Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mosque troubles NYC more news by Suzannah B. Troy

Mike Daly, of The New York Daily News has a scoop, a piece of the puzzle regarding the Mosque, a religious site that appears to be causing enormous amounts of pain rather than bridging gaps and healing which one would hope is the case.  Daly tells us that a teenage boy is the reason the location of this Mosque was found in the first place.  Say what?  Yes...this story is too weird to be true but it is.  

Rewind:  Francisco Patino was a teenager inventor and on a reality tv did not pan out although he even got a nod from Lance Armstrong regarding his bicycle invention but Patino made a great impression on someone, a developer,  Sharif el-Gamal and he was hired to find a location for a Mosque.

He did and the rest is history.  I suggest Patino change his telephone number and take a vacation, maybe considering moving to a new city?

The New York Post also has a piece on the Mosque proposed for the location by the World Trade Center and it is horrifying.  The Iranian dictator, The New York Post calls the Nuke Nut,  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad   who hates the USA, Israel, Jews and denies the Holocaust  wants to help fund the Mosque.

I posted this comment on on the Post's website in response to this article.  For people who don't know me I am one of Mike Bloomberg's biggest critics. Rewind: Didn't king Mike Bloomberg say it is none of our business where the money from the Mosque came from and I said Mike is saying that because he doesn't want to discuss his investments in the Cayman Islands and Steve Rattner is handling them. Rattner may be banned by the SEC for 3 years and Mike doesn't want to discuss that, his trips to Bermuda and what to do with poor and middle classes he is ticketing up to his eyeballs. Now getting back to this Mosque. We believe in religious freedom but it seems the people behind this Mosque deal ordeal want to cause as much emotional pain as possible and they have done that and they are getting support from people that are anti-religious freedoms and some are tied to terrorist groups shouting is this Mosque really about religious freedom or about something else?

Mel Gibson Lindsay Lohan ugly Hollywood by Suzannah B. Troy

I am old an old movie buff and maybe way back when Hollywood stars were as repugnant as they are now but the Hollywood moguls controlled the stars and their images having enormous pull with the media.  Those days are gone except here in NYC, I can tell you New York Politics are now run very much like Hollywood studios of "old Hollywood".  Visit my central blog or to learn more  and visit my newest posting on how NBC honchos got their lawyers to contact YouTube owned by Google to remove candidate Doug Biviano's YouTube over a few seconds of footage in their lobby.

Now lets get to Mel  Gibson and Lindsay Lohan.  Aren't you glad you not Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan?  Here is some breaking news.  Osanka what's her name wants more money for child support.  Mel Gibson says he gives enough.  I believe if Mel was living in Germany during World War 2 he would have been the head of a concentration camp.  I loathe the guy.  Do I think Osanka what's her name is a gold digger?  Yes.  I do not believe Mel should have unsupervised visits his baby daughter.  I also think Osanka needs psychological counseling as much as Mel Gibson and for the sake of their baby daughter they get it.  She is very young to have so much plastic surgery she looks like an anorexic xerox of octomom; truly scary.  For more on Mel Gibson's continued downward spiral go to TMZ.  I love the show and Harry Levin is a lawyer so he has insights that entertainment shows do not have!

Now let's get to Lindsay Lohan.  According to The New York Daily News, Lohan is looking for one million dollars for a post jail-rehab interview.  Before I perused the article I thought it would be light weight but for Lohan fans it is a must read because they do address prescription drugs which many thing she has just as much a problem with as other substances including booze.

TMZ also reports the Lindsay Lohan won't be prosecuted for the missing Rolex.  The owner let it go literally and figuratively. 

When her must rushed to be interviewed saying people were too hard on her daughter many thought this is a show business mom showing her true colors which is green for show me the money trying to protect her daughter's brand aka bank-ability.  No matter how much there are those out there last than satisfied with their parents most or all are rejoicing we don't have Lindsay's scary dysfunctional parents as their own.  Her dad acts more like her stalker.  Scary stuff.

Perhaps these stars have spun so out of control because they have had too many people treat them as demi-gods praying at their altar rather than as flawed human beings which is what they are and we all are.  It is just celebrity is a drug.  If celebrities actually come to believe in their own celebrity it becomes a drug that greatly amplifies their weakness and flaws or in Mel Gibson's case his very, very, very dark side.

Are you glad you aren't them?

BlogWorld, Gnomedex, Web 2.0,..too many blog conferences?

Gnomedex: cool logo, lots of people on computers
This blogger's just plain dizzy from all of the blog, new media, and social media conference opportunities.

Consider that we have BlogWorld in October, Gnomedex this weekend in Seattle (missing that), Web 2.0 Expo already happened (skipped that), but Web 2.0 is approaching (not interested), and then there's SXSW next year (which I ranted about), and a whole slew of conferences not even mentioned until then.

Do we really need all of these blog, new media, and social media conference conferences? There are only three things all of these events have in common: 1) the are offline gatherings of humans, 2) they cost money to attend (and in some cases a lot of it, upwards of $300 per person) 3) they have speakers on panels in the pedestal format I've come to just hate, 4), oh, and they concern blogs, new media, and social media.


What does one get out of all of these conferences?

Here's my rant again:

It seems to this blogger that the number of these events has increased because the producers of them need the money. Think about it. Some one says "Well, I'm really not making the money from blogs, new media, and social media that I want to, so I'll do a conference. After all, I've got a lot of Twitter followers."

And so it begins.

No Way To Determine What's Worth Attending

There's no freaking way to determine which one of these events is worth going to. BlogWorld's in Las Vegas, so that seems like a no-brainer because, well, it's Vegas. Gnomedex? Well, Gnomedex is in Seattle, and it's got a cool logo. But for a profession that's supposed to be online, it seems like there would be some kind of online way of determining which one of these offline things one should go to.

Some kind of informal network should just "be." Something that saves us from all of this event junk in our midst.

If we're really good at this online deal, then we're got to start using it to weed out this stuff. ASAP.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oakland Mayor's Race: Don Perata to skip The Sierra Club Forum

Don Perata 

Breaking Oakland Mayor's Race news!

This blogger just received a late night email announcing that Former State Senator Don Perata will skip the planned Sierra Club Forum for Wednesday, August 24th.

Perata Campaign Manager Rhys Williams explains that...

Senator Perata will not participate in forums that aren't open to all candidates. Now that there is an official list of candidates, Senator Perata believes it is only fair, democratic, and respectful that all those voices have an opportunity to be heard. That was one goal of Oakland's new system of voting.

Readers of this space will recall that The Sierra Club Volunteer Chairperson Kent Lewandowski, sent what this blogger called an awful email explaining that The Sierra Club was going to exclude candidates it considered "not viable."

Again, The Oakland Mayor's Race has thirteen candidates: Tim Brown, Terrance Candell, Arnold Fields, Sharika Gregory, Greg Harland, Marcie Hodge, Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, Don Macleay, Niki Okuk, Don Macleay, Councilmember Jean Quan, Joe Tuman, and Larry Lionel Young Jr.

Now, The Sierra Club Forum has just two candidates, Oakland Councilmembers Kaplan and Quan, and this space thinks they should follow Senator Perata's lead and drop out too.

Chelsea Handler will host the VMA's; Twitter explodes

This is in the un-freaking-believable category, and signals her wild rise to stardom, but Chelsea Handler, Comedian, diva, legs-spreader, skirt-hiker, and host of Chelsea Lately , will be the ...drum-roll-please...HOST OF THE MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS.

What we know as the VMAs. Wow.

And remember a while back when I was asking what the deal was with Chelsea Handler and her humor?

And remember when she dissed Wil.I.Am and asked Rapper T.I. "How was prison?"


In explaining why she's the best choice for the gig, Chelsea Handler, said "this has been a huge year for hip-hop and rap, and it is well-known that I have the closest ties with these communities — musically and sexually. I am to rap and hippity-hop, what Warren Buffet is to finance, minus the sex," according to's Popwatch.

She will be the ring master over a circus of stars including Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Drake, B.o.B, and Florence + The Machine, and presenters Ke$ha, Nicki Minaj, Emma Stone, Penn Badgley, Trey Songz, Ashley Greene, Selena Gomez, and Ne-Yo. Yowzo!

Twitter Explodes on Chelsea Handler

The news blasted the name "Chelsea Handler" to the Top Trends for Wednesday Night, and with that came a lot of interesting tweets. (I mean, have you ever seen her show?)

cthagod - Chelsea Handler hosting the VMA's this year? Whoever thought of that deserves a gold star and a apple....
about 1 hour ago via web
ruthlessblogs - Look Out, Kanye! Chelsea Handler's Hosting MTV's 2010 Video Music Awards
AlfredoFlores - Chelsea Handler is hot.. I am glad she is hosting the VMAS.. She's funny and I already know the Biebs is going to hit on her lol
about 1 hour ago via web

To present some of the tweets.

More on this, soon.

American Idol signs Steven Tyler as judge; Jennifer Lopez still in hunt

Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler will become a judge on American Idol, according to Reality TV Today. While a Fox contact reportedly said "no comment" the MSNBC website quotes a "very insider source" as saying the Aerosmith singer "finalized negotiations late last week."

Frankly, this corner is both surprised and pleased that someone as old as Tyler at 62 was selected. That should make him the oldest judge in American Idol history, and scores a big one for health and fitness and makeup.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez is said by the name news source to still be in the hunt for a judges slow on American Idol.

The last news about Jennifer Lopez was that she was out entirely as Fox executives grew weary of her demands. J-Lo wanted $20 million plus her own hair, makeup, and styling team, and, get this, "dressing room compound."


Steven Tyler Still Rocks

For those of you who have no freaking idea who Steven Tyler is, here's a video of him singing "You Shook Me All Night Long:"

Steven Tyler would be a good addition as he's rock history, can certainly judge talent, and knows the music business inside and out.

Man films himself jumping underneath oncoming train in Shanghai

This man in Shanghai decided to cross that unseen but known barrier between things we know we should not do, and things we do. The man films himself jumping underneath an oncoming train on the Shanghai Subway. (That's the video, above.)

He was, of course, arrested.

The video-blogger told the police he thought he could get a better angle so he did it.  Now, this video-blogger has never even considered such an act.

For one thing, you don't know what's under the train.  He could have been be-headed or anything.

There's one person who's taken video-blogging to a whole new level.