Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Al Gore and Tipper Gore separation: Gore pickup lines on Twitter

Al and Tipper Gore
The separation of Al Gore and Tipper Gore has the Internet buzzing. After 40 years of marriage, the famous political pair have announced an amicable split.  Sadness all around.

But it's Andy Borowitz who gets the award for the funniest take on the news. The humorist launched a hashtag called "#GorePickUpLines or "Gore pickup lines" on Twitter. So far the response has been hilarious! Here's a sample:

ruthbourdain "I won't tap offshore oil, but I will tap that ass." #gorepickuplines
1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

roboutik "Do you know how much that dress s contributing to global warming? Cuz you're makin me hot!" #gorepickuplines
3 minutes ago via Twitter for Android

over_rated There is an inconvenient growth in my pants. #gorepickuplines
16 minutes ago via TweetDeck

BorowitzReport "Baby, if you want to see how big my hanging chad is, let's go to my place & do a recount." #GorePickupLines #contrived
about 3 hours ago via Echofon

gauravsabnis Wouldn't you rather be having a drink with the inventor of the internet? #gorepickuplines

colsonwhitehead That's just the tip. Like an iceberg broken off by warming, there's another 90% you haven't seen yet. #gorepickuplines

over_rated Why don't you come up to my room and I'll show you the President? #gorepickuplines
34 minutes ago via web

And here's mine:

zennie62 #gorepickuplines If I can get a hostage out of North Korea I can certainly get a moan out of you.
less than 5 seconds ago via web

Well, it's very sad that Al and Tipper Gore are to separate after 40 years of marriage, but look at it this way, they're not getting a divorce!

Stay tuned.

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