Saturday, October 04, 2008

Bush's tax policies didn't create jobs, or economic well-being for most Americans. Why does McCain want to pursue more of the same?

Senator Barack Obama is proposing tax cuts that would help struggling, middle-class families get back on track and provide relief during these financially uncertain times.

No matter how many times John McCain claims otherwise, the overwhelming majority of Americans will never see a tax increase under Barack's plans. Barack's proposals will lower tax rates for 95% of families, including the small business owners that are the core of our economic well-being. It's time to help the folks that have been hurt the most by the Bush economic policies that McCain has backed for the past eight years.

John McCain pledged to run and honorable, honest campaign. Instead he's been using his stump speeches and attack ads to purposefully mislead voters about Obama's real tax plans.

The crisis that we're facing calls for innovative solutions. John McCain's plan calls for renewing Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. That didn't create jobs. That didn't stimulate economic growth. In fact, that approach is fundamentally more of the same, and the United State of America just can't afford it.

No more lies.

Before you vote, know who will raise your taxes more. According to independent, non-partisan comparisons, if you earn less than $250,000 per year? It's McCain.

Do the causes of Global warming matter?

Let's try a little hypothetical situation:

You're standing on a riverbank and you see more and more people who appear to be trying to get out of the river, but they're tired and can't swim to shore so they're being swept on out to sea. Do you
  1. go upstream and figure out why they're all in the river, or
  2. blame the policies of the Bush~Cheney Administration, or
  3. ignore the cause and hope sound-bites on the 6:00 news will make it clear that you're not pointing fingers but definitely in favor of keeping people from drowning?
While you're thinking which of those three you'd suggest, watch this excerpt from a recent interview:

Is that your final answer?

While forming a sub-cabinet to study the issue isn't exactly the epitome of small-government solutions, it is creative. It wasn't, however, one of the choices you were offered.

Global warming looms as the biggest threat to thefutureIf you picked "3" you were likely impressed by Governor Sarah Palin's amazing winking soundbite show in what was supposed to be a debate Thursday night. I suggest you move to Alaska where you can rest assured you'll be hearing a lot more sound bites from her in the coming months and years.

If you picked "2" I sympathize, but you'd better be out working to get Obama elected, and working to add forward-thinking progressives who think about energy and the environment in terms of the future to both the U.S. House and Senate or you'll be whining on November 5th.

If you picked "1" feel free to add me to your friends list, we just might have something in common.

    We urgently need a comprehensive energy policy for the United State that will, at a minimum:
  • Incorporate energy into an overall national security policy.
  • Unify energy and environmental policy, recognizing our obligation to act as planet-stewards on behalf of future generations.
  • Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump
  • Help create new jobs by strategically investing to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
  • Provide incentives to save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.
  • Put hundreds of thousands of Plug-In Hybrid cars on the road sooner rather than later. Our government must work to encourage those vehicles are being built here in America.
  • Ensure 10% or more of our electricity comes from renewable sources within 5 years, and aim for 25% within 15 years.
  • Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to substantively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's talk about the real world

The causes of global warming do matter. And while there is more than one reason people may fall in the river, making sure other people aren't pushing them in and figuring out what the main causes are -- and preventing those -- will save us a lot of time and risk we'll otherwise invest in hauling drowning people to shore. Governor Palin's flippant, sound-bite-ready reaction shows a naive, dangerous lack of understanding.

False Steve Jobs Report Not CNN's Fault

Just two days ago an iReporters created a video that reported news that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had a heart attack. The result was a drop in Apple's stock price before the iReport team got wind of the news that the video's report was false.

They took it down 20 minutes later.

For some reason, some want to blame CNN for this situation. CNN's not at fault because the video was never tagged for official use by CNN.

London Bike Messengers Race Video - Cool View Of An Event

I found this and put it up for two reasons: 1) I wanted something about London, and 2) a video that was offbeat and a slice of life outside America.

This is it:

Biden / Palin Debate - Senator Biden Beats Gov. Palin Handly

Friday, October 03, 2008


This, to me is a crazy. I'm not saying O.J. Simpson was not stupid for not calling the police in Las Vegas and filing a stolen items report, but given the complexities of the overall case, and the assertion that the Las Vegas law enforcement people wanted to score a big arrest of O.J. Simpson, it's shocking to even hear of the final verdict.

But also consider what could be grounds for filing an appeal: that none of the jurors were Black -- zero. That's stupid and for the judge to allow the formation of such a jury is criminal in itself -- or should be.

Plus, O.J. Simpson himself never had a gun. Plus, the person -- an obviously questionable man called Thomas Riccio -- who Simpson for some god-awful reason asked to help him, ended up recording Simpson and selling it to the media for $210,000.

Wild and not right at all.

There's reason to believe Simpson will be released on appeal of the makeup of the jury. That's crazy to even think that a fair trial was had with an all-White or at least non-Black jury. Plus, the judge , Jsckie Miller, didn't release information on the juror questionaire. Why? I don't know.

All I know is this fish stinks and it's being thrown back into the water.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants $7 Billion Loan For California

The long term impact of Proposition 13 and the changed economy have produced a situation where California finds itself in a cash and credit crunch of historic proportions. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants a $7 Billion loan for California otherwise thousands of teachers in the state will be laid off.