Saturday, December 15, 2007

Des Moines Register's Endorsement Of Clinton Is Criminal and They Forgot About The Iraq War!

DMR CHOICE - BIG MISTAKE. But the seeds in the DMR selection of Clinton over Obama, sadly, are summed up in the second paragraph of the editorial: "No fewer than three candidates would, by their very identity, usher the nation to the doorstep of history. Should the party offer the nation the chance to choose its first woman president? Or its first black president? Or its first Latino president?"

In other words gender and ethnicity -- not talent or experience -- played a major role in the selection of Clinton. Three women -- all White -- selected a White Woman who's running for President, then had the wrong-headed action of referring to the choice of picking a Woman over someone Black or Latino. Wow!

The editorial never mentioned the need to get out of Iraq and bring our troups home. In fact, it doesn't even mention Iraq at all!

Senator Barack Obama has been focused on this from day one -- Senator Clinton says she'll do it just to get a vote. The DMR editorial board gave a most criminal endorsement.

Criminal, because according to the New York TImes, the DMR Editorial Board allowed itself to be wined and dined by The Clintons. Normally, journalists don't accept dinner, gifts, and favors at all as it taints their ability to make a reasoned decision about news coverage.

Not this time!

Look at this excerpt from the NY Times:

Only nine days earlier, the Clintons had played host to a few top editors for drinks and appetizers at one of Des Moines’s fashionable new restaurants. But on this visit, Mr. Clinton was the closer in the exhaustive campaign of persuasion. Even after an hour he had not made his full case to Laura Hollingsworth, the new publisher, so he called back later in the day.

“Hi, it’s Bill Clinton,” he said, speaking slowly after reaching only voice mail. “I’m just calling to thank Laura for the meeting today. There was one more point I wanted to make, but I’ll keep trying to find her. Anyway, I enjoyed it, and I appreciate the time. Thanks.”

Two days after the former president dropped by, Ms. Hollingsworth smiled as she played the recorded message for a reporter during an interview in her office.

“It was humbling and I was honored to meet with him, but I wouldn’t say it sways me at all,” she said. “In this whole process, star-struck is the least of it.”

What is this? TMZ? Nuts!

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