke the debate over the ethics of such surgery.

The patient's name and age were not released, and the hospital said her family wanted the reason for her transplant to remain confidential. The hospital plans a news conference Wednesday and would not give details until then.”

--- I have to admit I have an issue with this, because I'm wondering about the character of the woman who had her face. It seems like she's taking a new life - someone else's life. But on the other hand, it's better to have a face where people want to approach you than not. The doctors just made sure she would be able to earn a living.

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