Showing posts with label michael the black man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label michael the black man. Show all posts

Friday, September 19, 2008

Florida Obama Heckler "Michael The Black Man" Is One Loon

I just got this great blog post a few seconds ago about the African American man who has this weird habit of interrupting Senator Obama's speeches when Obama's in Florida:

Earlier today, during a speech in Coral Gables, Florida, Obama was interrupted by a group of black people carrying signs denouncing him as a supporter of gay marriage, abortion, and the KKK. At first, Obama supported their right to be there and carry their signs, if they would just let him continue his speech. After interrupting him several more times, the group were escorted out of the building. Who were these protestors, and what were they after?
Calling themselves “Blacks Against Obama,” they alleged that Obama has been endorsed by the KKK, and that “Jessie Jackson Hates Obama.” Their home-made signs had the words “Michael Warns” on the bottom, which links to the

It seems that Michael — or Michael The Black Man as he prefers to be called — is a charismatic preacher who leads a cult-like church that preaches to black men against the evils of women. The e-mail address listed to contact Michael is, and Michael seems to run a daily video sermon programmewhere he sings and talks about the ways to redeem “BLACK MEN,” [sic] which mostly seems to be by avoiding any contact of feelings for women. In fact, the ailing of black men in the United States is placed entirely upon the shoulders of black women, child support, and the Democratic Party:
HER NAME IS JEZEBEL, 1/3 OF THE  BLACK WOMEN OF AMERICA. This book is written to primarily show the BLACK MAN and the WORLD the true source of their problem…33% of the Black Women of America (BABYLON). GOD is angry with worshipping this WOMAN LILITH the devil.

Well, that's the end of that.  Why would anyone who's sane listen to a guy who thinks like that?  Maybe that's why Barack's ahead in Florida now?