Showing posts with label torrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label torrance. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hate Crime Against Obama Supporter In Torrance, CA

Well, for all of the good feeling you now have some crazies coming out and making themselves known. I saw this on the Obama listserv called "Loa Angeles For Obama":

Hi Everyone,

I'm beyond upset to report that my neighbor who has been an active Obama supporter just had her house vandalized. She had put a "Yes, we did!" sign on her house and some assholes came and spray painted her car with swastikas and "88" which is a symbol of neo-nazi groups apparently.

We live in Torrance and which is a fairly conservative, but racially mixed area, but hate crimes are not something that usually rear their ugly heads here. The perpetrators are clearly idiots as well because my neighbor is white.

I feel especially bad because she had expressed some fear in putting up the sign in the first place and I told her not to be scared because I'd only gotten positive feedback from people this whole time I've been expressing my support for Obama. In any case I want to organize some way for Obama supporters to send her our support but I'm not sure what the protocol should be. I'd appreciate any guidance in the matter.