Thursday, May 13, 2010

Avatar NYC the good bad the ugly - Suzannah B. Troy

There is so much to tell you and I felt the love and beauty of such a diverse group of New Yorkers from poverty level to rich, the  super spiritual, from black to Asian to the pink haired.   

Before I get to the happy thoughts I wanted to take a moment to remember those that died from violence here in NYC and they were mostly females from babies to grandmothers .... Has Nyasia Pryear's murderer been caught yet?   She was murdered the night before President Obama's inauguration.  Instead of her family celebrating, they grieved. 

By the way I wrote President Obama asking him to help us because the East Village has been mega-dormed to death and they use the term "community facility" to bust through zoning and they exclude the community.  Here is my YouTube with my letter to the President asking for his help to get us community outreach resource center in every one of those buildings that are called "community facilities" but exclude the community and actually help to displace the community and small businesses. I also asked the mayor on the John Gambling Show  Hear me confront Mayor Bloomberg on the John Gambling show about the tsunami of community crushing development and the need for community outreach resource centers. pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!) OCTOBER 19, 2007 . If these community outreach resource centers were in every mega dorm, the college kids would be forced to recognize the people are struggling and get involved in helping the community rather than being involved in the push out.  Let us face it, John Sexton, the president of the evil empire aka NYU, the purple reign of terror needs to find another job preferably in Nantucket where I think he lives and I am still wondering if he can even vote in NYC considering he rushed down to testify we needed king Mike, the developer's mayor or is he like so many rich people here that can't vote because they refuse to declare NYC their home for tax reasons.  They call Florida, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Conn., anywhere but here their real home but rush to say we need Mike Bloomberg for a third term. Watch my YouTube review on Avatar for more on NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia University and any U. with a mega dorm in the East Village including The New School, NY Law, SVA so get insight on how the people feel.  

NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and has helped every university possible to follow NYU's community crushing lead confusing the East Village, Bowrey, Lower East Side Bowery with dorm fodder.   Click here to read the latest and it is from Crain's about 3 Universities banding together to occupy a big dorm on the Lower East Side on Delancey Street not far from where my Grandfather was born in 1904. The only thing worse than the mega dorms is The Red Square with Lenin on the roof (Mike Red Square Rosen's rich man's toy) looks like a pro-type of the mega dorms with balconies.   Please remember that developer Mike Red Square Rosen demands you call him a community activist!  

Actually NY Law mega dorm on 3rd Street has balconies just like the Red Square and when the Hell's Angels were raided the college kids stood out on their balconies in their pajamas watching the NYPD in action as well with Ron Kuby giving a stunning performance in a lawyer working the media very effectively.  I can't tell you who won the Oscar this year for best actor but Kuby's performance was unforgettable.   The tax payers will be paying dearly as usual but I don't think the "balconied would be lawyers" will be doing anything much but corporate law or maybe real estate. Clearly the community is an inconvenience and the only thing they have not done is provide NYU buses and trolleys to bus us out. 

The tenants of Stuy Town meant to be affordable housing way back when and by the way NYU has student housing there as well and Peter Cooper Village are trying to find an ally to buy the property. Good luck and Blessings!  

The FBI made some raids today but I do not think they made arrests although they did get yelled at.  

True or false?  I contacted the FBI about issues closer to home...?  I am learning more and more about the NYPD and special units they have? Not true.  One is true.  All are true.  I will let you know if you guessed correctly. Never a dull moment.  

Just to hit the rewind button.  Betty White is proof that some people age better with dignity and a sense of humor as she achieved monster ratings for her presence on Saturday Night Live and people loved her Super Bowl commercial.  She is sizzling hot.  

Oh by the way, I saw John Thain today getting in to a chauffeur driven mercedes on Central Park South...ho hum.  I bet a meg-million he is happy he is not chair of GS right now although he had his share -- not talking about a mother load of shares -- but share of trouble,less than golden after leaving Goldman Sachs, right?  He sure looked smooth today.  

Prediction -- major fall-out over Steve Rattners pension fund scandals -- that scandal"s" with an s coming and splish splash it is going to splatter on king mayor Mike Bloomberg, just a little.  Mike Bloomberg, what is the name of Steve Rattner's new firm he created just to manage you 5 billion dollars.  Mayor Mike said Steve should not have to step down from his job at The White House and clearly Mike Bloobmerg still is supporting his good friend Steve Rattner.  All is quiet on this front for now but get ready for more head lines on this....  

Apparently President Obama has a fan that thinks he is sizzling hot.  I don't find the Pres. sizzling.  I am not sure he is doing a great job but I do think he is a nice guy and compassionate.  I can't say New York is feeling any of his benefits.
For Giuseppi Loagn fans -- Time and Place
Time:Tomorrow at 9:00 pm until Sun May 16 at 9:00 pm
Venue:5/14 IPR 5/16 Brecht Forum
2 chances to roll with brother Giuseppi Logan May 14th at the Issue Project Room (G plays around 10,.headlining) May 16th at the Brecht Forum (G plays around 9,.headlining) with Matt Lavelle,Francois Grillot,and Dave Miller.. *special guest Chris Forbes 5/16 and remember my YouTube series To follow Matt's booking for Giuseppie join his facebook page Remember my YouTube I posted when people thought he was dead and long gone.... so follow my YouTube documentary series and now his son's.  I will have more information on that soon.   I spoke with Giuseppi Logan tonight.  I told him his son is returning which of course made him happy.  I asked him to play "Suzannah" a song he composed.  I told him I would see him very soon!

Tila Tequila: Army Of One by: Nikky Raney

Tila Tequila, who recently changed her name to "Miss Tila," spent months promoting her Celebrity Gossip Blog before its release.

Tila made sure that everyone knew that her army was behind her, and her blog would "dethrone Piggy Perez." Branching out from her other site,, Miss Tila claims her new site will have all the secrets from celebrities who messed with her.

Tila went on KTLA (image to the left)and when questioned about the 800 thousand followers she has (he was
clearly referring to Twitter followers, but that would also be inaccurate as she currently has less than 30 thousand followers), she announced that her page had received 800 thousand hits within its first days of launching.

Web Information Company, Alexa, shows Tila's daily traffic trend compared with that of Perez's blog., "Miss Tila Queen of All Media LOLOL," is filled with day old stories as exclusive news, photos of people her paparazzi take for her, news about herself, criticism of others and reader comments.

The reader comments on her gossip blog may be the most popular aspect. Expectations for the comments to be filled with love from the "Tila Army," were surprisingly not met. Page after page of comments are filled with hatred and death threats toward the self proclaimed mogul.

Every comment providing positive feedback toward Tila has numerous "thumbs down" counters next to it. While the comments with negative feedback has triple as many "thumbs up." Commentators that are frequently rated receive user reputation (positive/negative based on thumbs up &downs per comment). The lowest rated commentator, ironically, is MissTilaOmg aka Tila herself.

A comment made by "Really?" received over 20 thumbs up:

"For those of you who claim that haters need to get a life, please notice that she called Rihanna "Ri-Herpes". She's never backed up her claim on going "innnnnnn" on Rihanna about having an STD and I'm sure when she does it's going to be my friend who's a trusted source saw her medicine. Tila is just a hater, hates on Rihanna, hates the Kardashians, this blog was just created for her to hate on people, self promote herself, and all around be a boring twat."

With regards to dethroning Perez Hilton, Tila's biggest rant against him was that he has his sister update his blog for him, but recent posts on Tila's blog from "TILA STAFF" has been linked back to Terri Ngyuen, Tila's sister. But Tila's updates aren't limited to her sister and her, but there are also others on her staff.

Let's hope that the Tila Army shows up soon enough, because right now she's losing her own war.

AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit: Berkeley council vote is confusing

Berkeley AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit
The latest phase of the AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit issue is that Berkeley's City Council's 4-2-2 vote that effectively reject the kind of study that AC Transit wanted to do in connection with the environmental report for a dedicated-lane Bus Rapid Transit Route was confusing.

The vote, which got 4 yes decisions, just one less than five needed, reflected Berkeley's overall lack of understanding of what Bus Rapid Transit was and the many ways that it could be done.

There was concern about a hypothetical loss of parking spaces when BRT becomes a reality. However, AC Transit did make it very clear that any parking spaces that are displaced to mark off the dedicated bus - only lane would be mitigated.

AC Transit told the East Bay Express that it is ready to build parking lots and to work closely with these people who are concerned to find solutions that work for them. Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland’s At-Large member of the City Council, also puts the myth of lost parking to rest when she expressed her confidence to the East Bay Express that the final plan will include any and all necessary mitigations.

There are so many ways to do Bus Rapid Transit that the Berkeley City Council could have come away with a unanimous vote.

Perhaps more importantly than the unfounded concerns about parking is that the East Bay is paralyzed in traffic jams right now. BRT is the best solution to free up the gridlock and provide a speedy and affordable form of public transportation. In fact, it could be up and running as soon as 2013, and fully implemented in 2015.

Given that the lanes are in the middle of the road, that concern is confusing at best. But AC Transit needs to deal with the misunderstanding before it becomes an issue that clouds the improvement program its embarked on.

Meanwhile someone explain how delivery trucks are going to be stopped in the photo above? The fact is that BRT is good for business, and this decision is puzzling to me. Leaving things the way they are now should be a non - issue, and Oakland's elected officials said that by expressing their unanimous support for BRT.


Matt Lauer and Annette Roque cheating scandal: Today show in view

Matt and Annette
Long time NBC Today Show host Matt Lauer now has something in common with colleague New York Giants Legend Tiki Barber, both were allegedly cheating on their wives and both were reported to have done so at The Winter Olympics.

Matt is also now mentioned with Tiger Woods and Jesse James, along with the term "sex scandal."

Someone should check the Canadian water because at the same time that Tike Barber was spotted with his girlfriend Tracy Lynn Johnson at the Winter Olympics, Matt Lauer was flirting with female Canadian broadcasters at the same Vancouver venue according to The New York Daily News.

Meanwhile Matt's wife Annette got word of his alleged behavior and reportedly confronted him when he returned home. Annette Roque and Matt have been married for 12 years.

Moreover, both Tiki Barber and Matt Lauer have massively hot wives. But what this blogger has learned is in New York's Manhattan, one wife or husband doesn't seem to be enough to quench the sexual thirst of the busy and successful in the finance and media industries. Affairs are rampant from what reports come to this space.

Not to say that some couple's don't manage a great relationship or have enough sex to keep them happy with each other. But for those with heavy schedules and not enough of it, there's a lot of temptation.

To his defense, Matt Lauer denies the stories but he's also moved out of his house as the NY Daily News reports from The National Enquirer.

Stay tuned.

Lawrence Taylor denies sex do condoms lie? post Suzannah B. Troy

Lawrence Taylor is in deep trouble because in the State of New York it doesn't matter if he did not know the woman he had sex with was under age.   He says he did not have sex with the under age prostitute but just pleasured himself.  This could all get down to a condom and lab results based on what investigators gathered from the hotel room.

In the mean time a supposed friend of the underage prostitute says she is lying.  Some friend.  She lived with the pimp and underage prostitute and was in the car when the underage woman allegedly bragged about earning the money without having sex with the john aka Lawrence Taylor.

Is this supposed "friend" who is basically calling the underage prostitute a liar telling the truth or doing damage control?   Is the friend the one lying?  If she is, did someone put her up to it and if so are the people involved in damage control doing this and are they being given some incentives?

Maybe the answers to whether Lawrence Taylor is pulling a "Bill Clinton" as in I did not have sexual relations with that woman strategy,  are in the contents of the  condom.  The underage sex worker said she was worried about getting pregnant because of "condom trouble"....that is my term not hers and Lawrence Taylor she claims reassured her she had nothing to worry about because he shoots blanks meaning he had a vasectomy.   If he does shoot blanks, how would she know that?  Why would that have come up in conversation?  She did not even know it was LT.

It is understandable that a professional player might enjoy a promiscuous life style perhaps having sex with groupies that would follow the players from hotel to hotel  would get a vasectomy because as I recall,  I saw an Oprah segment where it has been documented that women preying on these athletes go to extreme measures to get these guys' sperm and get inseminated one way or another without their consent to get pregnant and  have DNA proof for financial gain and connection to these pro-athletes.

Lawrence Taylor might be right he was  set-up and so was the underage sex worker as well as beat up.  Now she is called a liar by a stripper slash friend.  Sounds like "the friend"  may has been motivated to come forward to save Lawrence Taylor because she is a fan or who knows for other reasons but it ultimately comes down to LT saving LT and he may be figuring out how to do that behind bars.

Lawrence Taylor and his team have every motivation to do damage control.   LT has already been hit with major financial fall-out and he does not want to go to jail so he has picked a "self loving" defense and witnesses  aka "friends" can say what they want but people following this story will have to wait for the evidence to speak and the contents in the latex are key.   There are I am sure some men that put on a condom to pleasure themselves but  in theory if he is shooting blanks.   How did the underage sex worker know?   The contents of the condom will tell the truth.

A sympathetic jury may let him walk what ever the evidence and if that happens if LT doesn't get his act together he will get in more trouble yet again.

Lawrence Taylor was blind sided by Lawrence Taylor.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Atlanta Bar and Grill Max Lager's has Atlanta Beer Week

Max Lager's Atlanta 
You may remember Max Lager's American Bar and Grill on 320 Peachtree Street in Atlanta as a place I visited while in Atlanta for Mom and during the Winter Olympics? Well, I'm back and this time the place that feels like Cheers has something called Atlanta Beer Week on May 16th through May 23rd.

In the video above Jessica took her first attempt at vlogging and scored a "A" in talking about the event. She also told me there's going to be some kind of happening each day during the Atlanta Beer Week period, from Acoustic Sunset and Max Brews at 6:30 PM on May 16th to a tour or the "great beer nations" on the 23rd.

I just wonder how far around the World one can go?

At any rate, check out Max Lager's when you're in Atlanta, and as a note this promo was done even though I paid for the great food and drink! And I'd do it again. I always have fun at Alan LeBlanc's place in downtown Atlanta. And give Jessica the business, if you know what I mean!

Greyson Michael Chance: "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga

In this really fascinating World we live in, it's fitting that the Twitter tip on Greyson Michael Chance's totally shocking version of Paparazzi would come from Miley Cyrus' Adam Shankman, who just provided the link on Twitter with this:

must be seen to be believed
about 3 hours ago via mobile web

At first, this blogger thought it could not be that incredible, but Adam Shankman's right, it was a wowser. Here's Greyson Michael Chance on the piano doing Paparazzi. And be warned that Chance doesn't start right off the bat with the song, he kind of warms up into it.

Here's the video:

Greyson Michael Chance sounds like the next Justin Bieber, who was discovered on YouTube. As of this writing, Greyson's hot on Google, but not on Twitter, even though that's where the news started for me.

Stay tuned.