Monday, January 17, 2011

The Social Network's Golden Globe Success Enjoyed By Randi Zuckerberg

While The Social Network - the movie about the founding of Facebook and the emergence of a person who's name's become a household word, Mark Zuckerberg - was collecting awards for Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Original Score, and Best Picture, at least one Zuckerberg was present to enjoy the event: Randi Zuckerberg.

If you don't know, Randi Zuckerberg is Mark Zuckerberg's sister, and the newly-pregnant Director of Marketing for Facebook. She's also one of the 50 top "Digital Power Players" in Hollywood according to The Hollywood Reporter via Gawker.

Unlike Mark, who's not tweeted at his Twitter page finkd since March 13th of 2010 (as of this writing), Randi's a major league active tweeter, and has 21,428 followers as of this writing.

Her latest tweets report her great time at The Golden Globes with her husband , and have a photo, too. Here they are, in reverse chronological order (in other words, backwards):

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
@natalielent thanks so much, love! Definitely an evening to remember - Miss you!
11 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
It's been an awesome, but loooong evening. Really looking forward to sitting down and taking my heels off!
14 hours ago

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
Thank you so much @renttherunway for the gorgeous gown, jewelry & clutch for tonight!!!
18 hours ago

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
Love you! RT @Aubs: In the battle for hottest pregnant woman on the Red Carpet, @randizuckerberg is trumping Natalie Portman. By a landslide
18 hours ago

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
If you tune into NBC for the Golden Globes pre-show in the next few minutes, you may see a certain someone familiar.... ;)
20 hours ago

randizuckerberg Randi Zuckerberg
With my hubby at the Golden Globes - Family red carpet photo!
20 hours ago

You gotta love a woman who tweets that she's hotter than Natalie Portman!

In case you're wondering, Randi didn't get into the Golden Globes because of The Social Network, it's because she's a player in Hollywood.

KNBR's Gary Radnich Classless Handling Of MLK Day Talk

Richard Liberman, who listens to San Francisco Bay Area radio so I don't have to, sent an email explaining that KNBR's Gary Radnich was making comments that, put together, add up to a classless discussion of the Martin Luther King Holiday.

This is what Richard (who's no friend of KNBR by the way) explains via email and on his blog:

Gary Radnich made a comment about it "not feeling like a 'holiday today'" on his KNBR show. Of course, Radnich was referring to the fact that today is Martin Luther King, Jr day, a national holiday. Many media people are working and the stores are open, but the banks and schools are closed, noted Radnich.

Fair enough.

But then a caller, (a regular, who happened to be black,) chastised Radnich and his cohorts for making light of the remarks. Radnich, predictably, mocked the caller and promptly cut the call.

I don't think Radnich intentionally tried to de-ligitimize the MLK holiday. In fact, he's married to an African-American woman.

But he clearly crossed the line by making fun of the caller's legitimate questions.

I'd like to know more about what Gary said, exactly. But for me, why not take time to remind listeners of the importance of remembering Martin Luther King? Yes, Gary's wife is African American, and he has a lovely family (in the photo above), but that doesn't mean he's going to rubber-stamp the MLK Holiday.  

But that's just the point: if Gary can't get behind it, then he should explain why and allow others to talk about it on the air.

We can't forget how the USA has evolved and how fast, just over the last 40 years, and really over the last 10 years too.    Martin Luther King Day should be a day we celebrate what's right with America, not lament what's wrong with it.

We have a great country.  Only in America could a society of people come so far, so fast.   Just six years ago many said America would never have a black president.    Then, that year, a young Senator Barack Obama spoke at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and the talk started.


Gary Radnich should talk about that; I think he'd agree.

ABC World News Perpetuates WRONG 99er Numbers - WHY?

Last night, ABC World News continued to perpetuate the WRONG 99er Numbers (quoting that 1.5 million spun by the DOL in June 2010) and I must ask - WHY?

One might think that any publicity for our 99er cause is a good thing and I would agree up to a point. There is the old adage that: “Sometimes bad help is WORSE than NO HELP at all.” This to me rings true in this instance.

So why can’t the media get it right? Do they even want to reveal the correct number and further embarrass the current administration? Is risking the embarrassment of Obama’s inept cronies and the Sub-Par Congress more important than saving millions of American lives?

Perhaps there is confusion in the term “99ers” as most UI exhaustees average 67.33 weeks of benefits.

99ers like Dawn Rayner in the video below are heros to the 99er Nation. They selflessly put their personal pain out for public display (and often ridicule) in order to further inform America about what Washington’s indifference and incompetence is doing to the many millions among our ranks.

About the interview Dawn said:

Before the ABC interview Dawn says:
"They came to the house. The producer, a cameraman and a lighting guy. They set up the cameras and made sure the light was good, and the producer and I just sat and talked for a while, which was really helpful cuz my heart was in my throat. Then they got a couple shots of me at the computer, they were really interested in the fb pages where we all go for support and to share information.

Then the interview began and the producer just asked me a bunch of questions. Lasted about 1/2 hour. They all told me I did a really good job, so I'm really hoping a lot of it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor. Then we went outside and got a couple shots of my property and stuff. I had told them that we used to have horses with the barn and corrals and the turnout and round pen and everything, but that I'd had to sell off everything and find homes for the horses and all I have left is one little goat, and lots of weeds.....

They were here for just over 2 hours total. Really nice people! They tried really hard to put me at ease and it worked. The producer even told me if he was a 99er he would want me as his advocate, so I am really hoping I come off well on tv."

Then after seeing her interview air on TV she writes:

"I talked about so many important things and they all got cut - the bills in senate, the stereotyping, the lack of accuracy in the unemployment numbers, age discrimination, the "unemployed need not apply", even what I would like to say to Obama. All cut! Gotta wonder why they even bothered to come out here and interview me!"

I know that I should be glad that the networks are finally starting to at least recognize the 99ers...But Shit, they still cut out all of the important facts like under reported numbers, age and other unemployed discrimination and under employment. I hope you have better luck in having most of what you say not ending up on the cutting room floor...So discouraging! Only a few minutes spent on unemployment and the rest of the news focused on the Az. shootings. How much more is there to talk about for God sake. Talking about dumbing down America. No wonder why most people in this country are clueless!"
It is insulting that ABC would be so irresponsible as to under report the true numbers within the 99er Nation at about one third of the true figure. Thing is that the 99er Nation already has an uphill battle educating the general public about the fact Obama’s big Tax deal 13 month UI extension did NOT HELP 99ers AT ALL! Now by ABC broadcasting that 1.5 million “exhaustees” figure - thus insulting our intelligence - they continue the myth that it is somehow OK to screw over 1.5 million Americans when that number is three times higher.

No matter what the true number of “UI exhaustees” truly is, it is an outrageous sin of omission by Washington that condones the “blind eye” approach to this issue and permits the massive suffering of the 99ers to continue unabated. History will record this moment as a dark and evil time in America’s evolution to be sure. How can anyone ever believe in America as that “shining beacon of a city on the hill” when Washington intentionally permits millions of 99ers to suffer - but makes sure it’s richest citizens get a bigger slice of the pie?

BUD MEYERS appears on the Nicole Sandler Show 1-17-11 See it here:

HEY ABC - Ali Velshi GETS IT - WHY DON'T YOU??????

[The donation button below is for Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Golden Globes 2011 A Twitter Hit That Will Translate To TV Ratings

While it's too early to tell how the Golden Globes 2011 did in the TV ratings, it was a hit on According to, 9 of the top 10 topics were related to the Golden Globes, and 18 of the top 20, as well.

 While "Jets" was number one, all of the other topics concerned the Golden Globes, with the number topic two being "golden," and number three "goldenglobes."  And that was for starters.

(In terms of meaning, "top topics" refers to how long a topic stayed on the Top Twitter Trends board.  For example, "Jets" was up for 18 hours and Golden was up for 34 hours.)

The dominate topics related to The Golden Globes and a specific TV or movie were for The Social Network, and for Glee, which were the only award winners to show up among the top Twitter topics in various combinations.

What all of this means is The Golden Globes was watched by an audience that was engaged enough to go to Twitter and tweet.

It also means that the Twitter Demographic fits with the same one that is drawn to the shows The Golden Globes is featuring for awards.   The median age of the Twitter user is 31 years old.  The dominate demographic that watches Glee is between 18 and 34 years old.  That means Glee fans are more likely to tweet, and to watch the Golden Globes to see if their favorite shows won.

But does this mean the Golden Globes was a TV ratings draw? It's hard to find a definitive study, but my own anecdotal evidence reveals that when a TV show dominates Twitter topics in multiple categories for a day, that does translate into good ratings for that TV show. Remember, the rule is "multiple topic categories" and not just one topic name.

According to Mashable's Jolie O'Dell, great TV ratings don't equal great online / Twitter exchanges, but what the article's data reveals, but O'Dell does not, is that reality-based TV shows, where the audience renders an opinion on how contestants did, have a much better rate of online / Twitter exchanges. The Golden Globes falls into that category.

With that, it's fair to say this Golden Globes show's going to score well over 20 million viewers.  My prediction is that the 2011 version will set a record for TV viewers.   That's based on the observation that the Golden Globes all but took over Twitter for all of the evening.   When that happens, you've got a ratings hit.

But what about the Twitter Tweets?  When they were good, they were classic. Here's a sample:

EsqWearsPrada: Angelina Jolie carrying on the green dress trend. I really think no one does long sleeves like she does #goldenglobes
laurhilary: #carsondaly asks why #justinbieber is at #goldenglobes. well actually, carson, the same could be asked of you. #gg
HyunJoongie: Golden Globe Awards now!! - SO I’M EXPECTING INCEPTION TO WIN A LOT. lolol THAT MOVIE IS JUST GENIUS. I’m...
RRice27927: RT @USATODAY: Christian Bale grabs Golden Globe for 'The Fighter'
emanuelflores: RT @goldenglobes: Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical - Paul Giamatti - Barney's Version #GoldenGlobes
andyandyfleming: You guys, this bit where Matt Damon is pretending to not know who Robert Deniro is is KILLING! #goldenglobes
Touwe: RT @100WordsorLess: Robert DeNiro was forced to start his own applause. #po#pooraudienceparticipation #GoldenGlobes #GG

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golden Globes 2011: Twitter Live Stream

The Golden Globes 2011 is going on, with some good speeches and a lot of speeches where it's obvious the award winner had something to drink.   Overall, this show is totally funny.  Seriously.

And when that wasn't the case, Halle Berry's body was driving many to drink.  Wow.

(Did you catch Robert DeNiro?  What about Natalie Portman?)

 At any rate, here's the Twitter Stream for the Golden Globes 2011:

Golden Globes 2011: Robert DeNiro Goes Off On Foreign Press

As I blog this I'm sitting in one of the rooms of the Balboa Theater watching The Golden Globes. It's a great turnout of people who are obviously fans of film.

The great actor Robert DeNiro is accepting a special Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award for a lifetime of amazing work in film. He told Matt Damon that he loved him in The Fighter, a playful jab at Damon's intensional mistaking of characters he played in films.

DeNiro thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press and then went off on a weird rant that wasn't taken so well by the audience. DeNiro said many of the members of The Hollywood Foreign Press, saying that many of them should be deported, along with the waiters serving the actors and actresses at the event.

I'm not making this up.

I'm waiting for the YouTube of this whole train wreck of a speech.


Play offs

Right now the New England Patriots are playing the New York Jets. The score is three nothing Patriots, but it's only the second quarter. Blog post done via windows mobile.