Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama Up 13 Points Nationally In Reseach 2000 Poll; Palin at All Time Low

Barack Obama's ahead of John McCain by 13 points and the lead is increasing in the Research 2000 poll.  This is  a better poll than the Gallup Daily tracking which has Obama up by 7 points but does not explain why.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Think Progress Causes Politico To Backpedal On McCain Tax Claims

Wow, it's about time one of the blogs took Politico to task for their occasional pumping up of Senator John McCain's policies as if they support the middle class.  Nothing could be further from the truth, and thank God, Think Progress came through:

Earlier today, ThinkProgress criticized for publishing a story that claimed John McCain’s proposed tax cuts for capital gains and dividends would be “aimed directly at the middle class.”
Tonight, Politico published a new story on McCain’s tax cuts that removed the false claim. Instead, the article states that the tax cuts are “designed to lure investors back to the stock market.” Here’s their new story’s lead:

Sarah Palin Booed At Philly Flyers' Game

Watch Alaska Governor Sarah Palin get booed at the Philly Flyers' opener.   This was a total mistake, having her drop the first puck.  But the Philly Flyers' owner had this wild and stupid idea, and apparently no one talked him out of it.  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Full "Troopergate" Report Here For Download

You've read the headlines and my blog, now read the full 265-page "Troopergate" scandal report and judge Sarah Palin's actions for yourself.  

Just click here to download it:

Sarah Palin Accused of Abuse of Power - Violated State Ethics Law

In her attempt to oust the Alaska State Trooper, Mike Wooten, who was her brother-in-law and accused of abusing her sister during their marriage, Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin was found guilty of violating a state ethics law.  

The Alaska Legislature's investigation determined that both Palins played a large role in attempts to strong arm subordinates to have Wooten removed.  One of the key persons involved as a victim was now former public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, who explained in detail how Palin's husband Todd visited him or asked him to come to her office -- not his -- on the matter of Wooten.   

As the NY Times reports, ...

The report says she knowingly “permitted Todd Palin to use the governor’s office and the resources of the governor’s office, including access to state employees, to continue to contact subordinate state employees in an effort to find some way to get Trooper Wooten fired.”

Further, it says, she “knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda.”

Now that the "cats out of the bag" what does it mean for Palin?  Well, she's not going to jail, but in the court of public opinion it totally removes her tag as a "good government reformer" because of the charge of abuse of power.  Moreover, it will almost certainly spillover onto Senator John McCain and open fresh questions regarding how well the McCain staff failed to "vet" Governor Palin.  

The other question is will this news impact McCain's overall polling, which was already behind Senator Obama's after the economic disaster, which shows no sign of abating.  This certainly can't help, but just how much it hurts will not be known until Tuesday, after the public's first two working days of media coverage of the matter.

The McCain staff is already spinning this as the work of "Obama supporters" but as it's an ethics violation, those powerful words will override such fingerpointing.  It's a scarlet letter of the worst kind to have as a public official. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Open Letter to Obama Supporters

Senator McCainCall McCain's choices foolish if you choose to; question his judgment or decry his decisions; cite the choices he's made in comparison to other paths he could have taken, but don't call John McCain a coward, or be goaded into the sort of personal attacks you find problematic coming from the other side.

With over 150,000 jobs lost last month and the stock market in a veritable free-fall it’s no surprise that the economy is seen by many voters as a priority for our next president. It doesn’t take advisors for McCain to know that’s undermining his chances. His campaign is struggling to find any other topic that will eat into the time that electronic and print media devote to the economy. They’re “looking forward to turning the page on the financial crisis.” McCain's mistake is in heeding the wrong advice during the campaign, as he evidently did on deregulation in previous years.
"I'm not trying to excuse such behaviors, particularly since he asserted early on that he'd avoid them. The choice was his. Spinning the record of one's opponent was to be expected - this is politics, and a lot is at stake. My point is: the attacks, be they Palin's words, electronic ads, or the phrases and style in the debate are evidence that McCain has picked the wrong team. His campaign advisors have put him farther behind in the polls than he ever imagined he'd be - and don't forget, any savvy GOP insider knew the odds were bleak following the Bush administration even before the economy belly flopped."
The campaign reflects either the wishes of its leader or his inability to get his orders carried out - and in either case the trend is increasingly to go negative, to attack another Senator, to practice the divisive politics of smear mongering and character assassination. But both Biden and Obama have counseled against descending into adopting those tactics, and they're right.
Senator Barack Obama"You may not like what John McCain stands for. You may deplore the strategies and tactics that are being employed with his approval (explicitly or tacitly.) You may question the motivation and/or goals of McCain and his advisors. You may not trust him based on something you've read, or overheard, or because you think his choice of a running mate is evidence of poor judgment. You may think his voting record is disastrous, or that he's simply too closely aligned with an administration you feel hasn't served the country well. But if you don't approve of the various and sundry attacks aimed at Senator Barack Obama for political reasons you should not - must not - be goaded into adopting them yourself."
Frankly, I find the use of Rovian tactics - the same tactics that caused him to defer to George Bush in 2000 - disappointing, and I hope McCain uses the debate on October 15th to reset the rhetoric rather than let his last campaign taint his legacy. He can take back control, or he can let the advisors exert their poisonous influence in a campaign that's no longer reflective of the integrity and honor we once associated with John McCain.

The Mentally-Ill McCain / Palin Mob In Action - See This

If you want to see how sick Americans can be, watch this video -- or maybe you should not. These are ralliers at a McCain / Palin event in Strongsville, Ohio.  

It's no wonder that the state of Ohio was branded racist during the Democratic Primary. Moreover, Governor Sarah Palin has single-handedly spread an idea of Barack Obama as a terrorist and the people in this video spit-up her hateful chants without an ounce of critical thinking.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Palin Displaying Racism and Disrespect For Senator Obama

Governor Palin needs to really examine her heart these days leading to the election -- if she can find it.  This is what she said today according to Politico:

“Barack Obama hasn’t told the American people the total truth about that, about his association with Ayers,” Palin said on conservative radio host Laura Ingraham’s show. “Doggonit, he fails to tell the American people with candor and with truthfulness what his associations are and we have to know.”

Palin blamed the media for not providing what she characterized as the same level of scrutiny to Obama that it has applied to her and running mate John McCain.

“I don't see the other ticket being asked to be truthful and give details,” Palin said.

“Some in the mainstream media are saying that, well, we’re taking the gloves off unfairly. No. You know there are only, what, 26 days to go. We gotta start getting answers to these questions that are paramount here so that voters have a choice in front of them that is based on truthfulness and candor. They deserve it.”

The Alaska governor told Ingraham’s listeners that if those questions were being answered, voters would find Obama “out of the mainstream,” adding that the Illinois senator would diminish “the prestige of the United States presidency.”

McCain Still Comes Off As REAL ANGRY; Some OF His Supporters Are Nuts

I just subjected myself to watch Senator John McCain and his running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin at a town hall meeting in Wisconsin that was on MSNBC and CNN -- I skip Fox News when I can.

I've got to say that McCain and Palin are drawing the radical fringe movement and I can't help but wonder how many of them are White Supremacists.  Do they represent America? Well, considering that the audiences at these rallies are almost all white, the answer's no.

McCain and Palin are running for a part of America, not all of it.  That's the problem.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain's Mortgage Hail Mary May Alienate His Base

At last night’s second presidential debate, John McCain made what will surely be regarded as his umpteenth Hail Mary throw. In response to a question from an audience member regarding ways the federal government can bail people out of “economic ruin,” McCain said this:

I would order the Secretary of the Treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes – at the diminished value of those homes and let people be able to make those – be able to make those payments and stay in their homes.

Aside from the fact that McCain’s sudden epiphany is already part of the bailout package, McCain’s attempt, less than four weeks before the election, to transform himself from the champion of laissez faire economics to the great patron saint of government intervention into private markets, may backfire.

Surely this comment was tailor made for battleground states like Michigan and Florida, which have been disproportionately hit by the foreclosure crisis. If voters in those states who are struggling to make their mortgage payments are fooled into believing this was actually McCain’s idea, they may decide to vote for McCain. However, the reverse may also be true of his core constituency. Republicans are generally not in favor of government welfare programs, and this can be easily construed as such a program. Interpreted through the lens of McCain’s base, McCain is effectively saying “sure, I know you were foolish enough to buy a home you couldn’t possibly afford, but rather than allow you to suffer the consequences of your own fiscal stupidity, I’m going to take Joe Six-Pack’s tax money and give it to you, to save you from your own ignorance.”

Some voters, both republican and democrat, dislike the idea that the government is going to reward the foolhardy financial decisions of people who bought a house they should have known they couldn’t afford, effectively shifting the burden from those people to the responsible Americans who budget properly. After all, don’t Republican pundits label this as socialism – taking money from responsible taxpayers and “redistributing it” to people who make unwise financial decisions? By attempting to claim this idea as his own, McCain risks being inexorably linked to it, making his base view him as the one trying to play the part of Robin Hood. Thus, even if McCain’s latest Hail Mary (probably more accurately described as an interception attempt) wins him some votes from distressed homeowners in battleground states, those votes could come at the expense not only of support from his Party, but also of other potential votes both in those states and in Republican strongholds. In short, with this Hail Mary, McCain risks alienating his base at a time he can ill afford to do so.

Rob J
Cross-posted to Opinion Streams.

Obama Aide Robert Gibbs Goes After Sean Hannity For Anti-Semite Guest

Yeah for Robert Gibbs.  The top Obama Aide confronted the ever-irritating Sean Hannity over his hosting of an Anti-Semite guest Andy Martin as Sean was trying to make the stupid McCain-supporting Ayers connection that really has no basis in reality.  

It's too bad Gibbs didn't know about the White Supremacist friend Hal Turner Sean has had on his show, too.

Is McCain's Handshake Refusal Racism Toward Obama?

This is the supposed snub, but really I don't think so in looking at this again. Senator McCain tapped Senator Obama on the shoulder to turn him to say "hi" to Cindy McCain, but the way both of the McCain's handled the moment was clumsy and even then revealed a disdain that could be seen as a kind of racism.  

I don't like how McCain's running his campaign and he's trying to rip America apart.

Obama - McCain - Obama Will Win; The Economic Problem Is Why

This video was created just before the debate, but my prediction seems to have held and for the reasons I state here.

This American Economy is in trouble. It's in bad straights for three basic reasons:

1) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate topped out 10 years ago and then decreased and continued to do so through to present day. What that means is that more and more people basically stopped looking for jobs and working at jobs than ever before for the first time.

2) The total rate of job growth started to increase at a rapidly smaller rate in the late 1990s and that continues today. You can see the BLS data I collected right on the video. We added about 20 million jobs each decade from the 60s to the 90s, but again in 1999, the job growth party stopped cold. We added just barely 5 million jobs in ten years, that's a drop of 75 percent over what we've produced in the past.

3) During the period of the job losses and labor force participation problems consumer credit shot to rapid rates of annual increase starting just before the turn of the 21st Century. What that means is as we were losing our capacity to produce jobs, we were relying on the credit system to essentially make up for the lack of job growth we experienced in the past.

That's why we're in trouble now. Job losses due to the increased number of competitive market economies -- not the sub-prime mortgage issue -- is the real problem and its been years in the making. 

We have to fundamentally alter our economy and the current proposals and the Bailout Bill are only a start of getting at the problem -- but they don't impact this combination of forces that basically creates constant job loss and part of that is the overall International Division of Labor, where cheap workers overseas do jobs that were once located here.

There's an answer, and it's in something I call Zennie's Plan. Stay tuned.

On CNN IReport -- click here

Monday, October 06, 2008

The Case for Obama: Economic Recovery Through Progressive Taxation

I. We Are in the Midst of an Economic Crisis

To say that we are experiencing an economic crisis is probably becoming an understatement. Explaining how the crisis unfolded is like watching a “domino effect” in reverse. On September 29th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 777.68 points, the biggest single-day drop in its history. The market fell on news of Congress’ failure to pass a $700 billion bailout package that, according to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, would save crumbling financial institutions and prevent a credit crunch that may send the global economy into a tailspin. The sense of urgency for the ultimately doomed package grew when, in less than a week, two deposit banks – Washington Mutual and Wachovia – failed and had to be absorbed by other financial institutions. The federal seizure of Washington Mutual represented the biggest bank failure in U.S. history, and greatly eclipsed the failures of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, whose demise, along with the federal seizures of AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, precipitated Secretary Paulson’s $700 billion bailout proposal. As of its close on Monday, the Dow has suffered a 34% drop since this time last year.

A. U.S. Indebtedness is Soaring

Even if one turned a blind eye to the horror movie that is the U.S. mortgage market, the signs of our impending economic crisis were written on several walls. Since Bush took office, our national debt has swelled by a jaw-dropping 66.7% and, as of September 25, 2008, stands at more than $9.5 trillion, which represents nearly two-thirds of our GDP as of the second quarter of 2008. The Iraq war has cost the U.S. more than $526 billion and continues to cost $10.3 billion per month. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, by 2017, the Iraq occupation will cost between $1.2 trillion and $1.7 trillion, which will likely have to be debt financed, meaning that billions of dollars in interest must be added to that cost.

To fund, among other expenses, the occupation of Iraq and our reliance on foreign oil, the U.S. is increasingly mortgaging itself to its competitors and potential adversaries. As of July 2008, China holds $518.7 billion in U.S. Treasury Securities (this figure does not include Chinese investment in other areas in the U.S.). Perhaps equally, if not more perplexing: we’ve allowed ownership of our Treasury Securities by oil exporters - which include Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia - to increase by nearly 30% between July 2007 and July 2008 and, during that same period, Russian ownership of U.S. securities has more than doubled. Add to these figures the fact that, as of FY 2007, the U.S. was running a $738.6 billion budget deficit, and it is not hard to see that the U.S.’s penchant for spending billions more than it generates, an appetite which grew markedly under Bush’s presidency, would eventually send our economy spiraling into a meltdown.

B. Jobs Disappear; Costs Skyrocket

While the supposed revenue from Bush’s wealth-favoring tax cuts may not have trickled down to working Americans, the hardships resulting from the emerging economic crisis have. The unemployment rate has risen by 1.4% in 12 months (more than 2 million people), with most of that increase occurring over the past 4 months. Moreover, available third quarter data point to the first quarterly drop in consumer spending in 17 years. While job rolls are decreasing and incomes are stagnant, energy prices have risen markedly. Since the Iraq war began, the average price-per-gallon of gasoline has risen 118% (from $1.73 on March 24, 2003 to $3.77 on September 22, 2008). The price of natural gas has risen by over 50% in the six-month period ending June 2008. Health care costs have risen at a rate four times faster than wages over the past six years. Indeed, from our banking crisis to our huge debt, rising unemployment, decreased consumer spending and increased energy and heath care costs, nearly all signs point to an economic crisis that this country has not seen since the Great Depression.

II. Obama’s Plan Will Strengthen Our Economy and Protect Our Workers

It is for this reason that the most important question on voters’ minds may be which presidential candidate’s policies will lead to an economic recovery. If that’s the question on your mind then Barack Obama’s economic policies should appeal to you as well as to the remainder of over 95% of working Americans. Obama’s policies reflect the fact that the best way to generate economic growth are to stimulate the workforce, invest in business and put more money in the hands of those who need it most.

A. Restoring Jobs through Opening New Markets

Obama’s plan focuses on putting more Americans to work and helping the overwhelming majority of Americans keep more money in their pockets. By investing in wind energy and other renewable energy sources and fuel infrastructure and by incentivizing U.S. auto manufacturers to step up domestic production of hybrid vehicles, Obama will create a new job sector and open up 5 million new “green” jobs. In addition to fuel infrastructure modernization, Obama will also invest in the transportation infrastructure by creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank (NIRB), an independent entity tasked with moving our transportation system into the 21st century. The NIRB will provide financing to projects that will create up to two million new direct and indirect jobs while generating roughly $35 billion in annual economic activity.

Obama will also invest in preparing Americans for 21st century jobs – by making college more affordable (example: larger tax credit for educational assistance to low income students) and by incentivizing training for tech-sector jobs – and ensuring that more jobs stay in the U.S. Obama will give preference in public contracts to companies that maintain a domestic workforce rather than moving jobs overseas. Obama will also fight for passage of the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 – which Obama introduced and which will create a tax credit for companies that maintain a favorable ratio of domestic to foreign workers, provide decent wages and health insurance and support employees who serve in the military. By contrast, McCain would repeal the domestic production activities tax deduction, a deduction that primarily benefits small businesses and is aimed at encouraging domestic production – rather than foreign outsourcing – of goods. McCain is clearly demonstrating how committed he is to keeping our jobs at home.

B. Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Corporate Investment

Obama realizes that thriving businesses are an integral part of sustainable economic growth. Thus, he will eliminate all capital gains taxes to start up and small businesses and also make the “Making Work Pay” tax credit (discussed below) applicable to small business owners. Obama will make the research and development tax credits permanent (a move McCain supports), thereby continuing a commitment to develop a skilled research and development workforce and a domestic technology infrastructure that primarily benefits American workers.

C. Putting Money in the Pockets of Those Who Need it Most

Americans returning to work under an Obama administration, as well as the overwhelming majority of those already working, will see their after-tax income improve at a time when Americans need higher effective income the most. It is by now no secret that, despite McCain’s misrepresentations to the contrary, Americans making less than $250,000 per year will see an increase in their after tax income under Obama’s plan. According to the Tax Policy Center’s “Updated Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans”, Obama will extend the 10, 15, 25 and 28 percent tax brackets while restoring the Clinton administration’s 36 and 39.6 percent brackets at the upper end. Obama will also provide a $1,000 energy rebate to American families – funded by a windfall profits tax on oil companies – together with a $1,000 per family ($500 for individuals) “Making Work Pay” tax credit – which will eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans – and an elimination of taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 per year – ending taxation of 7 million seniors and increasing their annual savings by an average of $1,400. Taken together, Obama’s tax policies would mean a 5.5% tax cut for the poorest 20% of Americans and a 2.6% cut (an average of $1,118 in extra income) for middle-income Americans.

Moreover, Obama will work to ensure that families have a proper work/life balance. He will expand the FMLA to cover businesses with 25 or more employees (the threshold is currently 50 employees), and also expand coverage of the FMLA to include: (1) up to 24 hours of leave each year for parents to participate in their children’s academic activities; (2) leave for employees to address domestic violence; and (3) leave for elder care. Obama will also expand flexible work options for civil service workers and will invest in programs aimed at showing private employers the benefits of the same. Moreover, Obama will extend and expand the child and dependent care tax credit, providing significantly more assistance to low-income families and increasing the after-tax wages of the poorest workers.

D. Helping Families Keep their Homes

The inability of homeowners to pay their mortgage is a principal cause of our apparent need for a $700 billion bailout. Obama is thus fighting to ensure that any package that makes its way through Congress includes provisions to help families stay in their homes. Additionally, Obama’s plan would create a 10% universal mortgage credit for those families who do not itemize deductions and are thus not eligible for the mortgage interest and property tax deductions. Obama will also fight for passage of his “Stop Fraud Act”, which is aimed at protecting homeowners from predatory lenders.

E. McCain’s Plan is Bad for Small Business and the American Worker

McCain, on the other hand, favors maintaining, and in some cases expanding, Bush’s tax policies that favored the wealthy and regressively put the highest tax burden on those least able to afford it. As the Tax Policy Center explains, while keeping all current individual tax brackets in place, McCain would drop the 35% corporate tax bracket and phase down the next highest bracket until it reaches 25% by 2014 (effectively dropping the top corporate tax rate by 10%). McCain will also greatly extend the AMT exemption until it reaches $143,000 by 2013 (Obama would extend AMT exemptions as well, but by not nearly as much) and increase the estate tax exemption to $5 million while reducing its tax rate from 45% to 15%. While this news may bode well for corporations, wealthy Americans who are actually subject to the AMT, and the approximately 4,000 extremely wealthy estates subject to McCain’s estate tax, it doesn’t look so good for the rest of us. Under McCain’s plan, the poorest American workers will see, on average, only $21 in additional after-tax income, while the richest 1 in 1000 Americans will see more than $290,000 in additional income (Obama’s plan would increase the tax burden of those individuals by 8.9%, or an average of $550,000). Middle income Americans’ after-tax income will increase by only $325 under McCain. Further, McCain actually markets his plan to repeal the domestic production activities deduction as a partial offset to the revenue loss from dropping corporate tax rates. Translation: McCain will make small businesses and those companies that produce “Made in the USA” goods bear the cost of his big corporate tax cuts.

Perhaps McCain wants American workers to take that extra $21 and invest it in healthcare, because as I explained in my healthcare article, McCain plans to end the era of pre-tax insurance payroll deductions and replace it with an inadequate tax credit, meaning that the poorest Americans will likely have to come up with an average $12,000 for off-the-shelf health insurance, which McCain wants to deregulate the same way he deregulated Wall Street (and we see how well that went). McCain’s programs clearly do not favor most working Americans and, furthermore, are counterproductive to digging us out of our weakened economy.

While McCain’s plan will disproportionately benefit the richest Americans, the cost of his plan –which will be borne by working and middle class taxpayers, as well as by future generations – is staggering. The Tax Policy Center estimates that McCain’s tax plan would increase our budget deficit to nearly $7.4 trillion by 2018. (recall, as noted above, that the deficit is just over $7 billion as of FY 2007). McCain’s wealth-favoring tax brackets and AMT extensions will alone account for $2.9 trillion of that revenue decrease over the 10 year period. In other words, while the rich would continue to get richer on the backs of American laborers under McCain’s plan, McCain plan would generate an astonishing acceleration of the rate at which our nation is mortgaged to foreign, and potentially hostile, countries. To be sure, Obama’s plan will also generate increased budget deficits, but by a significantly smaller amount and in a much more progressive manner.

III. The Way Ahead

The “chickens” that represent Reagan’s and Bush’s trickle down economic policies are finally coming home to roost, and it looks like the cost for the failure of these economic policies is going to be somewhere north of $700 billion. This is not to say that democrats do not share blame for the policies that got us into this mess. However, the economic policies espoused by democrats differ from those of republicans in that they have not placed the burden for reparation of our nation’s fiscal irresponsibility on America’s poorest workers. According to Princeton professor Alan S. Binder, “income inequality has trended substantially upward under Republican presidents but slightly downward under Democrats.” And since 2001, when Bush took office, we’ve witnessed a marked rise in after-tax income inequality. McCain wants to continue Bush’s policies, squandering our resources and spiraling our economy deeper into the deficit abyss while providing laughable tax breaks for everyday Americans who have to watch as big corporations and the extremely wealthy enjoy significantly more after-tax income. That’s a continuation not only of the policies of inequality, but also of the policies that got us into this mess.

Barack Obama’s plan will put more Americans to work, protect American jobs and modernize our workforce while investing in small businesses, protecting Americans’ homes and creating a progressive tax code that provides real income to American workers, all at a cost that is significantly less than McCain’s regressive tax policies. Obama clearly understands what is needed to bring about an economic recovery and his policies are better able to accomplish that task than are McCain’s. Obama is the better candidate for economic recovery.

Rob J
Cross-posted to Opinion Streams.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

John McCain And The Keating Five - " Keating Economics" -

This is the subject John McCain would like many to forget about, but since it concerns the financial markets, which recently caved, the matter of the "Keating Five" scandal comes front and center in the election campaign.

The "Keating Five" scandal consists of five elected officials, four Democrats, none of them active anymore and one Republican -- John McCain. McCain had a close relationship with Charles Keating, the CEO of Lincoln Financial. Keating gave each official, including McCain well over $300,000 to have them hold off the Federal Government from checking into allegations of fraud. McCain himself got over $100,000, making him the largest benefactor of Charles Keating's fiscal gift.

In turn, McCain held off scrutiny, but was eventually caught. McCain was found guilty by the Senate Ethics Committee of using "poor judgement" in his dealings and relationship with Keating.

Now, the question of what John McCain's learned -- nothing -- comes up again. There's a new website that's focused on this called "Keating Economics" and on October 6th at 12 noon -- that's tommorrow -- a new video on the subject will be released.

Stay Tuned.

Sarah Palin's Folksiness Is The Problem - Newsweek

Newsweek has an excellent article on "The Palin Problem" which the mag sees as that in representing "Joe Six Pack" is it good or right for the person seeking high public office to be "like average Americans.?"

The other problem I have is that I view Joe Six Pack as racist.

More on that, later.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sarah Palin Distracts Voters and Journalists With Her Legs

This video shows that Alaska Governor and GOP hopeful VP Candidate uses her legs to gain an advantage. But we Democrats must undertand that we're all gaining from this process -- eventually people will get tired of the whole deal of seeing her legs and vote for Obama = Biden.

See this on CNN iReport.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

At Senate Bailout Bill Vote, McCain Rude To Obama

Remember last week's debate, when some observed that Senator John McCain acted as if he didn't like Senator Barack Obama, refusing to look at him during the contest and acting as if he was annoyed at the very presence of Obama? In fact, this CNN iReporter explained it well:

Well, here's even more evidence that McCain's "got issues" with Barack Obama. According to CQ Politics:

Let the record reflect that Barack Obama made the approach to John McCain tonight.

As the two shared the Senate floor tonight for the first time since they won their party nominations, Obama stood chatting with Democrats on his side of the aisle, and McCain stood on the Republican side of the aisle.

So Obama crossed over into enemy territory.

He walked over to where McCain was chatting with Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida and Independent Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut. And he stretched out his arm and offered his hand to McCain.

McCain shook it, but with a “go away” look that no one could miss. He tried his best not to even look at Obama.

Finally, with a tight smile, McCain managed a greeting: “Good to see you.”

Well, at least McCain's right about one thing: he didn't win "Miss Congeniality" for nothing!

Gallup Daily: Obama Up 4 Points; Daily Kos Tracking: Obama Up By 10 Points

The war of poll methods can be seen in the major difference between Gallup and Daily Kos. Gallup Daily has Senator Obama ahead of Senator McCain by 4 points, 48 to 44. By contrast, Daily Kos has Obama with a 10 point lead 51 to 41. The Daily Kos poll is done by Research 2000 and uses Likely Voters. Since they tend to be Republican, that spells danger for McCain. But it must be noted, Gallup should be more transparent about their methods.


Today is the next critical step in the road to the passage or failure of The Bailout Bill. This is the day the Senate takes up the matter of the legislation with Senators and presidential candidates Barack Obama, John McCain, and Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden expected to attend for the voting process.

According to the Huff Post, the new version of the bill has tax reductions in it to gain more Republican support than the last version.

The vote takes place tonight.

Average Voters Don't Get It

What's upseting to me is how many people just plain don't understand the problem we face. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said it best when he observed that "Commerce could stop", and Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that “Everything that is happening in the economic and financial sphere has started in the United States. This is a real crisis that all of us are facing," the former president told a government meeting in Moscow.

“And what is really sad is that we see an inability to take appropriate decisions. This is no longer irresponsibility on the part of some individuals, but irresponsibility of the whole system, which as you know had pretensions to (global) leadership."

What's galling is that Americans don't seem to understand how their finances are tied to Wall Street and the World Economy.