Showing posts with label reproductive rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reproductive rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Members of Congress who voted for the Stupak ban are expressing “buyer’s remorse”

Members of Congress have been saying in public interviews that they didn’t realize the impact of Stupak's amendment before they voted for this proposal. Now that they have come to fully appreciate the impact of the Stupak ban they're rethinking their positions. Like President Obama, members of the House are indicating that the Stupak amendment went too far.

The Stupak ban would prohibit any coverage of abortion in the new "exchange," or marketplace, established by health reform. This ban would apply to both the proposed public option and to private plans.

Currently, a majority of private health insurance plans cover abortion care - even the one offered to employees of the Republican National Committee. But if your employer obtains your insurance in the future through the new exchange you will lose that coverage.

There is an alternative.

The Capps compromise, worked out by both pro-choice and anti-choice members of Congress, ensures that no federal funding would be used to pay for abortions while also ensuring that women do not lose the benefits they currently have. Under Capps, no federal funds would be used for abortion. The funds would be segregated from private dollars.

Thomas Hayes
is an entrepreneur, journalist, and political analyst who contributes regularly to a host of web sites on topics ranging from economics and politics to culture and community.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If you're concerned about choice, don't jump the Democratic ship

Obama supporters have been developing strategies for appealing to ardent Clinton supporters to not jump the Democratic ship after the strident primary season that led to Obama's nomination. Most, and I would be pressed to say all, Clinton supporters are pro-choice and therein, perhaps, lies our best argument. In John McCain, they will find no safe harbor. For the best discussion I've seen to date on this issue, head over to The Carpetbagger Report and check out Why pro-choice Dems have nothing to like about John McCain. And if reproductive choice is of any import to you, use your vote in November wisely.