Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jeff Adachi and John Russo: Talks With SF's Public Defender and Oakland's Lawyer

This is an "introductory blog post" for two of this blogger's longest and most informative videos given by Oakland City Attorney John Russo, and San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi. The follow-up blog posts will be dual: one with the title of "John Russo, Oakland City Attorney, Gives Gang Injunction Update," and the other with the title of "SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi On SF Surveillance Scandal."

Both videos are long: approximately 67 minutes in total, combined. They're part of this blogger's on-going effort to produce deliberate long-form online interviews featuring experts, personalities, and celebrities on issues of importance to various audiences.

This blog presents some highlights:

First, on the matter of the San Francisco Police Surveillance Video Scandal, where 57 cases were dropped after members of the San Francisco Police Department were caught on camera committing civil rights violations against mostly poor and minority suspects, and yet, even under penalty of perjury wrote false police reports, covering up flagrant violations, Mr. Adachi says that District Attorney George Gascon, the former police chief of San Francisco, has announced he will not lead the investigation of the SFPD on this matter. The FBI will take charge of the investigation. (And while they're supposed to, Jeff Adachi says that as of this report, the FBI has yet to contact him. Adachi wants to be kept informed by the FBI.)

Second, Adachi says that this may be the tip of the iceberg of such police misconduct in San Francisco.

On the issue of Oakland's Gang Injunction Update, Russo explains that the Gang Injunction does not violate the civil rights of the person's who are the focus and that it's designed as a kind of restraining order. He also explains that of the 15 men who are part of the injunction, there has been only one arrest since it's application. The injunction they are pursuing now is against The Norteños gang which operates in Oakland's Fruitvale District, and what Russo describes as more "common" gang, with colors and symbols. In that case, the gang injunction targets 40 men.

And regarding the assertion made by The East Bay Express on March 2, 2011, that John Russo had not attended an Oakland City Council Closed Session Meeting in two years, he expressly said that was not true. However, he's not pursued a retraction from The East Bay Express because he thinks it just gives more attention to what he considers a small issue. But the bottom line is The Express was wrong.

Russo also said that closed session was not that valuable because some of the people attending were "not prepared." He's referring to certain Oakland City Councilmembers.

Russo also says that Oakland's "Beat Feet" program, where the Oakland Police would take the car used by a suspect in a narcotics bust, regardless of who owned the car, was declared unconstitutional in 2009.

John's not firing the City of Oakland entirely, but only on the issue of the pursuit of cannabis production in violation of Federal law. Russo says his jobs is to be the city's attorney and not to pursue his personal feelings. Russo was not trying to "stop the council" because of his position. Indeed, he was only one of two of 125 public officials in California to come out in favor of Proposition 19, which if passed, would have legalized pot use; it failed last November.

Here are the videos:



Stay tuned.

U-Cubed "March to Madness" Deadline: March 18th 2011

The U-Cubed "March to Madness" Deadline of March 18th 2011 is rapidly approaching.

U-Cubed or Union for the Unemployed is a solidly backed activist organization specifically designed to give Jobless Americans the type of organized unity and strength in numbers that has an impact on Washington DC, lobbying for badly needed JOBS and UI Benefits.

A site wide communiqué released by Executive Director Rick Sloan Friday read:

Dear UCubed Leaders & Activists:

New numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveal the states with the top unemployment rates: Nevada, California, Florida, Rhode Island, Michigan and South Carolina.

Today’s state and local jobless report serves as further proof that state governments and Congress must focus less on destroying good-paying jobs and more on putting jobless residents back to work.

America’s jobless, along with the rest of the country, have for the past few weeks watched the assault Republican governments in Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri and other states are afflicting on hard-working Americans. They can’t help but wonder: How does this put me back to work?

It doesn’t.

Not only will it ultimately send more hard-working folks to the unemployment line, it’s also part of the GOP’s larger strategy to completely ignore and distract from the more pressing issue affecting our country at this time – jobs.

As many of you know, in college sports circles the month of March is affectionately known as March Madness. A fitting description in my opinion to the current situation plaguing the jobless.

I’m not the only one.

“Washington is afflicted with its own version of March Madness, and we're not talking college basketball,” wrote the President of the Institute for America’s Future in a recent op-ed. “Call it a severe case of attention disorder.

Washington has forgotten that 25 million Americans remain in need of full-time work -- a human calamity and national emergency.”

In the spirit of March Madness, UCubed has created its own set of brackets – for the unemployed.

Do you know how your hometown stacks up? Fill out the “Marching to Madness” unemployment brackets and rank the city you think is suffering the most. On Friday, March 18th 2011, UCubed will fill in the brackets with actual rankings from the BLS.

We’re predicting a lot more “upsets” in this tourney – between 25 to 29 million to be exact.

The jobless want to go back to work. And they want to go back today. The time to create a national jobs agenda is now.

It’s time Congress starts creating jobs!

Show your support for the unemployed by clicking “Like” on UCubed's page on Facebook!

In Unity – Strength,

If you are not yet engaged in U-Cubed Please DO SO TODAY:

U-Cubed on:




If you have not yet joined U-C
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99er Cindy Paoletti Rates “Hart of the Matter” Guest Post

99er Cindy Paoletti rates “Hart of the Matter” guest post titled: THE AMERICAN DREAM BECOMES A NIGHTMARE FOR MILLIONS.

Remember Velma Hart, the woman who gave Obama a piece of her mind at a town hall meeting? Well, Hart of the Matter is the blog on her website.

Cindy Paoletti, like millions of others in this economic downturn, reached the end of her 99 weeks of unemployment benefits over one year ago. The 57-year-old worked at JPMorgan Chase & Co. for almost 24 years, before being outsourced to India unexpectedly.

The poignant blog post written by Cindy Paoletti reads in it’s entirety:

The long term unemployed who have exhausted all unemployment benefits are facing a nightmare they can't seem to wake up from. We live day to day, wondering where our next dollar is coming from to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table for our families. For many, sleeping in the back seat of their car or in a tent in the woods has become the normal way of life; dumpster dining and panhandling on the streets when desperation and hunger can no longer be ignored.

We used to be hard working Americans who paid our taxes and lived by the rules. But due to a bad economy many of us lost jobs that we went to every day – some performing very well but budgets no longer could support their position. Now our unemployment has been cut off, there are still no jobs to be found and we no longer can contribute to the economy. Our American dream has become an American nightmare.

We live under the hand of a Government that no longer cares about its citizens, and spends most of its time catering to the rich and corporations, while cutting funding to the most important entitlements that the unemployed need to survive. This same government has forced millions to lose everything they worked their entire lives for only to now to be forced to live in poverty. To make matters worse, they blame the unemployed for the horrendous economy this country is suffering.

Even our President, Barack Obama has ignored the plight of the unemployed. Promising job creation that never comes. The "New Working America" Obama has just spoken about will leave our children to suffer the same way that we are now. When you are unemployed with no income for months (a year now for me) where will you get the money to send your children to college? The media keeps repeating Obama’s comments that a high school diploma is a thing of the past. To get a job in the future you will need a degree and a college education. Ironically, the long term unemployed who have these degrees can't find work.

We can't wait for the jobs of the future, we need jobs NOW! Until those jobs are created, we need a life line to survive. Unemployment is insurance. Congress needs to start taking care of the people that put them in office. They work for us, which is something they seem to forget. I dare any one of them to walk in our shoes for 1 year with no income, no savings, nothing left of any value to sell. Worried and stressed out day after day, which is destroying our health. Let them see how they are contributing to the suffering of the unemployed with their selfishness and heartless attitudes.

The long term unemployed will not stand by much longer waiting for the help we should have received over a year ago. There will be more of the same as happening in Wisconsin as we fight for our right of the pursuit of happiness. Congress needs to live the same way they expect the middle class to live. No more perks and freebies. They need to pay for their health care, (the same health care they choose for the country) no lifetime retirement for only working two years, pay their own way in life rather then the government giving them everything. Give up your American dream and live our nightmare.


[The donation button below is for Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

99er Rhonda Taylor to Speak at "Rally to Save the American Dream" this Tuesday

99er Rhonda Taylor will speak at the Rhode Island "Rally to Save the American Dream" this Tuesday, March 15, 2011.

WHAT: Rally to Defend the American Dream Against Republican Budget Cuts

WHERE: 1000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston, RI

WHEN: Tuesday, March 15, at 4:30 PM

We’re demonstrating to support efforts by Senators Reed and Whitehouse to BLOCK Republican initiatives to make our poor and middle-class American taxpayers “foot the bill” (even more than before) for the damage caused to our economy by Wall Street Banks and their affiliates. We will also express our OUTRAGE over recent attacks by Republican governors on the state and local governmental foundations of our democracy!

We’re standing up to defend our schools, health clinics, fire stations, parks, libraries and more. If the Republicans’ federal “spending cut” initiatives pass, they will kill at least 700,000 American jobs!

Come out and show your support for a federal budget that invests in—not cuts—the American Dream and one which helps our state and local governments better survive the losses of revenue caused by Wall Street misdeeds.

For more information and rallies in your area to join, visit:

How we can EASILY rid ourselves of our “national debt boogieman” entirely!

Throughout our nation’s history, our nation has undergone numerous economic “boom and bust cycles”, and during the “bust” portions of those cycles “boogieman” arguments like the ones we’ve been hearing about our present “national debt” have been used to “morally justify” governmental actions that have devastated the livelihoods of tens of millions of Americans! But the fact is that none of those disastrous actions were ever really necessary, because our federal government is authorized by the US Constitution to “issue money” WITHOUT incurring any debt to do it. Earlier on, those “busts” were created (or at least made worse) by bank or government initiated contractions of our nation’s supply of gold-based and/or silver-based paper money. But nearly a hundred years ago, our Congress (and President Wilson) got duped by a group of Wall Street bankers (led by J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller) into enacting the Federal Reserve act of 1913 which established a legalized “Ponzi scheme” that required our government to borrow from the Federal Reserve in order to issue new paper money. That law CREATED what we now call our nation’s “national debt.” Subsequently, that borrow-in-order-to-create-money principle was ALSO applied to all federal government checks for “new” (non-revenue-raised) dollars and to new electronically created dollars. The bankers who sneaked that law through Congress knew very well that the US Government would ALWAYS spend more money than it received in taxes and thereby engage in “deficit spending.” So given that fact that our national debt get’s automatically “rolled over” each year, the US has been paying compound interest on EVERY new paper dollar, check-created dollar, and electronically created dollar it has issued through the Federal Reserve since 1914!

In principle, at least, when our government issues coins, it pays less than face value for each coin, and it pays it only once! But when our government issues new “paper money notes” (minted dollar notes, dollar checks, or electronically created dollars), it not only pays full face value for those notes, it pays compound interested on those notes FOREVER! This is INSANE! It’s a Ponzi scheme that is increasing our Federal-Reserve-created “national debt” at an exponential rate!

Our government can solve this problem EASILY by repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and its follow-on legislation. Our Treasury Department could then “create money out of thin air”, just like the Federal Reserve has been doing, but WITHOUT creating any additional debt burden on all future generations of Americans! Eventually, all of the US government bonds that comprise our present “national debt” will get paid off (with interest), and future generations of Americans will no longer need to be concerned about a “national debt” which will no longer exist. This will also enable our economy to operate a LOT more smoothly than it presently does, because our Treasury Department will be able to easily fill in money-supply gaps while “controlling inflation” by limiting the amount of new money it creates, just as the Federal Reserve has been doing (but without incurring debt).

And if you are wondering whether or not the rest of the world will honor US dollars that have no gold or silver backing them up, the fact is that they have been doing so for the past 40 years since President Nixon severed the last remaining relationship between gold and the US dollar in 1971.

So the easiest and most practical way to get ourselves out of this unnecessary “national debt crisis” is to REAPEAL the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and its follow-on legislation NOW!

Written by: Christopher Currie, 161 Lake Shore Drive, Pascoag, RI 02859

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Earthquake 2011: Unofficial Missing Or Dead Toll At 12,000

First reported at

The unofficial missing or dead toll as a result of the 8.9 Richter Scale Japan Earthquake is, solely according to this blogger's estimate, standing currently at 12,000 people. That's the result of taking two solid reports from the Kyodo News (which is starting to be recognized as a reliable source for news on the Japan Earthquake).

One report explaining that the victim toll is greater than 2,000, and the second one from, a breaking news story that over 10,000 people are not "accounted for" in the port city of Minamisanriku in quake-hit Miyagi prefecture, according to Japan's NHK.

That's just over half of the town's population of 17,000 people.

The other reason for this, is the apparent lack of desire of the Japanese Government to release actual, reliable data on the latest information relate to the quake. More often than not there are conflicting reports on everything from the death toll, to persons missing, to the possibility of a nuclear meltdown at one of the five nuclear plants of concern.

Stay tuned.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Split

People magazine online reports that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have split after their on-again-off-again three year relationship. The magazine also includes rumors that Timberlake may be cozying up with costar Mila Kunis:

Last month, Timberlake, 30, and his Friends with Benefits costar Mila Kunis were "pretty inseparable" at an afterparty for the Screen Actors Guild Awards, but a source said at the time that the pair – who lit up the Oscars stage as co-presenters a couple of weeks later – were just friends.

In October, another source shot down chatter that Timberlake was cheating on Biel with actress Olivia Munn.

Despite the infidelity rumors, Timberlake and Biel continued to show a united front and spend quality time together.

A different source who knows the couple said Biel "looked the other way" when it came to Timberlake's alleged cheating. The source says "it's been a rough road" for the pair who denied rumors of a breakup in 2009 after spending some time apart due to busy work schedules.

Image from Ecorazzi. reiterates that the break up was mutual.

Top Comic Book Artists Headline 25th Wondercon 2011 SF

Wondercon 2011 SF (San Francisco) is fast approaching and will be held April 1st - April 3rd 2011 at Moscone Convention Center South. The Bay Area-born event, created by Bay Area retailers John Barrett, Bob Borden, and Rory Root, along with comics writer and agent Mike Friedrich, was bought by Comic Con International in 2002, and has grown to draw 36,000 people.

Wondercon 2011 is sponsored by BBC America, DC Comics, G4, Showtime, and War North, the 25th Anniversary Wondercon 2011 is bringing some of the World's top comic book artists to San Francisco.

Just check out this list: Jason Aaron, Sergio Aragonés, Berkeley Breathed, Tony Daniel, Mark Evanier, Adam Hughes, Brian Keene, Robert Kirkman, Hope Larson, Bob Layton, Paul Levitz, Jeremy Love, Francis Manapul, Carla Speed McNeil, Terry Moore, Ryan Ottley, Joe Quesada, Frank Quitely, Amy Reeder, Seth, Bill Sienkiewicz, Len Wein, F. Paul Wilson, Marv Wolfman.

Wondercon posted bios of the artists on the event website, like this one for Jason Aaron:

Jason Aaron is an Eisner and Harvey nominated comic book writer whose work includes the critically acclaimed crime series Scalped for Vertigo and celebrated stints on Black Panther, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine: Weapon X for Marvel. He currently writes Wolverine, Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine, and Punisher Max, all for Marvel. Jason lives in Kansas with his wife and two sons.

And this one for Sergio Aragonés:

One of MAD magazine's longest-running cartoonists (Al Jaffee holds the record) and the creator of that popular dim-witted barbarian Groo, Sergio Aragonés recently ventured into the popular world of The Simpsons, becoming a featured writer/artist in Bart Simpson Comics. A new book, MAD's Greatest Artists: Sergio Aragonés: Five Decades of His Finest Works, celebrates Sergio's long history with the humor magazine.

Zennie62 Will Be At Wondercon and Comic Con 2011

Follow Zennie62 on Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel Zennie62, to get videos and tweets on what's happening at both Wondercon and Comic Con 2011.

A Badge Warning

Additionally, Wondercon producers want you to know that events are on a first-come, first-seated basis. Having a badge doesn't mean you're going to be seated if a room is already filled to capacity, so get there early.