Monday, July 07, 2008

Zennie62 Introduces DNC Convention Coverage

A few weeks ago, Zennie's Zeitgeist was credentialed to cover the DNC Convention.

In short, we're going to be brings you both live and video blog coverage from the floor of the 2008 Democratic Convention. It also means a milestone in the assent of our blogs as a business unit of Sports Business Simulations and is major proof that I made the right bet in 2003 when I determined to establish a writer's group called SBS Personalities and in 2005 when I first started this blog network.

All I can say is thanks to Drew at the DNC, and thanks to the DNC. We -- Ashley, Tom, Dave, and myself -- are excited!

Now, today I leave for the DNC Convention Media Walkthrough on Tuesday. I'll bring my camera and give coverage at both our YouTube Channel Zennie62 and here at

YouTube's "joshuahaskellcarr" Sends Zennie A Death Wish

I received an email on YouTube from"joshuahaskellcarr" which was a Death Wish, pure and simple, and explains how much this person wanted me "gone." So I informed YouTube, blocked the user, and now I'm informing you. I'm also "Defining The Relationship" between guests and me in my channel, or "my house." Please do not use nasty words or harass me or any other commenter. And behavior like the one I described in this video will be met with a ban and a report to YouTube and the FBI.

I'm serious about this. We can disagree and still be civil toward one another. Please bring your debate hat and your "A" game, as Ron Paul supporters have done. They're the masters of civil debate; love em.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Senator Obama and Speaker Pelosi Relationship Speculation Shows Media Think It Knows Every Move of Obama

Senator Obama and Speaker Pelosi Relationship Speculation Shows Media Think It Knows Every Move of Obama

I just read this SF Gate article entitled "How Pelosi might work with a President Obama". The author, Zachary Coile, of the Chronicle Washington Bureau, writes:

After Obama arrived in the Senate in 2005, the pair saw each other occasionally at official events or private dinners. Since he became the presumptive nominee, they have spoken by phone several times, aides said. But they have yet to have a formal meeting to discuss their agendas or plot strategy for the fall campaign.

But how the hell does he know that "they have yet to have a formal meeting to discuss their agendas"? Having worked in politics, I can tell you that an elected official does not always tell everyone where they're going or who they're meeting. Moreover, some of the best deals are done at "private dinners", but you would not know that reading Coile's article.

What bothers me more is that people will read the article and think Coile's totally right, then quote it to someone else, who will talk to another person.

And so the spread of what is a total misunderstanding of politics continues.

President Bush Heckled At July 4th Speech; GOP Fears Senate Losses

It is not looking good for the Republican Party and that's good news for the Democrats. Consider that on July 4th, President Bush was heckled repeatedly as the video shows here:

While GOP Senator John Ensign (R) Nebraska talks about the possible loss of Senate seats in the fall. The one question is how bad will the losses be?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Oakland Raiders Heaquarters In Alameda, California

Originally uploaded by jobyyboj
This is a photo of the Oakland Raiders headquarters in Alameda, California. It's at 1200 Harbor Bay Parkway. The facility was acquired with the help of a $10 million "loan" from the City of Oakland and the County of Alameda as part of what's now called "The Raiders Deal."

Friday, July 04, 2008

Viacom and Judge Louis L. Stanton Rob YouTube Users of Privacy

On Thursday July 3rd, U.S. District Court Judge Louis L. Stanton forced YouTube to give Viacom -- which owns shows like "The Daily Show", and "The Colbert Report" -- records that show what videos you and I have been watching.

Here in this video , I explain that the implications are dangerous and could help, for example, the Chinese Government find and kill Tibetan protesters. In this, a private company could purchase the data from Viacom and then resell it to the Chinese Government.

The Chinese Government could use the IP address information to find the general location of Tibetan protesters, go to their areas, and kill them. That's a possible scenario.

I considered the court's "restriction" on use of the material by Viacom. But that's the problem: the block is on how the data is used -- there's no specific prohibition of the sale of the information.

The reason for all of these actions, if you've not followed the story is that Viacom has sued YouTube for allegations of copywrite infringement. Viacom lost on the majority of motions, but the one that's sticking asks for YouTube to essentially share records of what videos you and I have been watching, and that includes IP adresses.

I can't see the need for the data. Viacom claims that they wish to learn if audience views to a Viacom show on YouTube are greater than that for amateur shows like LonelyGirl15. They don't need all of that information to see that LonelyGirl15 has a larger audience traffic than "The Colbert Report" on YouTube.

You can complain about this decision. In the video, and here, I give the contact information for Judge Stanton and his Law Clerk, Samson Enzer.

The contact info is this: Phone number for Judge Stanton: 212-805-0252 and the fax is 212-805-0359. Mr. Enzer is on Linkedin and Facebook. You can contact him directly from this blog post.

CNN's Donna Brazile Comes To SF For Obama Fundraiser July 15th, Palace

Donna Brazile, originally uploaded by

CNN's Donna Brazile Comes To SF For Obama Fundraiser July 15th, Palace Hotel

CNN's Donna Brazile is coming To San Francisco For a Fundraiser for the "Obama Victory Fund" July 15th from 12 noon to 1:30 PM at The Palace Hotel, (2 New Montgomery, downtown San Francisco and just off Montgomery BART Station), and you can join us with a $150 contribution or a $1,000 contribution for a VIP reception to host Ms. Brazile. To join us, just click on this link:

And as you sign up and donate, type in "Zennie Abraham" in the field "PLEASE LET US KNOW WHO ENCOURAGED YOU TO MAKE THIS CONTRIBUTION:"

About Donna Brazile

Donna Brazile is Founder and Managing Director of Brazile and Associates, LLC and is the first African-American to direct a major presidential campaign, having done so for Gore-Libermann 2000. Brazile is perhaps best known as the weekly and at times daily contributor to CNN's "The Situation Room" and other CNN programs.

Recently, Brazile made news again as an active member of the DNC Rules Committee, where she told then-Clinton supporter and former Governor Jim Blanchard "my mama told me you gotta play by the rules."

Donna Brazile is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including Washingtonian Magazine's 100 Most Powerful Women in Washington, D.C. and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Award for Political Achievement.

A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Brazile earned her undergraduate degree from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. She's also the author of Cooking With Grease: Stirring the Pots in American Politics

Please join us for this lunchtime discussion from 12 noon to 1:30 PM, Tuesday, July 15th.