Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sandra Bullock news: Jesse James into dogfighting like Michael Vick?

The latest Sandra Bullock news is even more sad than the Nazi picture of Jesse James giving a salute and wearing a Nazi hat: Jesse James is now into dogfighting like Michael Vick? That's the news that was mentioned on Entertaiment Tonight and all over the Internet, and it's placing Jesse James image in an even darker place.

Darker than this:

While the truth of the story is in question, it's out there. Reportedly, Jesse James allowed two of his pit bulls to fight to the death. But while one blog claims Jesse James took them to a dog fighting ring, another says that's not true and that James' dogs Cisco and Rudy got into a fight while James was not present.

The unsupervised battle cost Rudy his life, and happened "years ago". The other blog called Celebrity Smack charges that Jesse James never engaged in illegal dog fighting.

Regardless of this matter, it seems the release of the Nazi photo broke the dam holding back awful information, true or false, about Jesse James.

Stay tuned, but there will be happier stories to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Jesse James is no Michael Vick. Vick should still be in jail. I use to tune in to Jesse James show and I remember the death of his dog was a tragic accident and can't be compared to the monstrous abuse of Vick's dog. If you want to see powerful coverage of some of the dogs cared for after being rescued, visit the National Geographic website and watch clips from DogTown where they did extensive moving work to attempt to heal some of the abused dogs that survived.
