Unimpressed by Tuesday primary numbers, U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky announced his endorsement of
Barack Obama for the Democratic Party's nomination for President early Wednesday. The announcement makes Visclosky the 7th Indiana Super to back Obama. "I have confidence that Obama’s energy plan will go a long way toward reducing our dependence on foreign oil by increasing our ability to produce renewable, non-carbon energy sources. I trust that Obama’s healthcare plan will begin moving us toward guaranteeing a minimum level of coverage for all. And I know that Senator Obama will respect the constitution and restore the rule of law," said Visclosky's statement.
"After two terms under President Bush, we are engaged in a calamitous war in Iraq, unemployment is rising as our jobs are outsourced overseas, gas prices are out of control, foreclosures are decimating our communities, and access to healthcare is diminishing by the day. Our country is once again in a dark hour and we need a new President to bring Americans together and change the country for the better."
In a further illumination of his decision to endorse Obama, Viscklosky's statement went on to say:
“Right now, America needs a President who offers a vision of the future comprised of sensible solutions to today’s problems. We need a president who will bring people together, give them hope, spur change, and set the U.S. back on a course toward progress, prosperity, and global leadership.”
While Tuesday's unsurprising outcome in West Virginia will be spun for ratings by pundits even though the actual impact is minimal due to the small number of voters and delegates involved, the support continues to surge in Obama's favor, and
fund-raising by Obama's Grassroots Finance Committee continues to outshine efforts by the fading Clinton campaign.