Saturday, April 19, 2008


When Senator Hillary Clinton's staffers said they were throwing the kitchen sink at Senator Barack Obama, they were not kidding. Someone this Saturday night hacked the website. This video shows what happened when I went to my blog page, then clicked on "Community Blogs" -- I was taken to the front page of Senator Clinton's website.

This means Senator Clinton's staffers possibly hired someone to hack into the Barack Obama website system. Such efforts generally don't go unpaid, either.

Moreover, Blue State Digital is running the site, and has to bear some responsibility for this. Did an ex-Blue State Staffer do this? Was Blue State hired by the Clinton staff recently? There are many questions to answer. But if Senator Clinton bowed out of the race, these games would stop.

This is serious because it means Senator Clinton could also unethically poach donors from the Obama campaign via online website redirects like this. Terrible and unethical.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I love your blog! I stumbled across it on U Tube and will definitely be back! People can do evil to President Obama all they want, but good prevails over the darkside. I believe this country is willing to take the gamble and go with Obama. For a person to stoop that low is a shame. I agree, she should just bow out!

  2. Dude, nobody was paid by clinton to hack this site. In fact, barak's site wasn't even technically "hacked".

    The website was poorly written, and it allowed anybody with 5 minutes and a sense of humor to add random executable code INTO the system. These types of software bugs have been exploited for years going back to the pre-DOS days.

    Blame obama's software people for this. That kind of oversight is sloppy programming.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Most likely it was a McCain supporter; why would anybody from Hillary's campaign deliberately leave tracks showing who committed the sabotage?

    Republicans love sowing dissent among Democrats, and this internecine squabbling plays right into their hands.
