Friday, April 22, 2011

David Letterman Lectures Katie Couric On Leaving CBS News

Yep, the title "David Letterman Lectures Katie Couric On Leaving CBS News" is appropriate, although this blogger was toying with the title "David Letterman kicks Katie Couric's butt for Leaving CBS News," but it reads a bit too harsh.

Just a bit, but that's essentially what Letterman did earlier this week. It was a funny segment overall, because Couric, who has been the face of CBS News since 2006, was shaking her leg, eager to get on with the subject of her, rather than deal with David Letterman's constant recapping of World events. Katie handled the onslaught with considerable aplomb, but it was really obvious she was impatient.

Then, after a commercial break, he brought up the subject of her leaving CBS News, and she said she didn't know when it was going to be, that she would really depart. Then, after a small exchange, Letterman went into that "lecture rant" that was most famously seen when he got after Paris Hilton after she was released from jail after a DUI conviction.

David tore Paris Hilton a new one in 2007 "How did you like being in jail?":


With Katie, it's equally funny to me, because, here she is in the Chair Of Cronkite, and after just five years, wants to give it up? For what, basketweaving? Katie should stay there, even if there's a money issue; make it work another way.

But American Television News needs a person who grew to Cronkite's stature. PAY ATTENTION - I said "grow," OK.

I'd hoped it would be Katie Couric, who I have nothing but love for.

I'm just disappointed in her.

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