Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Barack Obama Hits Milestone - 1,965 Pledged Delegates A Majority

Senator Barack Obama took a major step closer to achieving the Democratic Presidential Nomination when he reacted 1,965 pledged delegates and now needing just 60 more delegates and / or Superdelegates to reach the magic mark of 2,025 total delegates and the nomination.

Here's Obama's speech:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prayers For Senator Kennedy

I've learned as you may have, that Senator Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor. My prayers go out to Senator Kennedy and his family.

The Most Important Endorsement of Obama

All the others pale in comparison to the one that Senator Hillary Clinton has been giving, day in and day out, to Obama, starting more than a year ago. Indirect, unofficial, and obviously unstated, this constructive and active endorsement benefits Obama in ways any other endorsement doesn't. Her staying in promotes Obama's name. At last, Eteraz answers the question: why would savvy politicos like the Clintons keep campaigning when some said they were damaging the party? It's been said several ways, in several times, few matched this eloquent explanation. Once Senator Clinton's most loyal supporters understand this the "Democrats deep rift" that the GOP has been praying for will be seen as a short-lived myth.

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President Bush Wants To Attack Iran - Jerusalem Post

I am counting the days before the end of President Bush's term. According to the Jerusalem Post, he wants to attack Iran and soon, because his days in office are winding down.

Bush has been a miserable failure, period. Our economy is a wrekc, wars don't help it and he breaks off negotiations with a small third World country and has another war in mind.

Please leave office!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Darren McFadden - Marketing Team and Mom At NFL Draft- Video

We meet the marketing people behind promoting the Oakland Raiders' new running back Darren McFadden. We also talk to Darren's Mom -- all at the NFL Draft.

Unifying after a fractious fight, or: Being Appolonian Is Not Appeasement

The voter unity the Democrats will seek to support either candidate foreshadows (and mirrors) the unity the entire USA needs to support the next president. It may be trickier if Clinton prevails given Obama's broad support OUTSIDE his own party, but... Here's an audacious non-political formula to get there regardless. We can allow ourselves to grow apart, isolated and increasingly vulnerable, or we can decide to grow together. We must respect each other, and exhibit that respect even when we disagree, because despite disagreements what was true in 1776 is still true today: we are still seeking to form a more perfect union, and we flourish by unifying the myriad diverse strengths of individuals into a synergistic, unified democracy. It's a work in progress. Of course, it's easier in theory than it will be in practice, and we may have to oust the ratings-hungry sound-biters to succeed. (Oh darn.)

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Barack Obama Draws A Record 75,000 In Portland, Oregon Today

I've seen 18,000 gather in Oakland's City Hall plaza to hear Senator Obama and I thought that was massive. Every part of the area was filled with people and I could not imagine a larger gathering.

Well, think of a crowd almost four times larger than that and you will have this photo and the massively attended Obama speech in Portland, Oregon today.

What this says is Barack should not only do well in Oregon, he should clinch the number of delegates he needs to claim a majority of pledged delegates. But this also sends a message to Superdelegates that he's got a massive base of donors giving below $200, which means the Obama campaign does not have to share the names on their mailing lists.

If you want to be a part of Obama's action, you've got to back him.