Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Roland Burris: Reid Blasts Blagojevich For Making Pick

Former New York Jets Head Coach
I appreciate the opportunity that Woody and Mike gave me for the past three years as the head coach of the New York Jets. The organization has terrific people and I wish the Jets nothing but success. The time and effort invested by the coaches and players was tremendous and I value that beyond words. We worked hard to achieve two winning seasons out of the past three. I regret that we could not reach our goals for this year. I will always appreciate the passion and support of the fans as our focus was trying to build them a championship-caliber foundation and team.
What do you think he's trying to say here??
FARC-EP give Full support to Rafael Correa and its governmen
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), the same terrorist organization that kidnapped Ingrid Betancourt, gave their full support to Ecuador's President and Columbian documents support this video.
From the article:
"BOGOTA, March 2 (Reuters) - Colombia said on Sunday documents found in a camp in Ecuador where Colombian troops killed a top guerrilla boss showed ties between the FARC rebels and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, including contacts about political proposals and local military commanders.
FARC rebel commander Raul Reyes was killed inside Ecuador in an army operation that has fueled tensions between Washington ally Colombia and neighbors Venezuela and Ecuador, where leftist leaders are fiercely opposed to U.S. proposals.
Police Commander Gen. Oscar Naranjo said documents found in computers belonging to Reyes showed contacts between a Correa government minister, Gustavo Larrea, and the FARC commander to discuss political proposals and projects on the frontier.
"The questions raised by these documents need concrete answers," Naranjo said. "What is the state of relations between Ecuador's government and a terrorist group like the FARC.""
Correa's ties are to be questioned as anti-human rights at best. He's also closely linked to Venezualan President Hugo Chavez.
More info in the update to come.
Zbigniew Brzezinski Says Joe Scarborough Is "Stunningly Superficial"
This is a classic find by The Young Turks, and has Zbigniew Brzezinski totally embarassing MSNBC's Joe Scarborough regarding the peace talks and Arafat's involvement. Zbigniew Brzezinski asserts correctly that the peace talks stopped under George W. Bush, but Joe says that Bush had nothing to do with the matter of the terrible mid-east situation. A total error at the least. Watch Zbigniew Brzezinski take on Joe in this video.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Multinational Monitor Erroneously Lists Ford Foundation's Community Friend Chevron as One Of 2008 Worst Corporations
This is certainly true with Chevron, the company the "non-profit" organization publication owned by Essential Information, a firm founded by Ralph Nader, who's not involved with it as of this writing. It is Essential Information that receives a grant from The Ford Foundation, which in turn has recognized Chevron as a good company in the matter of community investment in America.
So what does the Multinational Monitor accuse Chervon of that makes it "so bad"? It's attempt to throw out a baseless lawsuit against it by Ecuador regarding oil wells that the country itself is responsible for taking care of and has been for almost 20 years.
Multinational Monitor and Robert Weissman, who made the list, should take Chevron off of it.
by TJ Rosenthal-Football Reporters Online
Woody Johnson and GM Mike Tannenbaum have both expressed their desire for a coach that would better fit the direction of the franchise from this day forward. Most Jet fans agree with this assessment. So, after 48 years of dreary football, Jan 12 1969 aside, I've compiled a list of people that truly fit the franchise as it exists today: A team with a 39 year old interception happy quarterback in limbo, a top 5 draft pick who had one more tackle than the kicker this season, and a team that at 8-3, couldn't beat a 2 win team down the stretch in order to control their own destiny.
1-Fireman Ed: Ed has seen more bad football and poor coaching decisions first hand than any human being alive or dead in the history of mankind. His experience alone will provide him with the knowledge of what NOT to do. That's a plus. A major plus. Not to mention, he can jump on players' shoulders during TV timouts to start the Jet chant through the stadium to get the crowd going. His charming lovable clown like demeanor is far and away the best fit going forward.
2-Joe Namath. Why has Broadway Joe, the only Jet that any Jet fan can speak proudly about , never been approached about this position? HE'S THE ONLY JET WHO HAS EVER WON! HE EVEN GUARANTEED IT! Ok ok, he had that sideline incident with Suzi what's her name a few years back. Tried to make out with her during an interview as the Jets were getting blasted by the Pats. You see though, THATS what the Jets need. A little flair. Even in a loss, Joe is gonna make it interesting, get a few phone numbers , wear a mink coat. No better yet , Woody can peel off the Namath jersey that the owner himself licks like a stamp every Sunday on the field level wall and let Joe wear it. This way if Vinny Testaverde, who I'm assuming the Jets will re sign in the offseason to get younger at the position, throws an interception, Broadway Joe can put himself in and try and rally the team late. If Ed turns down the job Woody, offer it to Namath.
3-George Bush. He'll be out of work in a few weeks and could bring a no nonsense attitude to the sidelines. Dick Cheney could run the offense, The Jets would throw bombs on every play. Donald Rumsfeld could run the defense. The Jets would blitz on every down. Even during tv timeouts. They wouldn't even wait for opposing teams to bring their offense onto the field at times and would pre emptively blitz the sidelines. They'd have blitzing players hit trainers, sideline reporters, flip over the benches and heaters. Now this would be a return to the old Oakland Raiders style of football in the early Seventies, but it worked for the Silver and Black. Not a bad move if the Jets brass feel that the collapse was due to the fact that the team got "soft" down the stretch.
4-Greg Gumbel. Just to get the boring sleepy guy out of the booth and no longer doing Jet games, let's put Gumbel where he belongs, with the sleepy Jets on the sidelines. They can take midday kindergarten naps together. No, they can take Sunday 3 hour naps together. Gumbel will wait until kickoff then order the team to find their cubby partner, a place on the turf, and rest. After getting a hold of old games on DVD and listening to Dick Enberg, Keith Jackson and Howard Cosell provide play by play, I can't believe this marriage has gone on as long as it has. Actually , I can. So hiring Gumbel as head coach, may the only way to cut ties. This option may be a more honest match energy wise, to what we saw towards the end in 2008 on the field anyway.
5-Frank TV: The guy is a comedian. Imitates everyone. He's hilarious. While the Jets are blowing another game, or another season, Woody can force the stadium scoreboard camera operator to cut to our new head coach doing some of those imitations he does during EVERY commercial break. Franks hiring will certainly keep the drunk, moronic fan base which includes me, distracted enough in order to lessen the Bon Jovi concert -like decibel level of those "Lets go Dolphins chants," that echoed through the Meadowlands on Sunday.
These are the 5 truly best suited, truly the best FIT for the state of the Jets. a franchise that can't escape the vicious cycle of disarray and disappointment.
Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son But What Does He Look Like? |
Bristol Palin, 18, gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Sunday, People magazine reported online. He weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Colleen Jones, the sister of Bristol’s grandmother, told the magazine that “the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well.”
-- But everyone wants to know if the Baby has even a hint that the father may be black!? I talked about this in my video on Kevin, who claimed he was the father of the child and is Black .
Monday, December 29, 2008
Three NFL Teams Fire Head Coaches - Eric Mangini Gone?
From the AP: The Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns and New York Jets wasted no time in firing their head coaches just one day after the 2008 NFL regular season ended. (Dec. 29)
-- I'm surprised that Eric Mangini got the axe after just three years. I think one more year would have been in the offing. The Jets are just building a good nucleus of talent, but I'm also not one who was in favor of Chad Pennington's being traded to the Dolphins.
Who gains from Gaza crisis?
From Russia Today:
"Israel has pledged to fight Hamas to the death. Defence Minister Ehud Barack has said that the ongoing air strikes on Gaza are a war to the bitter end against Hamas militants. Four Israelis and 360 Palestinians have been killed since the attacks began on Saturday. Many in Israel are asking why now. Hamas, they say, has been firing Qassam rockets at them for eight years.
Questions are now being asked about whether the war is linked to Israeli elections, due to be held in six weeks. The early poll was called after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was charged with corruption."
-- Wow. If all of this was a political stunt it was one of the dumbest most self-serving acts in World political history. The act of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert could light the fuse for a small World War and destablize our economy even more. All for a stupid Israeli election? You're kidding.
Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton - DNC Memories
This is a video of the moments leading to the historic speech of Hillary Rodham Clinton and includes First Lady Michelle Obama next to VP Elect Joe Biden.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I was on the floor at the Democratic National Convention when this movie was played before a paoked house. With all the frenetic action I never really "saw" the video until now. It's well done and served the purpose of presenting the history and character of our next Secretary of State in an entertaining way.
Zennie Abraham's Take On Seesmic and Twitter, on Seesmic
My video response to Loic LeMeur's video posted over at Seesmic, where he asserts Seesmic will not be like Twitter! I am happy because I feared another "go" at the whole "Authority" subject. Yikes!
Turks protest Israeli assault in Gaza
From the YouTuber hobarell:
"Protests were held throughout Turkey on Sunday against the Israeli weekend attack on Hamas in Gaza. Following Saturday's massive rally against Israel in Istanbul, irate pro-Palestinian supporters held rallies in the Turkish provinces of Van and Konya as well as a major rally after the noon prayers in Istanbul. Also, the Turkish Red Crescent Society dispatched ten truckloads of humanitarian relief to Gaza on Sunday.
(ANKARA) Trucks carrying humanitarian aid, interview with director of Turkish Red Crescent Society's Ankara branch (in Turkish), trucks departing
(VAN) Protesters carrying banners and pictures of the slain Palestinians, protesters chanting slogans, "Salute to Hamas, Keep Resistance"
(KONYA) Demonstrators burning Israeli flag, calling for "retaliation" against Israel
(KONYA) Demonstrators carrying pictures of Hamas leaders, demonstrators chanting slogans "Down with Israel," a young boy shouting slogans and crying,
(ISTANBUL) Shots of the large crowd at Beyazit Square, the crowd carrying Palestinian flags shouting anti-Israeli slogans, details"
-- Just an example of the immediate and load displeasure expressed around the World and especially in the Arab community.
MEET THE PRESS FULL VIDEO: David Gregory, Dave Axelrod, The Economy
Ok, I've gotten over my dismay at NBC's decision to select long-time White House Correspondent David Gregory over the newcomer Rachel Maddow, and have thus ended my self-emposed embargo on posting of the Meet The Press Videos.
Today, we have Obama Special Advisor Dave Axelrod being interviewed by Dave Gregory, and by all accounts he did well. But I disagree with the notion that the tax cut will be enough. I thinkk giving each taxpayer below $100,000 a $3,500 check would dramatically boost this economy and buy time for the other more long term programs to take effect.
Linda Fiorentino and Mark Rossini: LAST SEDUCTION OF THE G-MAN - New York Post
The film was "The Last Seduction," but those who know Linda Fiorentino say the character that made her famous isn't far from the actress' own life. And in the real-life story, the "she done him wrong" role is played by her FBI-agent boyfriend, Mark Rossini.
The former G-man, 47, turned in his badge several weeks ago for accessing agency files on the case of private investigator Anthony Pellicano without authorization and pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts.
So far, the only connection between Rossini - who faces jail time but may only receive probation under a plea deal - and Pellicano is Fiorentino, who had an obsession with the Pellicano case, the former agent's friends say.”
-- Art imitates life? I wonder to what degree Fiorentino's roles impacted her real life in this case?
Blagojevich Investigators Won't Subpoena Obama Aides -
In a letter received by the committee Friday, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald asked the special investigative committee specifically to not subpoena President-elect Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Nils Larsen, a Tribune Co. executive vice president.
Fitzgerald said any such subpoenas "would interfere with the ongoing criminal investigation into the activities of Governor Rod Blagojevich and others."”
-- To me this is evidence that it was a member or members of the Obama camp that "outted" Blago to begin with. They're being protected and rightly so. Blago should not have disrespected the President-Elect with his behavior.
Planes landing at Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport 香港 啟德機場 Compilation 1
This is a disaster waiting to happen. I can't believe how low these planes fly over this hyper-urban Hong Kong or that nothing -- no crash -- has ever happened. But what about near misses?
How To Get More Women to Be Video Bloggers
There's an idea out there that there are more male than female video-bloggers and an anecdotal scan would seem to confirm that. My video explains how we can change that by encouraging women to vlog, and protecting them from harm and harrasment online to the extent that's possible. Here's the iReport version .
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Republican candidate Chip Saltsman Distributes Racist Obama song
Saltsman, a personal friend of conservative satirist Paul Shanklin, sent a 41-track CD along with a note to national committee members. ”
-- And the Republicans wonder why they lost the election?
Israel expels UN rights envoy Richard Falk - Dec 17 08
From AlJazeera English:
"The United Nation's top human rights official has condemned Israel's expulsion of Richard Falk, the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territories, from the country, calling it "unprecedented" and "deeply regrettable. Al Jazeera's Ghida Fakhry spoke to Falk about his expulsion and the potential repercussions."
Another example of Perez hard-line war-like stance. Not a good pattern of behavior here.
Raw Video: Israel Strikes Hamas
This attack reported by the AP here:
"Israeli aircraft have struck Hamas security compounds across Gaza in an unprecedented series of simultaneous strikes. Hamas reports dozens of people were killed. The first strikes came just after noon. (Dec. 27)"
was unexpected, and tests American support of Israel. There are 225 dead and it comes as Israel had said it would not carry out such an operation.
Israeli President Shimon Peres lied because he said Israel had no plans to do such a thing, but have stepped forward and done it. With no advanced warning.
Obama's saying nothing at this point, but he's right to do so: Bush is the president -- he could, of course, step down. But we still have the old Congress to deal with still.
Regardless, Perez must be held in check. If I were Obama, I would wait, then use my friends to cause him to fall in line once I were President, then back their actions.
12/24/08 President-elect Barack Obama's Weekly Address
President-Elect Obama gave a great presentation on Christmas Eve, and I've noticed that he's adjusted his suit since I pointed out the problem the first time! At any rate, Obama asked us to think about those who we pay our tax dollars to who are fighting for America, whether we like the war or not. He also turns attention to the economic problems at home, which call for trillions to solve.
Gov Blago's lawyer asks panel to subpoena Obama staff
-- Blago knows where the bodies are buried, but not with Obama's people. Things will get interesting when -- and if -- Blago turns to the Illinois legislature in the other issues surrounding the ethics charges.
Caroline Kennedy, in Senate Bid, Asked About Finances
This year, after warily stepping into the political free-for-all for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's job, Kennedy's activities during the holiday season included fending off requests to disclose financial information.
The calls for Kennedy to release her financial information, required of many public officials including her uncle Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, come after a lifetime of carefully cultivated privacy.
By all accounts a very wealthy woman who could be worth as much as $400 million, Kennedy has said she will not release details of her finances unless Democratic Gov. David Paterson picks her for the Senate seat that will open up if Clinton is confirmed as secretary of state.”
--- If she has to do so, then so do the other candidates. That's only fair. I think there are opponents who are way too zealous in trying to find "something" on Caroline Kennedy.
Israel demolishes Hamas compounds, over 200 dead - AP and SFGate
Friday, December 26, 2008
Loic Le Meur's Call For Twitter "Search By Authority" Is Misguided and Self-Serving
Le Meur has as of this writing 15,196 followers on Twitter. Do you for a moment think that he would dare dream of such a provision if he had, say 800 followers or less? Of course not. Le Meur's also very wrong and really horribly arrogant to be direct in his statement that "we're not equal on the Web." Well. that's not the point at all, and I'm really surprised that he would even concern himself with what is essentially a teenage concern: who's better than whom?
I thought the whole deal about New Media was that it not only equalized us but was fluid: at one point a person was up, but given the winds of change, could give way to a new comer. Quickly. That's the fun of all this. As Farid Zakaria put it in the latest edition (as of this writing) of Newsweek on "The Global Elite , "Knoweldge is Power" and he was referring directly to the Internet's impact on culture.
He's right.
For Le Meur to even call for such a provision on Twitter is an insult to those of us who understand that considering the capabilities of anyone of us, we really are all equal. Moreover, it's an attempt to lock in place the favored position he thinks he deserves.
Come on!
Loic knows damn well that one way to add followers is to follow people on Twitter first. Thus, he has 15,928 folks he's following, which is just ahead of his number of followers and indicates he's been a user of that way to gain followers over time. Now, Twitter has taken on the act of restricting the number of people one can follow, making it impossible to use that system -- as LeMeur has done -- to gain followers.
So he has this advantage and now wants to lock it in. Ah, all for the love of power and the maintenance of authority.
Forget it.
Now I'll take my first point, that Le Meur's off base. He is for the simple reason that I don't need or want some indicator to tell me what's important. I will do that for myself. If I want to pay attention to a new news brand on Twitter, Loic's idea could hamper their growth. An important call for action by someone small and liberal, could be blotted out by someone large and Republican and with "authority" as Loic see it.
No way.
Authority does not equal followers perfectly in this new society. It is an reward for being known for a moment, but also at times for gaming the system, again for a moment and that's true in Twitterville -- let's be real honest here.
Real authority, like it or not, is fluid and ever changing. It's a byproduct of power, which too is fleeting and today is tied to eyeballs that last for, again, a moment. I often laugh at those who believe they can capture it for themselves forever. Pure folly. Perhaps Loic can't deal with that kind of chaos of the fluidity of power, but I welcome it and will fight to make sure that it's maintained. As much respect as I have for Le Meur's accomplishments, this idea must be jettisoned.
UPDATE: fortunately, the blogsphere's rising up against this idea, not Loic, but the proposed plan. Check out Sarah Lacy's blog on the matter.
Football Reporters Online Teams up with Southwest NY Restaurant For Super Bowl Party and Live Broadcast from NYC’s World Financial Center

For Immediate Release
Annrose Fumai-Chachkes
Director of Marketing Operations
Football Reporters Online
Football Reporters Online Teams up with Southwest NY Restaurant For Super Bowl Party and Live Broadcast from NYC’s World Financial Center
Listen at
Hicksville, NY-December 12th 2008: Today Football Reporters Online (FRO) Announces their Live Super Bowl XLIII (43) Broadcast. The Staff of FRO will be Live on the Air from SouthWest NY, Located at 225 Liberty Street in the “#2” World Financial Center building from 3pm to 6pm on Sunday February 1st. This is a first for FRO and our Radio Host Website Blogtalk radio, as no single broadcaster has ever attempted a 3 hour show in any format, much less an on-location show. “We continue to be a sports media company of firsts,” says FRO’s Managing Partner, Dr. Bill Chachkes. “In 2007 we worked with Sports Business Simulations to bring fans of the NFL Draft the “First Ever” streaming Audio and Video of the Draft (13 Hours across two days) SBS’s CEO and FRO’s blogging partner Zennie Abraham will be a contributor to the show via remote live from Tampa, which is the site of this years’ contest.
Also visiting with us live from Tampa will be FRO’s Scouting Director and Contributor to the Black Athlete Sports Network Michael Ingram, and Giants’s Ken Palmer (whether the NY Giants are playing or not).
Joining Dr. Chachkes from the “Front Window” of the restaurant as Co-Hosts will be: noted author Wil Mara, who is currently writing a series of Books for St. Martins Press set in the back offices and Locker rooms of the NFL, and John ”JK” Kelly, Jon “Wags” Wagner, and Ralph Garcia, who are all senior contributing writers. Mr. Kelly Covers the NY Dragons of The AFL and The Giants for WFUV Fordham University Radio, Mr. Wagner is also a contributor to CAA, and Mr. Garcia covers The ACC, SEC, and The NFL’s AFC and NFC south divisions for FRO, as well as High School football In Nashville Tn. for various local outlets. Producing the show as she does for each “Live on Location” effort will be the talented Slavica Milosevska, who also doubles as FRO’s Senior investigative writer/reporter.
“Those who take the opportunity to join us in person won’t just enjoy the best Southwestern cuisine on the east coast, they will be treated to the “best football radio show they ever heard” said Dr. Chachkes. There will be plenty of giveaways just for showing up, including 3 copies of the “Gridiron Guide to the NFL Draft.” our new Annual Draft Publication. There will also be a Trivia contest (NFL Style) and a live “Ask the Experts” segment for those joining us in person. For the latest updates between now and Super Sunday, check the front page of our website:
It’s all about the mindset for these Titans
By Ralph Garcia-Sr. Writer Southeast Region-Football Reporters Online 12/24/08
As the 2008 season began one would look at the Titans schedule and pencil them in for seven to nine wins. After three quarters of the season this team never heard a word of that. They have managed a 12-1 mark and their attitude is the main reason. No matter how well or bad they play it’s the next opponent that’s on their mind. Not one player in the locker room feels they have done a thing yet. They have taken the approach that no matter the hype from the media they will stay focused on next week’s opponent. The goal was to make the playoffs. With that done their next goal is to win the AFC and the right to play in the Super Bowl. As safety Michael Griffin put it "It's set in stone now. We are the 2008 AFC South champs. But as a team, we can't settle for that. We can still get knocked out of the playoffs and this wouldn't really mean anything. The only thing it has guaranteed is that they will play one more game after the season. Beyond that is up to them. The feeling of having accomplished nothing so far has fed the hunger to win each and every Sunday. They come out hungry on each down wanting to punish their opponent every time they have the ball. Now they cannot play as they did against the Browns. The passing game will have to be more consistent. Wide receivers will have to step it up. The penalties will have to be kept to a minimum. As for the running game and the defense all they have to do is keep up the intensity. Three more regular season games left and then the second season begins. With the attitude this team is keeping a long run into the playoffs looks good. Maybe, just maybe, they can be playing on that last Sunday for all the marbles.
Zennie Abraham's Travel Problem Focus of CNN Live Appearance Today
I had the pleasure of sharing my iReport story with CNN's anchor Richard Lui who's a fellow Cal Berkeley graduate like myself. The original video on CNN is below and I told my story live today at CNN Headquarters. Thanks to Henry Hanks of the CNN iReport team and to the producers at CNN.
Original video:
Pakistan moves troops toward Indian border | Antiwar Newswire
The move represents a sharp escalation in the standoff between the nuclear-armed neighbors and will hurt Pakistan's U.S.-backed campaign against al-Qaida and Taliban taking place near Afghanistan's border.
Two intelligence officials said the army's 14th Division was being redeployed to Kasur and Sialkot, close to the Indian border. They said some 20,000 troops were on the move. Earlier Friday, a security official said that all troop leave had been canceled.”
Obama Shirtless? My Chest Is Better Than Barack Obama's
The sight of our President-Elect Barack Obama shirtless in Hawaii has some in a tizzy. But look, many brothers have hairless, sculpted chests, like me! My chest is better than President Obamas!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Was Mike Connell Killed? White House Scandal Tied To Connell?
Raw Story is one of several blogs that have covered the accident and speculate that his death may not have been accidental:
“Since early this decade, top Internet ‘gurus’ in Ohio have been coordinating web services with their GOP counterparts in Chattanooga, wiring up a major hub that in 2004, first served as a conduit for Ohio's live election night results,” researchers at ePluribus Media wrote.
A few months after this revelation, when a scandal erupted surrounding the firing of US Attorneys for reasons of White House policy, other researchers found that the gwb43 domain used by members of the White House staff to evade freedom of information laws by sending emails outside of official White House channels was hosted on those same SmarTech servers.
Given that the Bush White House used SmarTech servers to send and receive email, the use of one of those servers in tabulating Ohio’s election returns has raised eyebrows. Ohio gave Bush the decisive margin in the Electoral College to secure his reelection in 2004.
IT expert Stephen Spoonamore says the SmartTech server could have functioned as a routing point for malicious activity and remains a weakness in electronic voting tabulation.
"...I have reason to believe that the alternate accounts were used to communicate with US Attorneys involved in political prosecutions, like that of Don Siegelman," said RAW STORY's Investigative News Editor, Larisa Alexandrovna, on her personal blog Saturday morning . "This is what I have been working on to prove for over a year. In fact, it was through following the Siegelman-Rove trail that I found evidence leading to Connell. That is how I became aware of him. Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.
This video from Guerilla News Network and the one below it from This Week In Fascism says that some sources claim that Bush Administration aide Karl Rove may have threatened Connell's life or may have threatened to blow the whistle on his wife for alleged lobbying violations if he told others of his involvement in an alleged scheme to take vote for Al Gore and for Senator John Kerry and transfer them to then-Governor and later President George W. Bush in the 00 and 04 elections.
This video reports that Ohio lawyers asked for protection for Mike Connell from Rove on July 28th 2008.
Whatever the truth here, it's clear that Rove may have been involved in the "taking down" of several high level Democrats and the "choking off" of donations to Democrats in the South. We have the work of Laurisa Alexandrovna at Raw Story to thank for this. I'm just learning of this story, so I will get more up to speed on it.
In my view this is just as important as the Rod Blagojevich scandal. In fact, it's more important. Why the mainstream media would pay more attention to that story than this one is beyond me.
Gov. Rod Blegojevich At The Democratic Convention
I recorded this interview of Gov. Blagojevich at the Democratic Convention but now it takes on new meaning. At the time of this interview, there was no nationally-known scandal. The matter of the Chicago school funding controversy was only known to the Chicago media, and not by me. I was just gathering information. But the matter of who Gov. Blagojevich's allies and enemies are comes out in this brief interview conducted by a member of the Chicago media and recorded by me at part of the group of press behind him.
Gov. Blegojevich answered all of the questions aimed at him and -- considering the rush to see Hillary Clinton speak -- gave as much time as he could to the press. In firing back against charges from Chicago Mayor Richard Daley that school funding was inadequate, the Governor asked if the Mayor and Arne Duncan, the head of the Chicago Board of Education and now President-Elect Barack Obama's choice to be Secretary of Education, could account for the $2 billion the state gave the City of Chicago.
In this, we see who may be backing Blago: State Senator Emil Jones and State Senator Rev. Jesse Meeks. But moreover, I believe we're dealing with someone who, with all of his foilbles, knows where "the bodies are buried."
This matter of his indictment going to get even more interesting before it's done.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
NORAD Tracks Santa - Cape Canaveral, Florida
As of this writing, NORAD tracked Santa in Baltimore! Check out for the latest Santa siting!
American Airlines plane incidents at Chicago's O'Hare airport -
American Airlines Flight 1544 -- an MD-80 carrying 54 passengers and a crew of five -- was taxiing into takeoff position on Runway 22-L when it hit an icy patch, said airline spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan.
No one was hurt, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory said.
The left tires and the nose tires slid onto the grass next to the taxiway, she said.”
-- I can't remember a time when so many incidents of delays and accidents happened in such a small window of time. I wonder if this is tied to the poor maintainance spending of the airlines and the need for airport upgrades in general?
Denver Airport Three Hour Flight Delay - Christmas Eve
This is the second day of my Denver flight delay story. After not making UAL 7515, I managed to get a free room at the Marriot Residents Inn in nearby Aurora, CO. The next morning, I got up to get back to Denver Airport. This is that portion of the ordeal.
Denver Airport Three Hour Flight Delay - Day Two
This is the second day of my Denver flight delay story. After not making UAL 7515, I managed to get a free room at the Marriot Residents Inn in nearby Aurora, CO. The next morning, I got up to get back to Denver Airport.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Denver Airport Three Hour Flight Delay - Not On Flight
Well, after all that, the flight was so overbooked, and I was on standby, I did not get on. So, I've got to get a hotel room and stay in Denver for the night.
Denver Airport Three Hour Flight Delay - Bad Weather
As I upload this new video I am still at DIA - Denver International Airport - and Gate B56 where the flight to Atlanta, United 7515, was to have departed at 6:56, but will not leave until 10 PM. The reason: bad weather in Iowa - An Interesting Site Combining The Election and Eating
Developed by Denver-based "Motive" (thanks for the info Taylor Woodward!) as a promotional product for Odoba Mexican Grill, the website is a cleaverly designed survey that asks you to answer some wacky but logical questions. For example, who of a set of cartoon icons would you want to be stuck on a desert island with? I picked Captain Kangaroo because he's got a boat so I can get off the island!
At any rate, the final outcome of the survey was that I was a "NACHO": an independent person who was most likely single! (Got that right!) I then cast my vote for Barack Obama, as did 55 percent of the people surveyed. But what's interesting is McCain won no state at all.
What was also interesting is that the candidates have designations: Barack Obama is a "TACO SALAD" whereas John McCain is a "NACHO" like me. A Taco Salad person is easy going and empathic, whereas a Nacho is one who kind of "does their own thing" without care of what others think. Hmm. Reads like me, again!
if you're wondering, Sarah Palin is "CHIPS and SALSA" and Joe Biden is a "QUESADILLA".
You've got to check this out. Ok. So it's after the election, but it's still fascinating. It cries for a video-blog component of some kind. Can you imagine asking these questions to random people?! That would be a hoot!
Murray Waas Exclusive: Dick Cheney’s admissions to the CIA leak prosecutor and FBI
Cheney conceded during his interview with federal investigators that in drawing attention to Plame’s role in arranging her husband’s Africa trip reporters might also unmask her role as CIA officer.
Cheney denied to the investigators, however, that he had done anything on purpose that would lead to the outing of Plame as a covert CIA operative. But the investigators came away from their interview with Cheney believing that he had not given them a plausible explanation as to how he could focus attention on Plame’s role in arranging her husband’s trip without her CIA status also possibly publicly exposed. At the time, Plame was a covert CIA officer involved in preventing Iran from obtaining weapons of mass destruction, and Cheney’s office played a central role in exposing her and nullifying much of her work.”
-- The picture that is developing is one of a person - VP Richard Cheney - who was running a "shadow government" in the Bush Administration. Just what laws were broken is not clear at this point, but the pure smell of secrecy and lies is evident. The whole matter of how we got into Iraq is an open book for legal analysis.
Russia orders 70 new nuclear missiles | World news |
A senior government official in Moscow said the Russian military would commission 70 strategic missiles over the next three years. It was unclear whether sea-launched ballistic missiles were included in this figure, but military experts said it could represent up to a fourfold increase on the rate of production of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).”
-- This is a frightening development. I do hope we don't get into a military spending contest with the Russians. We can't afford it and I'm not sure it's the best way to go.
Home Sales Drop To 18-Year Low
The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that new home sales fell 2.9 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual sales pace of 407,000 units. That was a weaker performance than economists had expected and was the slowest sales pace since January 1991.
The median price of a new home sold in November was $220,400, a drop of 11.5 percent from the sales price a year ago. That was the biggest year-over-year price decline since a 12.7 percent fall in March of this year. The median is the point where half the homes sold for more and half for less.”
Thierry de la Villehuchet: Madoff Investor Dies After $1.4 Billion Lost
Obama Blagojevich Report: Team Claims Exoneration
Emanuel's interactions, moreover, were not in any way improper, Obama's aides stressed, and the transition team was fully compliant both with the law and the U.S. Attorney's investigation into Blagojevich's alleged pay-for-play scheme.
"No one in the Obama circle was aware of what was going on in the governor's office until he was arrested," said Greg Craig, Obama's counsel. "They found out what the Governor was doing the same time the American public found out about it."”
Sitting At Gate B56 At Denver International Airport - Flight Delayed
I think this is the fourth time I've been at DIA this year, the other three trips courtesy of my work at the Democratic National Convention. But regardless of the city -- Denver, New York, Chicago, Atlanta -- I love to fly. To me, since air travel became so accessible to so many people due to low fares, one can gain the measure of America in an airport: fashion, concerns, and overall mood.
The mood I would describe as "mellow". It certainly feels like the holiday season but it's almost like people are going through the motion of traveling but don't have a lot of gifts to give. I don't see a lot of gift bags or bags that look like they've got gifts in them.
I see a lot of kids and families and college students traveling alone, presumably to see their parents. And of course there's an occasional single person, like me.
Obama's Choie Of Rick Warren Caused Warren To Move To Center
Contrary to Blogger and Internet Guru Dave Winder, I think President-Elect Barack Obama's choice of Rick Warren was brilliant in that it's forced a dialog America's not had, and will cause Warren to move to the center on the matter of Gays and gay marriage.
We're just making final tweaks to the movie -- we should be totally locked next week. Then we're going to flash-freeze it so it's totally fresh for you in May. I can't wait for you to see the movie. The cast is awesome. The action and effects pushed the stunt team and ILM beyond their limits. I'm so grateful to this cast and crew -- and to all of you for your interest and patience. We'll continue to update this page with new info and exclusives, so check back when you think of it. In the meantime, have a happy, healthy, fun holiday!
From the last days of the sound mix,
Monday, December 22, 2008
Zennie62 On
After months of thinking about doing it, I finally did it: contributed a video on , Loic Lemur's video conversation venture, featuring my friend Cathy Brooks, who was one of his first staffers.
I remember when Cathy was totting around a laptop showing Seesmic at work; that was last year, 2007 at a STIRR Founder Hacks Meetup! Wow, how time flies!
YouTube Partners - THE FACTS !
"TheFatAussieBastard" gives a great set of reasons why it's good to be a YouTube Partner, like myself. His take is laced with f-bombs but he has a way of making a good case with them. Oh, YouTube Partners are paid for their vidoes via views versus ad buys. It's a worthwhile effort.
Ecuador v. Chevron And The Associated Press' Bad Coverage
I saw the Associated Press' report on the Ecuador / Chevron case and was shocked at the lack of mention of Ecuador's responsibility to it's poorest people. Here' I take on Ecuador for its poor economic development record.
Toyota predicts first ever loss as sales drop - Dec. 22, 2008
About 30 minutes after the market closed in Tokyo, Toyota said it expected to lose approximately $1.5 billion to $1.7 billion this fiscal year. Toyota reports earnings on a fiscal calendar beginning in April.
This would be Toyota's first operating loss since 1950, Toyota spokesman Steve Curtis said.
Despite the likely operating loss, Toyota expects to post a $557 million net profit for the fiscal year. The profit stems, in large part, from joint ventures whose revenues are not included in the automakers' accounting for its operating profits.”
--- This should show others that it's not just American car companies that are hurt by this economy.
More At The Denver Post
"We've lent some of it. We've not lent some of it. We've not given any accounting of, 'Here's how we're doing it,"' said Thomas Kelly, a spokesman for JPMorgan Chase, which received $25 billion in emergency bailout money. "We have not disclosed that to the public. We're declining to." The Associated Press contacted 21 banks that received at least $1 billion in government money and asked four questions: How much has been spent? What was it spent on? How much is being held in savings, and what's the plan for the rest? None of the banks provided specific answers.”
-- This is an outrage! One of President Obama's first axts as President should be to write an executive order forcing the banks to tell where the bailout money they've got is going!
Continental Flight 1404 a Boeing 737-500 Crashed at Denver Airport during takeoff
This is the account of the accident from
"It was a miracle that no one was killed when Continental flight 1404 veered sharply off a runway of Denver airport during takeoff, which burst into flames and nearly broke apart. The 110 passengers and five crew members escaped miraculously. However, thirty-eight people suffered injuries including broken bones. The plane veered off course about 2,000 feet from the end of the runway and did not appear to have gotten airborne.
It was Houston-bound Continental Flight 1404 from Denver airport. The accident happened Saturday evening(12/20/08. The entire right side of the Boeing 737-500 was burned and melted plastic from overhead compartments dripped onto the seats. -Courtesy:"
Airline Passengers recount the terrifying DIA crash - The Denver Post”
Luggage tumbled down from overhead bins, smoke filled the cabin, seats collapsed into one another, and passengers and flight attendants yelled: "Get out quick. The plane is going to explode," said Gabriel Trejos, who was traveling with his 13-month-old son and pregnant wife to Houston to visit his father and sister for Christmas.
Trejos, who is from Pueblo, was one of 110 passengers on the Boeing 737-500 that skidded off the runway and slid down a 40-foot drop Saturday night.
There were no fatalities in the first major accident in Denver International Airport's 14-year”
Continental Airlines 737 path off runway traced - The Denver Post
The National Transportation Safety Board took a pool of reporters and photographers to the crash scene for a 20-minute visit shortly after noon today.
The tracks made by the plane's wheels were clearly visible where they veered off runway 34Right and traveled over a field, crossed taxiway WC, then dropped down a steep embankment and traveled through a depressed area before bouncing over Kewaunee Street, an airport service road.
One of the plane's main landing gears rested on the other side of Kewaunee, so it appeared that the jolt of hitting the raised roadway sheared off the main gears. The other main gear sat about 75 yards from the roadway, close to the wrecked plane.
Bill English, investigator in charge for the NTSB on the Continental crash, said he hoped his agency would have its "in situ" (in place) investigation completed by Wednesday.
"There are all kinds of systems inaccessible to us beneath the plane," English said. The plane sat about 100 yards from Kewaunee on its belly with the nose gear collapsed under the plane.”
Mike Holmgren's Walk Around Quest Field After Final Game
It's official. The Seattle Seahawk's game against The New York Jets, a successful 13 to 3 victory, marked the final game of Coach Mike Holmgren and (perhaps) the end of one of the greatest coaches in of the late 20th Century and early 21st Century.
A Bill-Walsh protege, Holmgren developed Brett Farve and together the two brought Green Bay what is still their only Super Bowl win in the post-Lombardi era. Then he took over the Seahawks and molded them into a perenially competitive team, coming within two referee calls of a Super Bowl Championship.
Holmgren finishes with an overall 161 wins to 110 losses record. Will he return home to coach the San Francisco 49ers? Doubtful. Besides, they have Mike Singletary.
Miami Dolphins at Kansas City Chiefs - 2008 Week 16
NFL Miami Dolphins at Kansas City Chiefs - 2008 Week 16 Highlights. Dolphins win over the Chiefs; as of this writing they're off to the playoffs with a 10-5 record, a dramatic turn-around from their 1-15 season of 2007.
NFL San Diego Chargers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers - 2008 Week 16
San Diego Chargers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers - 2008 Week 16 Highlights. Chargers blow out Bucs 41 to 24, placing the bolts in position to win the AFC West with a victory over the Denver Broncos next week.
Pittsburg Steelers Vs Tennesee Titans - Titans Win 31 - 14
The Tennesee Titans wrapped up home field advantage for the playoffs with this win over the Pittsburgh Steelers. But something tells me they're not going to go all the way. It's not a statistically-based observation, just a feeling.
NFL Carolina Panthers at New York Giants - 2008 Week 16.
Carolina Panthers at New York Giants - 2008 Week 16 Highlights
Broncos - Bills Recap -- Sunday, December 21, 2008
NFL Network highlights from the Broncos 30-23 loss to the Buffalo Bills.
L.A. can use race as factor in magnet schools
Friday's decision by the Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles preserves the long-standing desegregation program in the state's largest school district in the face of a challenge by backers of Proposition 209, the 1996 ballot measure. Lawyers in the case disagreed on whether the ruling could also affect a lawsuit against the use of race in Berkeley school enrollments.”
Hangar One Vodka Macy's San Francisco Cocktail Event
I was a special guest of of Liza "The Wine Chic" Zimmerman at this Hangar One Holiday Cocktail Mixing event at Macy's SF and which introduced Hangar One Vodka and Mixologist Scott Beattie. Hangar One is made in Alameda, California
Hangar One Vodka Macy's San Francisco Cocktail Event
I was a special guest of of Liza "The Wine Chic" Zimmerman at this Hangar One Holiday Cocktail Mixing event at Macy's SF and which introduced Hangar One Vodka and Mixologist Scott Beattie. Hangar One is made in Alameda, California
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Biden To Chair White House Middle Class Task Force - Huff Post
The task force will include four Cabinet members as well as other presidential advisers, the Obama transition team announced Sunday.”
Rahm Emanuel Cleared - George Stephanopoulos, ABC News
The contact, described as a "pro-forma" courtesy call, came as Emanuel was named Chief of Staff for Obama. Most of the discussion concerned Emanuel's Congressional seat (which had previously been held by Blagojevich), with only a "passing reference" to the Senate vacancy, according to these sources. No deal for the Senate vacancy was discussed.”
Rod Blagojevich - Holly Madison Sex Scandal Helps Blago!
On Friday, December 19th, Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich stood before the cameras and said he would address the charges against him. What would help is a sex scandal with ex-Hugh Hefner girlfriend Holly Madison!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
LOUIS UCHITELLE: Maybe It Can’t - A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan -
“If that spending can’t get the private sector going, then it is just a make-work maintenance operation,” said Stanley Moses, an economist at Hunter College in New York.”
-- I disagree with this because it ignores the ripple effects of spending in the form of architects, caterers, construction vehicles, and other local spending due to these projects. we've let billions in roads and public works go without repair for decades. There's a lot of work out there. But spending for a manufacturing public works effort would go a longer way toward rebuilding the economy.
NextArts' Tony Imperial Sends Threatening Emails To Blogger Zennie Abraham
NextArts' Tony Imperial claims that I was using my blog to try to stop his planned program from taking place, when in point of fact I have written that it was a great thing to do, but Imperial has some massive political cleanup work to do. He's upset Obama volunteers, SF movers and shakers, and now this blogger, which he claims to have filed a baseless lawsuit against.
Imperials just will not stop and now I consider him to be a threat. The only reason I'm making this public is to prove that he can't "chill" this blogger and also to inform the general public of his behavior and to protect myself.
Jerry Brown urges court to scrap Prop. 8 - Inside Bay Area
In a dramatic reversal, Brown filed a legal brief saying the measure that amended the California Constitution to limit marriage to a man and a woman is itself unconstitutional because it deprives a minority group of a fundamental right. Earlier, Brown had said he would defend the ballot measure against legal challenges from gay marriage supporters.
But Brown said he reached a different conclusion "upon further reflection and a deeper probing into all the aspects of our Constitution."
"It became evident that the Article 1 provision guaranteeing basic liberty, which includes the right to marry, took precedence over the initiative," he said in an interview Friday night. "Based on my duty to defend the law and the entire Constitution, I concluded the court should protect the right to marry even in the face of the 52 percent vote."”
--This is Jerry Brown's finest hour. Period.
Friday, December 19, 2008
RIAA Stops Lawsuits, But Not the Threats
read more | digg story
Bernard Madoff Screwed Feds to the Tune of $17 billion in Ponzi Scheme
read more | digg story
Police Get The Wrong House In Galveston, Assault 12-Year old
read more | digg story
Sac. Mayor Kevin Johnson announces goals to cut traffic congestion - Latest News -
Johnson said it starts with a lobbying tour he and others from Sacramento will make next month to Washington, D.C., to win funds from an expected federal economic stimulus package for infrastructure projects.
"Next month, I plan a full-court press to make sure Sacramento gets its fair share for transportation projects," he said. "It's about jobs, its about improvement. It's about quality of life. It's about moving quickly."”
My friend from Cal days is making his mark and quickly. He's rightly going after the dollars needed to put Sacramento to work.