There are three problems with the claim that Alex Jones makes about Machete igniting a race war.
First, from occasionally watching as much as this blogger cares to of MSNBC's Lockup, race wars are something that only happen in prisons and not in civilization.
Second, a movie attacking Arizona's psychotic illegal immigration law, as Machete reportedly does, is bound to make someone in Arizona who's involved in the administration of the law look bad.
Allegedly Machete makes whites look like evil bad people and Mexicans look like the good great people who will overcome the white people. Or at least that's what Alex Jones of says here:
Alex Jones is stoking the flames of white american frustration and anger. His articles of this movie have been featured on the past few days. I've certainly have never heard or read of him before but by reading his recent articles he seems like a complete conspiratorial nutjob.
ReplyDeleteA recent movie I viewed called the "The Expendables" with Sylvester Stallone deals with him and a band of mercenaries (whites) flying into a small island banana republic controlled by a CIA rouge agent (white again) and end up totally massacring at least 250 latino soldiers. The sole latina in the film is even water boarded in full view graphically. Not one word from Univision/Telemundo etc. etc. of this. Why no outrage? It's not reality, it's fiction, it's film.
Can't we have a movie where mexicans are for once the heroes? Alex Jones says NO!
FAIL...bad blogger bad need a new job!!
ReplyDeleteThe movie is supposed to be about humor about how people feel about immigration. Some people just take it to the head like its supposed to have a secret meaning when its just making fun of it from both sides.
ReplyDeleteOk...race wars only happen in prison? Not in civilization? Then what was Hitler doing? Killing Jews...because they were Jews. That's a race war from actual civilization. Alex Jones is fanning the flames of FREEDOM to all who will recieve it. Regardless of your color. If people would take the time to listen to what Jones is saying, and then go RESEARCH things for yourself, they would see what he says isn't far from the truth. But I'm sure most folks would rather eat Cheetos and watch "24". Like THAT'S important or something. I have not seen "Machete" and do not plan to do so. Any movie where the Governor of Texas is hacked up with a Machete on the steps of the capitol building is not for me. But please, if you enjoy mindless de-humanizing entertainment, by all means go see this movie. By the way, one of my Mexican friends saw this movie and in his opinion it indeed shows "gringos" in a bad light and is in poor taste with regard to race relations. So there you have it. Flame on.