Thursday, April 01, 2010

Whole Foods Oakland employees bring sexy back to work

Whole Foods 50,000-plus square foot food store has become a major place to be in Oakland. It's large, airy space contains the kind of good, fresh and yes, trendy food people want in Oakland and in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you're reading this and have never seen Whole Food Oakland, here's a video tour from opening day September 26, 2007:

The employees who work there are a young, diverse and good-looking group that from all accounts gets along with each other really well. Perhaps too well. Several sources who work there have told this blogger that it's common for Whole Foods employees to hook up for sex, sometimes while at work at the facility.

Whole Foods environment is fun for workers
The news of this scandalous level of sex between employees was shared with this blogger during chance conversations this week at different bars in Oakland. Because many of Whole Foods employees have so much in common, and as was said "work long hours at the store" that leads to the dates and random flirtations that lead to sex on a common basis and sometimes at Whole Foods Oakland.

One source said that there's a "kind of break room" room in the back that serves as a hook up place, but it's not the only area of the store.

Some of the employees are in local bands that play around the Bay Area, or have the same interest in music. Others share that, and I'm told an interest in the same drugs, generally marijuana, but that's not to present the idea that it's a rampant drug culture or that drugs are done at work. That activity happens off-site.

The point is, the sources identified music and drugs as the common elements and part of a large Whole Foods employee culture.  Some employees help their friends land jobs at Whole Foods Oakland, and that contributes to the almost college-like atmosphere and the dating activity that springs from it.

But apparently the stress of the Whole Foods work hours leads to high turn over, and for those who do last they have different ways of coping. It's also the reason for the level of flirting, dating and sexual activity between employees. (For the record, there was no report or indication of incidents of sexual harrassment in any of the conversations with sources.)

What's wrong with all of this? Well, the employees see it as no big deal. "You see someone. There's a flirtation. Then one day it's 'Hey, you and me'" was how one source put it. The source said "There's one person who just started a few weeks ago and they've already scored." The source also said there's are others who have "been with almost every girl there it seems."

The revolving door nature of employment also seems to contribute to the activity: the idea that people don't have those jobs for a long time is reportedly connected to the kind of "free sprit" that pervades the Whole Foods Oakland culture.

The next time you visit Whole Foods Oakland and notice smiling employees, you now know it's not by accident. As long as my food is well-prepared and my change is counted correctly, it's no big deal to this blogger.

Stay tuned.

Tiger Woods gave Rachel Uchitel 10 million; why not Haiti?

If the story that Tiger Woods gave nightclub executive Rachel Uchitel $10 million, to avoid the tell-all press conference Uchitel was planning with LA lawyer Gloria Allred last December.

If that's the case, Tiger Woods, in the opinion of this blogger, is the dumbest man in the World. If Tiger Woods did not fear the truth so much, he could have kept that money and sent it to Haiti in the wake of that awful 7.0 Richter Scale Earthquake.

Need a Rachel Uchitel refresher? This video should help:

But for some reason Tiger Woods has to keep secrets. Tiger Woods can't seem to tell a straight story. There's nothing Rachel Uchitel would have on Tiger Woods that cost 10 million, unless Tiger Woods did something that was criminal in nature. Fooling around on one's wife is wrong, but it does not produce jail time.

What's galling is that Tiger Woods would allow his reputation to be even more sullied by these new accusations and say nothing to deny them or affirm them.

In a way it's "here we go again" but worse for Tiger Woods. Tiger's talking now, so attention is drawn to him, so the media that "get" the Internet and its relationship to television are producing new content from the women he was allegedly involved with; and Tiger's saying nothing about it.

What this all points to, once again, is that Tiger Woods needs to just come clean to end what seems to be and endless process with a number of permutations.

Tiger Woods needs to be comfortable with looking someone in the eye and telling the truth, not looking someone in the eye and telling them it's none of their business. If the story of Tiger Woods giving Rachel Uchitel $10 million that could provide food, medical, and shelter for Haitians, something's wrong with that guy. It's not something one would expect from a Stanford student.

Of course, I could be wrong. After all, we are talking about Stanford, now.

Stay tuned.

Sandra Bullock news: Jesse James into dogfighting like Michael Vick?

The latest Sandra Bullock news is even more sad than the Nazi picture of Jesse James giving a salute and wearing a Nazi hat: Jesse James is now into dogfighting like Michael Vick? That's the news that was mentioned on Entertaiment Tonight and all over the Internet, and it's placing Jesse James image in an even darker place.

Darker than this:

While the truth of the story is in question, it's out there. Reportedly, Jesse James allowed two of his pit bulls to fight to the death. But while one blog claims Jesse James took them to a dog fighting ring, another says that's not true and that James' dogs Cisco and Rudy got into a fight while James was not present.

The unsupervised battle cost Rudy his life, and happened "years ago". The other blog called Celebrity Smack charges that Jesse James never engaged in illegal dog fighting.

Regardless of this matter, it seems the release of the Nazi photo broke the dam holding back awful information, true or false, about Jesse James.

Stay tuned, but there will be happier stories to tell.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sex rehab for sexual addiction: What is it, and how does it work?

With all the celebrities that have admitted themselves into ‘sex rehab’ centers recently, you might be curious about what goes on there. How does sex rehab work? Is it effective, or is this just an excuse to ask others for forgiveness? You might even scoff at the idea that someone needs to enter a sex rehab center. Perhaps you believe all they really need to do is come clean and stop cheating on their significant other, or choose to live a single life so as to not hurt others with lies and increased exposure to sexually transmitted diseases. This article serves to explain what sexual rehabilitation or ‘sex rehab’ is, and how a person with a sexual addiction might benefit from this form of treatment.

Treatment for sexual addiction tends to focus on two main areas:

1) Separating the addict from opportunities to continue harmful sexual patterns of behavior, much in the same way drug addicts need to be separated from their drug-filled lifestyle. This is why inpatient or residential treatment is often the suggested setting. An inpatient setting provides a controlled setting, which aims to eliminate opportunities for compulsive behavior.

2) Utilization of a safe, therapeutic setting with trained professionals to help individuals begin to face the guilt, shame and depression that is common amongst sexual addicts.

Sexual rehabilitation centers may vary in the variety of psychological treatment modalities they provide, but this list contains a broad overview of therapeutic strategies that have proven to be effective at helping people overcome sexual addiction.

12-Step Programs. Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) is a 12 step program which utilizes principles similar to those used in other addiction programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA.) However, unlike AA, where the goal is complete abstinence from all alcohol, SA pursues abstinence only from compulsive, destructive sexual behavior. By admitting powerlessness over their addiction, seeking the help of God or a higher power, working the 12 different steps, seeking a sponsor and attending meetings consistently, many addicts have been able to regain intimacy in their personal relationships.

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT).
This form of therapy helps people to examine the relationship between their thoughts, feelings and behaviors as they relate to their addictive patterns. By targeting the triggers and reinforcers that perpetuate the addictive pattern, people can begin to short-circuit the process and make healthy changes. Treatment can include teaching addicts therapeutic tools such as thought stopping, behavioral substitution, and thought record keeping, as a means to prevent the relapse of addictive patterns.

Interpersonal Therapy. Traditional "talk therapy" or counseling with an individual therapist can be helpful in providing a space for individuals to sort through past experiences that shaped addictive behavior, as well as manage mood symptoms, increase the ability to cope with stressors, and learn healthier lifestyle patterns and behaviors.

Group Therapy
Group therapy typically consists mental health professional(s) facilitating a group of people that engage in dialogue around addiction issues, and learn from related psychoeducational materials. A group environment is thought to enable people to learn from others’ experiences, strengths and relapses. It is also an ideal setting for people to learn through the confrontation of denial and rationalizations common among addicts in various stages of their rehabilitation.

Recent developments in the literature suggest that certain psychotropic medications (antidepressants) may prove to be useful for many people in managing sexual addiction. In addition to treating mood symptoms common among sex addicts, these medications may have some benefit in reducing sexual obsessions and ruminations.

This article was composed by Dr. Christina Villarreal, Clinical Psychologist in Oakland, CA


2 The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity - and
3 Defense Security Services -
4 Patrick Carnes (1991). Don't call it love: Recovery from sexual addiction, (New York: Bantam, pp. 22-23, 30-34).
5 Michael Herkov, Ph.D., Mark S. Gold, M.D., and Drew W. Edwards, M.S., Feb 2001

YouTube is down again as of 5:01 PM PST

For some reason, and for the second time in less than a week, the top video sharing and distribution site is down again.

As of 5:01 PM PSY a "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable" note appeared when one tries to go to

YouTube went down last Thursday morning, but the matter was quickly resolved.

There's no word via email by YouTube on this. This also happens to be the day when YouTube was installing a major make-over to its video pages, including Zennie62.

Stay tuned.

Sandra Bullock news: Jesse James Nazi Picture is out

In the latest update in the Sandra Bullock and Jesse James cheating scandal, we can report this Sandra Bullock news: the Jesse James Nazi Picture is out.

The photo that was long rumored to exist – one of Bullock's husband Jesse James in Nazi gear and giving the salute – has surfaced at and US Weekly.

For those of you who need a backstory, the quick version is that Jesse James allegedly had affairs with as many as five women: Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, Melissa Smith, Brigitte Daguerre, and a fourth and fifth woman, both who declined to identify themselves at this time.

But the photo, which this blogger had hoped did not exist, does, even though it took a week for TMZ to produce it.

The guess is they didn't want to be caught in another hoax. But the photo, which is two years old according to TMZ, shows Jesse James wearing a Waffen SS visor and striking the "sieg heil" salute. There's also a german model airplane next to him. Where it was taken, TMZ does not know.

What the hell was Jesse James thinking?

Stay tuned.

French version:

Mindy Lawton and Jamie Jungers, Tiger Woods mistresses, in Vanity Fair

Related searches: loredana jolie ferriolo, vanity fair, vanity, vanity fair tiger woods, daily mail showbiz

Mindy Lawton 
Now that Tiger Woods, the World's Greatest Golfer, has made a public apology for his 12 or 14 mistresses and affairs, and gave a five-minute interview to ESPN and The Golf Channel, it seems Tiger Woods' mistresses are surfacing to fill-in the blanks created in Tiger's statements.

But statements by Mindy Lawton and Jamie Jungers, Tiger Woods Mistress Number 6 and Number 4 respectively, are a doozy.

In his Golf Channel interview, Tiger Woods claimed that...

"It was all me. I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who acted the way I acted. No one knew what was going on when it was going on. I'm sure if more people would have known in my inner circle, they would have stopped it or tried to put a stop to it. But I kept it all to myself."

But Mindy Lawton and Jamie Jungers are to be believed, and there's no reason to think not, Tiger Woods is not telling the truth. According to Vanity Fair, and a preview of an article by Mark Seal, Mindy Lawton says that when the National Enquirer approached her regarding her affair (an event mentioned last December in this space), Tiger Woods directed Lawton to call his agent IMG's Mark Steinberg who said "We'll take care of it."

Jamie Jungers told Vanity Fair that she would schedule meetup with Tiger Woods through Byron Bell, Woods, childhood friend and the President of Tiger Woods Design.

Beyond that, what Mark Seal writes is essentially a rehash of a lot of information about Tiger woods mistresses that appeared in blogs, like Zennie62. The info on Tiger Woods gambling habits has been mentioned before, but in a whisper.

What Vanity Fair's Seal does is take all of the history - well, most of it - and put it into one complete article. The revelation that Tiger Woods' agent and managers were essentially involved in the maintenance of his affairs is new and damaging.

Can't help but wonder what Tiger Woods Wife Elin Nordegren thinks of all of this.