Tuesday, October 06, 2009

David Letterman sex scandal: more Americans cheating than ever before

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What's interesting,and a rather sad, about the David Letterman - well, I guess we might at well use that term - sex scandal, is that some people who chose to comment point the finger at him as if he did something that many don't do: cheat on his wife.

As I stated in my video, Letterman's the real victim here in the way he was "outed":

The sad fact is a lot of people are doing it. There's no accident that Yelp San Francisco has a webpage called "Swinger's Clubs San Francisco" with 67 establishment listings.

As I stated in my last video-blog post on this, I've seen a lot of fooling around by both men and women who were married so I made the calculation that of those commenters who've been married or are married, a good set of them have fooled around on their spouses, making their critical words the stuff of hypocrisy.

Now here's the information to back my claim.

According to a number of sources, starting with this 2008 New York Times article, more people are cheating on each other - men and women. The statistics here are startling. Basically about one in five married men and one in six married women cheat:

University of Washington researchers have found that the lifetime rate of infidelity for men over 60 increased to 28 percent in 2006, up from 20 percent in 1991. For women over 60, the increase is more striking: to 15 percent, up from 5 percent in 1991.

The researchers also see big changes in relatively new marriages. About 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women under 35 say they have ever been unfaithful, up from about 15 and 12 percent respectively.

The reasons given vary from new drugs like Viagra for men, to the increasing availability of pornography online.

It's not that people think adultery is ok, it's that they do it more often than in the past but don't disclose it. This gets to the situation with the "conservative" response to the David Letterman scandal: making critical comments is a socially acceptable way of hiding the truth, making the critical commenter look better than everyone else, when they too may have cheated or may be in the act of cheating.

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