Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Future of Commentary: print vs web by:Nikky Raney

When newspapers and magazines were more popular than web pages the way that the readers were able to comment and give feedback was through "letters to the editor." The editors of each were able to choose and edit which comments made its way into the paper.

With news being delivered online commentary is received instantaneously. Bangor Daily News' Jeff Tuttle is in charge of the newspaper's web site, and he came to my class and spoke about various topics involving moving the news from print to web; he also spoke about the commenting feature.

He told the students in the "Intro to News Reporting" class that makes it so that commenting is only allowed through signing up on the site. Even when signing up for the site anyone is able to make a quick account and e-mail address and post things. The example that Tuttle gave was a comment that would say something along the lines of "so and so is sleeping with so and so's wife."

Of course magazines and newspapers still have their "letters to the editors," but by adding the commenting feature to the web sites commenters that know the negative comments given would never appear in the print edition are able to rant and rave as they please. The unfortunate part is when spam accounts are made, or the self-promoters use the commenting feature to get recognition.

There are certain sites where the comments may not even relate to the entry that the comment is about. Some commenters just comment about random things that have no relevance to the posts whatsoever.

With the online commentary enabling users to interact and give feedback the good and the bad are able to be shown, but sometimes the hateful and disrespectful comments are also present.

Sometimes articles that are known to be overly controversial will have commenting disabled, and in those rare scenarios the "censorship" of the readers is enacted. Commenting and giving feedback is good when the comments and feedback is constructive; whether negative or not there is a way to leave a comment of disagreement without being disrespectful and rude. The downside is that some commenters will use the opportunity to spread negativity and add absolutely nothing constructive to the "conversation."

The print edition will always have the most thought-provoking comments that stick out, but for all other commentary the web site will be able to include the comments that were unable to fit to print- as well as the comments that the print edition would never think to publish.

Tea Party Movement and Mark Williams hurt GOP chances in November

A big problem for the GOP 
The current controversy over Tea Party Express blogger Mark Williams' racist Letter to Abe Lincoln" and his expulsion from The National Tea Party Federation have created such negative attention for Republicans that it threatens GOP chances to gain seats in the House or the Senate in November.

What Mark Williams and some members of The National Tea Party Federation forget, if they even knew, is that America's population has changed so dramatically that minorities who were mere bit players in elections in some states and counties, are now significant influencers in those same regions.

The Center For American Progress Action Fund report on voter demographics explains that while the Democratic Party will become dominated by "the emerging constituencies that gave Barack Obama his historic 2008 victory," the Republican Party will be smaller in its support base, and forced "to move toward the center to compete for these constituencies."

Heavily Democratic minority voters (80 percent for Obama) increased their share of votes in U.S. presidential elections by 11 percentage points between 1988 and 2008, while the share of increasingly Democratic white college graduate voters rose 4 points. But the share of white working-class (not college-educated) voters, who have remained conservative in their orientation, has plummeted by 15 points.

From The Center For American Progress Action Fund Report

The Republican Party is anything but "near the center" in the wake of the Tea Party Movement and Mark Williams. It's no wonder why GOP elected officials aren't talking about Mark Williams or his actions. They're trying to kill the issue with silence, but Mark Williams appearing on CNN's not helping their cause.

Between Mark Williams and Arizona's racist approach to illegal immigration, GOP hopes for gains after the November election are silly to maintain. The only way forward for the GOP is to dump any association with The Tea Party Movement.

Racist Tea Party Express blogger Mark Williams expelled from Tea Party

Mark Williams, the Tea Party Express leader who CNN seems in love with having on their shows, and who's racism seems to know no bounds - first saying that Muslims worship "the terrorists' monkey god," and then writing a racist "Letter to Abe Lincoln" - has been kicked out of the National Tea Party Federation, which represents the Tea Party movement around the country.

Mark William's letter from his blog MarkTalk (where he's taken down the post and replaced it with a note) is here:

Dear Mr. Lincoln,

We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’.
The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.
And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions!

The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target coloreds. That means we Coloreds would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we coloreds ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.


Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew NAACP Head Colored Person

The main, troubling issue, is what kind of mind thinks of even writing something like that? While other Americans are living diverse lifestyles and getting on with the business of teaching, working, and enjoying life, Mark Williams has to prove that racism is a mental illness just by first thinking of that letter, then writing it.

Mark Williams comes off as one of those white guys that would say something stupid to a black / white interracial couple as they walked by, in part because he's angry over his own sexual frustrations

The question is, how many members of The National Tea Party Federation actually think like Mark Williams? While we may never know that answer, it's more than gracious for NAACP head Ben Jealous to want to meet with Mark Williams. Frankly, why bother?

Mark Williams needs to get with the American program and understand history, and not repeat it. Williams claims he's not racist, but tosses out an obviously racist letter. That's unfortunately typical with racists today, who say "I'm not racist" while doing everything they can to prove they are.

If Mark Williams is a good person, he'd apologize for the letter and for his screwed-up attitude. It's totally un-American, as has been his views on American minorities.

Stay tuned.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner Lands at Farnborough Airshow

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner does a flyby and then lands at the Farnborough Airshow in the Flightglobal video above.

The revolutionary new jumbo jet, declared so by the fact that 50 percent of its airframe is made from composite fiber material, the use of modular manufacturing techniques involving as many as 90 countries, and futuristic avionics, made its first landing for the public at the famed airshow and aircraft trade show in England.

Boeing Chief Test Pilot Mike Carriker told Flightglobal's Jon Ostrower that the Boeing 787 flight started a nine-hour flight from in Seattle and came north over Greenland, while pilots made "about 20 tests" during the flight.

Now, potential customers are touring the airplane to get a feel for what the Boeing 787 is like. Airlines like United Airlines and Northwest Airlines have already placed substantial orders for the Boeing 787.

According to the Wall Street Journal, there are five Boeing 787's already in the air conducting test flights.

Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eva Gabor's sister, rushed to hospital

Gabor and Prince Frederic 
Famed actress and socialite 93-year-old Zsa Zsa Gabor, the sister of Green Acres Eva Gabor, was rushed to the UCLA Medical Center late Saturday night and is in serious condition, according to her publicist John Blanchette via The Associated Press.

Zsa Zsa Gabor suffered broken bones after falling out of her bed while watching television at her home in Bel Air, in Los Angeles, California.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband Prince Frederic von Anhalt called the ambulance after the accident. Gabor is also referred to as Sari Prinz von Anhalt, since her marriage to Prince Frederic von Anhalt.

Gabor is partially paralyzed from a car accident in 2002, and confined to a wheelchair. The AP reports Gabor had a stroke in 2005.

Gabor married nine times

A Hollywood legend, Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married nine times. So much, that she once joked she was a good housekeeper, because everytime she married, she kept the house.

Gabor's starred in television shows like The Milton Berle Show (1956), and served as a special guest on Gilligan's Island (1965), and The Late Show with David Letterman (1994). She's played in numerous movies, and best known for The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear.

Social Network: the Facebook movie by Nikky Raney

The movie "Social Network" directed by David Finch has just come out with its trailer. Nikky Raney's input on the movie which comes out October 1, 2010.

note: I have always called him David Finch ever since Seven came out, because it was a joking nickname. I probably should have mentioned that. His name is David Fincher, for anyone who was confused.

News site charges for free study that says people will not pay for online news

NewMediaAge thought it was pulling a fast one by offering a study that reads "Almost two-thirds of people are happy to pay for quality journalism but not online, according to a YouGov survey," for a fee behind a paywall, when the same study results are actually available online without charge.

Thus, NewMediaAge proved why paywalls don't work, even as it was using one: all you have to do is search around to get the same content for free.

And where you can get the study results summary is the very YouGov site that produced the study, here: media paywalls don't work.

 That reports:

A vast majority (83 percent) replied that they would refuse to pay, with only two percent of respondents willing to shell out for online content in the current format. Only four percent would pay for online even when the content in question was not available anywhere else.

NewMediaAge must think the online consumer is stupid.

The study claims:

The Daily Mail is read online at least once a week by 8 percent of respondents, with the Guardian and the Telegraph trailing with 7 percent and 6 percent respectively.
The Independent on Sunday is the Sunday paper least likely to be read online with 96% of respondents saying they do not read the paper online.
Restaurant reviews are more likely to be read by people in the ABC1 social grade than by their C2DE counterparts.
59 percent of the public agree that it is worth paying for a good newspaper.
39 percent agree that newspapers are too expensive now.
17 percent of the public believe that there is no point paying for a paper when you can get it for free. This statistic is the same across the ABC1 and the C2DE social grades.
1 in 5 men admit to watching 'adult content' online.

The idea that paywalls work for news sites is borne of the same arrogance that prevents traditional media sites from fully adopting new approaches to the delivery of news. The bottom line is that the emergence of the personal media network of cell phones, blogs, camcorders-in-PDAs, and so on, has rendered it impossible for Old Media organizations like The New York Times and The Associated Press to enjoy the revenue levels of the past.

Today, anyone can produce media and get paid for it by affiliate marketing or ad sales. The free access blogs win the battle, with their more nimble, and free, news production culture.

Paywalls don't stand a chance, and neither do the companies, like NewMediaAge, that have them.

Stay tuned.