Showing posts with label san francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san francisco. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Julian Davis Talks About "Yes On H" The SF Clean Energy Act

Julian Davis is the Chair of the "Yes on H" San Francisco Clean Energy campaign. He sat down to talk with me about the measure, which is on the San Francisco Ballot. The website is

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Obama Suppoters Talk About Obama, McCain, Palin - VIDEO

This video was created at a rally for Barack Obama in Berkeley Thursday that drew 1,000 people. I asked Obama supporters why they backed Obama and what they thought about the GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

CNN's "Black In America" Does Not Represent Middle Class Blacks

CNN's Black in America is a welcome addition to TV, but it has a major problem to me in that it does not represent middle class African Americans.

Much of the telecast shows Blacks who are downtrodden, or have had something "done" to them by the "system." It's a one-sided view of Blacks that does not help in really understanding African Americans. Not every aspect of Black culture or the life of those of us who are is negative, and I feel that the general life of middle class Blacks was ignored.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New World Order Video Against World Government

This video going around repeats the phrase "New World Order" as if it's a bad idea. The feat is that a "World Government" will take freedoms away from people.

Personally I object to this point of view. I'm not sold on the idea that our current World order, which promotes racism and separatism and nationalism, is the best way for us.

At any rate, it's a great video. Here it is: