Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oakland City Council Race: Pat Kernighan Sends Hot Email About The Race

Councilmemer Pat Kernighan 
Just about an hour ago this blogger posted the news of Oakland City Council District Two  (Glenview, Chinatown) Candidate Jennifer Pae picking up a valuable endorsement in the form of Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson.

In the blog post, I offered the view that perhaps the backing of Carson "may be the beginning of the end."


Even with that, and with the overall tone of communicating that Pat was in a battle, I got this hot email from Councilmember Kernighan:


Perhaps you are jumping to conclusions about the "beginning of the end" for moi. Would you like to report the facts that I have the endorsements of Attorney General Jerry Brown, Supervisor-elect Wilma Chan, Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker and Council President Jane Brunner, among others? Do you know that the leader of every NCPC and neighborhood group in my district supports me because I have worked hard every day for the past five years advocating for the needs of their neighborhoods and delivering results? While Ms. Pae was running around hustling endorsements this spring, I was working 60 hours a week doing the job I was elected to do. Why don't we let the voters decide.


As I wrote back to Councilmember Kernighan, that's a great point, I'll print that. And so I did.

But I remind her and everyone that I'm a blogger; thus I write my view of the World and in a media-and-Internet-friendly way. I'm not, nor do I wish to be, a journalist. However, I do insist on giving everyone running for office in Oakland their platform within this space. 

I have never refused anyone who has asked to be included here.

In closing, Pat's far from dead, but it's worth reminding her that she should not say she's not dead yet, because the last time that was said was by "The Black Knight" in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. And we know what happened there...

As stated, this is going to be interesting. Gotta like that Pat's fiesty.

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