Friday, August 13, 2010

Bloomberg vs. Liu $176 million renewal CityTime by Suzannah B. Troy

Juan Gonzalez should win an award for his reporting on CityTime. Read my first post which will give you an link to SAIC and federal scandals so why where they called in.
My newest question is why has Bloomberg pushed expansion of this Orwellian Time clock that does not work when he should not have allowed any expansion until the bugs are ironed out and they are many.  CityTime should not be expanded, renewed in Sept. but investigated because of all the convenient consultants w/close to half a million dollar paychecks or more A MILLION dollars for consulting. CityTime is the tax payers Titanic!!!!

Dear Blog Readers:  I have done a long series on CityTime.  You have to go to my blog search engine to read all the postings.

CityTime must not be expanded and yet they have been stealthily do so all summer even though the program does not work.  There are so many glitches that the disaster causes more work and has cost NYC a mega fortune when it was suppose to save money.  Even mayor Bloomberg admits CityTime is a disaster.

Why would Bloomberg and pals not want to stop the bleeding and expansion until this Tax Payers Titanic can be investigated?  Because they are way too many fat cats with deep pockets making big bucks off of this disaster.   CityTime may have set a NYC record for the most highly paid consultants ever and for a failed project.

The mayor would say we have invested so much money we can't back out right now but than I would respond YOU CAN'T EXPAND A PROGRAM that does not work and is gobbling up more of city workers time and is a black hole to the tax payers especially when NYC is heading for tougher economic times.   Bloomberg brings in a republican deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith to save us money but yet Bloomberg has been pushing the wrongful expansion of citytime all summer further entrenching the program making it even harder for the right thing to be done which is no to a renewal and yes to an investigation of CityTime.

Please make sure to go to my blog to see my many blog postings and also The New York Daily News to read the many articles all excellent investigative reporting by Juan Gonzalez.  In my postings you will find a link to a very important piece by Ali Winston from City Limits which exposes SAIC and federal level scandals leaving me to wonder why they were called in in the first place.

No to an extension of CityTime and yes to an investigation.

Question:  Does it make sense to pay $176 million dollars for 3 more years work when next year NYC government may be laying off workers and closing more fire houses?

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