Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Taylor Swift spooked by Ellen DeGenerese; no official apology for that thing...

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Taylor Swift was the surprised recipient of a bathroom scare by Ellen DeGeneres and is rumored to be dating Taylor Lautner of the upcoming Twightlight: New Moon movie, a report that was rejected a few days ago.

And about eight hours ago from this writing Taylor Swift tweeted that she's preparing to host Saturday Night Live:

Starting the SNL process. I kinda feel like I might have a heart attack or pass out in the pitch meeting. I'm that excited. about 8 hours ago from Echofon

Indeed, Taylor Swift's getting a lot of good pr, but it could be so much the better if she just even tweeted an apology for the whole Swastika photo episode.

What's really weird about this is how folks are willing to give her a benefit-of-the-doubt that I've not seen offered to any other celebrity who made such a mistake.

Even Mel Gibson was publicly raked over the coals for making anti-Semetic statements while he was being arrested during a DUI stop a few years back. But today, in this specific window of time, I see a pattern emerging of permissiveness in allowing anti-Jewish statements and symbols to be expressed and seen without complaint or criticism.

Deadspin pointed to this, today in the case of the really weird anti-Jewish comments of New York radio show host Mike Francesa, but that was direct and ugly. Is that how far it has to go before we say something?

Look, I don't care if I'm the only blogger out there making noise about this. It's important not to allow America to lose its moral moorings on these issues.

I also feel that Taylor Swift is being given a pass she would not receive if she were, say black and male. Now, if at this point you think I'm "playing the race card" first, I pay zero mind to such claims because people who issue them are trying to explain away what, when one drills down, more often than not are institutionally racist thoughts and ideas they have.

In other words, so ingrained that the person thinks they're harmless; not so.

Again, Taylor Swift just has to apologize, unless of course she thought the photo was cool.

In that case, I'll mourn and never be a fan at all.


  1. Mike brown10:37 AM

    I personally think you should leave her alone sir. If you can even think for a second, the picture was probably taken in FUN due to it was HALLOWEEN this past weekend. I think all your comments on this site are crazy and how you bash whites. If this is so bad, why isnt this being posed as negative press for her? All you are trying to do is take her down, all because your man, KAYNE WEST is stupid.

  2. Way off base and racist you are being. First, do some home work on what I wrote because any follower of me knows I took Kanye to task for what he did.

    Second, that symbol is WRONG and you're going to have to deal with it. Whine. Cry. Bitch. Moan. I don't care. It's wrong and an apology should be issued. I never said anything bad about Taylor Swift, who's music I like, but this act was terrible.
