Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Darnell Patrick Lauture Alledgedly Killed Amanda Dunbar's Sister Stacey Lauture, His Wife

Darnell Patrick Lauture Alledgedly Killed Amanda Dunbar's Sister Stacey Lauture, His Wife

Zennie Abraham got an email from a friend of his, IFBB pro female bodybuilder Amanda Dunbar. He says he's gotten a lot of emails from Amanda over the many years, but this one is the first to totally shock him and it hits me, too. This is what she wrote:

I'm not sure if anyone has heard about this yet, but my sister, 21 year old, Stacey Lauture, was murdered by her husband, Darnell Lauture on Tuesday early evening.

She was beaten, then shot in the head, while her 2 year old beautiful angel, Amiyah, watched. Darnell then took off with Amiyah, and drove from their home in GA to his parents house in Cape Coral, Florida. It has been 4 days since Amiyah has spoken to or seen anyone in her family and she needs to be returned. She is in protective foster care and I am fearful of her mental well-being at this point.

The poor child is only 2. Please, if you see Darnell or have seen him, contact the police immediately. He is an ex-truck driver and "I suspect" he is hitch-hiking on the interstate. Taking showers, eating, sleeping at truck stops. He was in South Florida the last thing we knew, but could be ANYWHERE by now. He has under $1000 on him with no credit available. He was driving my sisters blue, 2004, 4-door Hyundai sonata. We have to catch this killer. He is armed and dangerous. Please.... if you know anything or have seen him, contact the police immediately.

According to this Times Herald article, ..

Police have begun a several state manhunt for 24-year-old Darnell Patrick Lauture who is wanted in connection with the shooting death of his wife, 21-year-old Stacey Lauture, according to local authorities.

The incident happened overnight Tuesday at Stacey Lauture’s townhouse in Lakeside Apartments, located at 3405 Lakeside Way in Newnan, according to Major James Yarbrough of the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office.

Stacey and Darnell Lauture were in the process of a divorce, and police had been called to the residence in the past to investigate domestic issues.

From what members of the sheriff’s office have gathered, Stacey was last seen alive around noon on Tuesday. Sometime after that, Darnell Lauture allegedly shot her once, fatally wounding her, according to Yarbrough.

This is shocking. I'm sending this email to every news media person I know, please pass this blog post on and write about it, too if you're a blogger.

I will give periodic updates.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zennie Abraham on KQED's "Forum" Thursday, June 25, 2008

I will be a guest and part of a panel on the matter of Deborah Edgerly, Mayor Dellums, and the "state" of The City of Oakland, Thursday Morning June 25th on KQED's "Forum," 88.5 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area. It's a call-in show. I don't -- yet -- know who the other panelists will be.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

McCain Aide: Don't Have To Use Computers To Know Impact

Mark Soohoo of the McCain for President Campaign really stuck his foot in his mouth -- several times -- at this panel discussion as part of the Personal Democracy Forum 2008. Mark Soohoo says that one does not have to use a computer to understand the Internet. He also says that Senator McCain, is "aware of the Internet." But can he find it? Watch the video, where Tracy Russo of the Edwards campaign really takes Mark Soohoo to task for his comments.

I guess McCain's aware of all Internet traditions too!

Amber Lee Ettinger As Obama Girl v. Collete Nelson as "The McCain

Amber. Tired., originally uploaded by Barely Political.

This is a totally funny movie video by Barely Political and shows both Amber Lee Ettinger as Obama Girl and IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder Collete Nelson as "The McCain She-Hulk".

To see what Collete Nelson looks like, click here.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillaryis44 and Taylor Marsh Want To Destroy Democratic Party

We've got to work to discredit this website and Taylor Marsh as well. They're going to continue their anti-Obama campaign, even as Senator Clinton has endorsed Senator Obama, and many pro-Obama bloggers like myself have rallied to support Senator Clinton as Vice President.

Hillary is 44 and Taylor Marsh need to knock off their rhetoric.

Many -- in fact all -- of the posts on those sites are studies in angry, unsubstantiated, anger. Just rambling on and on and accusing Barack Obama of matters of which were not his doing and also not even justified with a link -- just ramble-bamble words. Words of hate.

The one way we can take this site down is for each blogger to write a post that reads " Must Be Destroyed" Or
" Is Outdated" -- and then "tag" those blogs, and link the posts to at least one other "like-minded" post.

Anyone who has a blog, please do this ASAP. They're out of control over there.

Hillary is 44 must be taken down or change its message to follow what Senator Clinton has asked her supporters to do, support Barack Obama for President. Hillary is 44's owner and writers seem bent on causing the Democratic Party to lose the election, and Taylor Marsh has written that she's "an American first, before party" but I would assert that she's one with a huge problem that given what she's wrote would seem to point to racism on her part.

Indeed, many bloggers think Taylor Marsh is racist, from "Mark Warner Is God" over at DailyKos, to the "Room Eight" New York blog, as well as Oliver Willis, who points to Taylor's commenters and their racist Obama rants. Then we have "Cali Tajano" who says that Taylor Marsh has gone off the deep end. And JohnBrownks has a full analysis of her bio, which is a must read.

But the bottom line is that she and Hillary 44 have gone too far off the desert and must come back home. The only move left is to effectively marginalize them as being on the lunatic fringe. But there are many who say they're already there.