This Labor Day is no picnic for the jobless 99er Nation. While much of the country is busy celebrating the unofficial end of summer, millions of jobless Americans can barely put food on the table because they have been without unemployment benefits since February/March this year.
One week from today, the US Senate will return from their summer break, but will only remain in session through October 8th, when they will again adjourn until long after election day. Currently there are 2 bills waiting in Congress for when they reconvene next week. Time is short. The Americans Want to Work Act (S3706) and HR6091 are both flawed, as they do not cover all UI ‘exhaustees’ in all states. For the many facing hunger and homelessness everyday, today is certainly no day of celebration.
The best Americans who have exhausted all tiers of UI benefits can hope for now, is to have the Americans Want to Work Act extended to include all states and passed immediately. No half measures will do and for those struggling desperately to stay afloat, this cannot happen soon enough. Once S3706 passes in the Senate, it should pass easily in the House, then on to Obama for his signature. Once it becomes law, it will depend on each state how fast the UI benefits will get to those who needed them months ago.
President Obama needs to get involved and in touch with the 99er community by holding town hall meetings and speaking to us directly. These meetings could be held online. The 99ers are angry and our votes will show it in November. No Democrat is safe at this point and many 99ers have already changed their affiliation to Independent, as a direct result of the lack of compassion and urgency thus far to help the 99 community, by the party in power. If Obama will not talk to the 99er Nation, we must talk to him.
To that end, we are encouraging all unemployed Americans, exhaustees or otherwise to participate in a campaign to contact the President, all your Senators (Democrat or Republican) and demand they vote for this bill immediately.
Contact information for all Senate members can be found at: http://joblessunite.yolasite.com/legislators-list.php Congressional Toll free Switchboard: 1-866-220-0044.
Every day WE NEED ALL AMERICANS concerned about this crisis to contact the White House Comments Line 202-456-1111 Comment line is only open 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday EST.
If we can get millions of Americans to call the White House Comments line, demanding this Tier 5 bill become law, we will not be ignored. So, spread the word, share this article where you know it will reach the unemployed masses. If we make this call in campaign vital to the success of their November campaigns, we cannot lose.
I will be among the many to contact the white house demand the bill be passed into law.
ReplyDeleteYes, "spread the word"! We need to continue to pressure Congress to extend benefits for those unable to find work.
ReplyDeleteWe ask fellow 99ers to help by spreading the word and by doing what they can to participate in the march on Washington.
•Oct. 2, 2010: Washington, DC: One Nation
And please take a few minutes to have a look at our site, it contains news and information pertaining to 99ers.
Thank you and good luck to you all.