Monday, November 10, 2008

Hate Crime Against Obama Supporter In Torrance, CA

Well, for all of the good feeling you now have some crazies coming out and making themselves known. I saw this on the Obama listserv called "Loa Angeles For Obama":

Hi Everyone,

I'm beyond upset to report that my neighbor who has been an active Obama supporter just had her house vandalized. She had put a "Yes, we did!" sign on her house and some assholes came and spray painted her car with swastikas and "88" which is a symbol of neo-nazi groups apparently.

We live in Torrance and which is a fairly conservative, but racially mixed area, but hate crimes are not something that usually rear their ugly heads here. The perpetrators are clearly idiots as well because my neighbor is white.

I feel especially bad because she had expressed some fear in putting up the sign in the first place and I told her not to be scared because I'd only gotten positive feedback from people this whole time I've been expressing my support for Obama. In any case I want to organize some way for Obama supporters to send her our support but I'm not sure what the protocol should be. I'd appreciate any guidance in the matter.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    We had our car vandalized and the perpetrator sprayed a swastika in black paint over our sticker of Obama with the word "Hope" on it. We are SAD that such an act still occurs in our quiet & safe neighborhood of Torrance, but we are NOT fearful. It only confirms our support of Barack and the change that is needed. The future of our children depends on the work we endure today under the leadership of our new President. We live in a Democracy - we are not Socialists, we are not Fascists.

    Fear only empowers the Ignorant.

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    We're with you! I too had the same type of apprehension prior to placing a lawn sign in front of my Torrance home, but I did it for two reasons, 1) to be an example to my children that part of what makes our participatory democratic system great is that we can share our views openly, and 2) to send a message to my neighbors, many of which were afraid to openly support President Elect Obama. McCain/Palin signs outnumbered Obama/Biden signs at least 10:1 in my neighborhood. Interestlingly enough we've had neighbors say to us "we like your sign..way to go". Nevertheless the concern of hate driven vandalism is still presnt, as seen in the case of your car & neighborhood. I wish it weren't that way, but perhaps the silver lining in all of this is that the issue is out in the open, people are forced to talk about it and the thugs that perpetrated these acts are exposed for the ignorant, petty and hate-filled people they really are. God bless you and your family.
