Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vote Flipping Caught on Tape

Video the Vote went to Jackson County, WV, in response to numerous reports of machine vote flipping

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Robert Draper: McCain Advisers Admit Palin is Ignorant.

A couple of McCain higher-ups have told me that Palin simply knew nothing about national and international issues. Which meant, as one such adviser said to me, “Letting Sarah be Sarah may not be such a good thing.” It's a grim choice, apparently it came down to whether to make Palin look like a scripted robot or an unscripted ignoramous.

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Bowoto v. Chevron - Day One Court Update

This video presents Day One of the case of Bowoto v. Chevron at U.S. District Court, Northern California, San Francisco.

Here Larry Bowoto from Nigeria is accusing Chevron of harming him and his mates and violating their civil rights, and Chevron's counter is that Bowoto and his mates entered there oil production facility and attempted to kidnap Chevron employees.

In calling the Nigerian Military police, a skermish unfolded where Bowoto and his mates were alledgely harmed.

In this video Chevron's Don Campbell presents Chevron's side of the case; there was no spokesperson for Botwoto's side available.

SF Proposition H Rally In San Francisco - "Yes on H"

I went over to cover what turned out to be a lively rally for San Francisco's Proposition H, an initiative which if passed will set a goal of 100 percent clean energy use in San Francisco by 2040.

SF Proposition H Rally In San Francisco - "Yes on H"

I went over to cover what turned out to be a lively rally for San Francisco's Proposition H, an initiative which if passed will set a goal of 100 percent clean energy use in San Francisco by 2040.

Ted Stevens: Give Him A Break / America Is Socialist - The Blog Report

In my video i observe that Ted Stevens conviction does not mean he was a bad elected official. I also say that America itself is socialist and explain why

EXCLUSIVE: Sean Connery Confirms Retirement

When asked about his retirement status in an interview: “Am I retired?” he repeated. “Oh yes.”

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