The 99ers have a plan to pay for Tier 5 Unemployment Extensions and reduce government spending, that shifts the burden where it belongs - on the rich leaders spending all the money irresponsibly.
A country who cannot feed and house their population - can no longer afford to lavish huge salaries and perks upon their elected officials. Public Service should be exactly that! One cannot properly serve those who are hundreds of tax brackets below their own. They cannot conceive the reality of the average citizen, therefore leaders must be brought financially closer to those they are elected to serve.
Introducing: 99ers Plan to pay for Unemployment Extensions and Tier 5
- Let the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 3% immediately
- Means Test all retirement plans for every current / former President, Senator and House member immediately. If their income or net worth is more than triple that of the average American, they do not need the money - therefore they should no longer get the money
- Cut compensation for every member of Congress immediately by 55% (they don’t need the money anyway) No member of Congress shall be paid any compensation if their net worth exceeds $2.5 million dollars
- No foreign travel by members of Congress at the tax payer expense
- Cut Congressional staffers by 50% and the pay of those remaining staffers by 30%
- NO FREE HEALTHCARE for any member of Congress or their families
- Travel expenses for members of Congress to and from Washington back to their home states/districts should be paid for only 4 times per year. Members of Congress pay for any additional trips themselves. That will keep them at work more often
- Members of Congress are limited to 2 home state office locations only (on the tax payer dime) and monthly rental of those locations cannot exceed $2500.00 per month each. (Why should they have fancy offices? They are hardly ever there anyway)
- Any time spent running for another office (other than the one the hold) shall be deducted from their pay
- Any unspent money in the “war chest’ (political donations unused) shall go directly to pay off the National debt immediately upon leaving office not to be kept by the candidate(s)
- Congress shall hold no hearings unless they volunteer their time to serve upon them
- If any member of Congress has constituents that are living below the poverty rate - any earmark they demand or appropriate for their home state or district MUST be first proven to benefit those “needy” constituents directly
- Any defense contracts that exceed their original budget estimates by more than 20% will require the contractor or company CEO to do mandatory jail time
- Immediately end all massive tax-payer financed 'agricultural' subsidies to millionaires and billionaires with vanity farms
- Fire everyone at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and put 99ers to work in those jobs - as we know how to make a dollar stretch.
WHY? Because on November 3, 2010, the Associated Press reported that government owned mortage buyer, Freddie Mac, posted a $4.1 billion loss in the third quarter of the year and has asked for another $100 million of taxpayer money to help its short term financial condition. It asked for $1.8 billion in the second quarter.The article estimates that the combined bailouts for both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will eventually top out at about $260 billion.***Tier 5 would only have cost about $32 billion, helped to save 5 million people and had an equivalent stimulative effect on the economy of about 2.8 billion dollars per week for 20 weeks
- Cancel the U.S. government plan to spend $511 million to expand, not build, its embassy in Afghanistan. I do not know what it cost to build the existing embassy but if it costs more than a half a billion dollars to expand it, the original cost to build it must have been obscenely expensive. Spending this money on a building that is likely just going to get blown up is insane and NOT a good use of our limited American funds
- Mandate that all Tarp $ must be repaid before any bonuses can be paid to anyone in those companies who still owe. Citigroup, GMAC Financial and Sun Trust banks have not paid back all of their TARP money. Citigroup has paid back about 75% but the other two have not paid back a dime. There is $32 billion still owed by these 3 companies
You can add Tax China and every other country 25% that imports product to the USA, tax all companies in the USA 25% for buying products outside the USA. In one year the debt will be paid and companies will return to the USA to avoid the tax. END OF STORY.... RECESSION OVER.
ReplyDeleteCongress is grossly out of touch with what "real life" is like for the average American citizen. Congress only understands how to spend other peoples' money, and live in their own cushy homes when they leave office.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if some of these people--elected by the people--were to be forced to live in the conditions that a lot of us are now living in (by that I mean having to wonder how our bills are going to be paid, and where are next meal might come from) they would begin to have an inkling of the seriousness that the Unemployed are facing.
If these extensions are not passed, I am seriously going to have to look for a bridge to live under, because I will lose what possessions I have, along with my apartment. I am in school to better my life, but that, too, will have to go to the wayside. There is NO EXCUSE for what our government is allowing to happen to the citizens of this country! Especially when they are using OUR MONEY to bail out the bankers, wall street, auto industries, etc...
Disgusted in Denver
I can tell you exactly this plan will not work in Washington. Simply put: IT MAKES SENSE!
ReplyDeleteI like this idea completely. We must remember however, that although these rats are out of the cage, they are still a bunch of cagey rats!
Also, for the most part; they are lawyers. Lawyers have no cancept of laws as we know them, because they help write them and understand how to circumbent them.
An example is Dick Cheney. Shortly before accepting nomination as George Bush' running mate as Vice President, he placed his paultry interests in Halliburton (estimated to be $2.5 million) into a blind trust. The day after he was elected Vice president, those shares were worth an estimated $25 million, and who knows how much they are worth today.
Why the sudden inflated value of that stock? Simple. We the voters issued Bush's pal's company a License to Steal. So, with the stroke of a pen, all of Washington can be legally penniless.
Blind Trusts were invented for these reasons. The Kennedy's have used them for generations. Simply put, we Trust these rats, and are Blindsided in the process.
ReplyDeleteWhat a terrific and enlightening comment - thank you!!!
Excellent points! The sad part is - we know it will never happen.
ReplyDeleteI read the article how the extended benefits can be paid for and I like the idea, too. Only one tiiiiiny little detail: IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Plain and simple. You have to let the blood of Jesus come into the picture and watch what happens.
ReplyDeleteDominick - Jesus is the only one who can save the 99ers now. I pray every day and several times a day for that very thing and for all suffering people to receive help and comfort. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteThis plan should be sent to the presidents desk ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDo you know you could get elected to congress with that kind of fact finding effort. The" 99's Party", the party that is just getting started. You might ask yourself how did we get here.....same as it ever was,same as it ever was. P E A C E
ReplyDeleteThe American Holocaust. Thousands of Homeless Disappear!