Showing posts with label Election 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2008. Show all posts

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bill Clinton And Walter Annenberg, Worked With Ayers; Are They Terrorists?

The idoicy and total rancor of the McCain - Palin campaign strategy of hate is evident in this little diddy of illogic on display, courtesy of this example sent to me by email:

I did a little research and came across some information regarding Chicago, IL current Mayor Richard M. Daley (served 1989 - Present). William Ayers worked with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley to shape the city's school reform program, and was one of three co-authors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge grant proposal that in 1995 won $49.2 million over five years for public school reform.
The Hon. Walter H. Annenberg, a former U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, designed the Annenberg Challenge to energize and support promising efforts at school reform across the country. President Bill Clinton announced this extraordinary half-billion-dollar gift at a White House ceremony on Dec. 17, 1993.
Never has Mayor Richard M. Daley, the Honorable Walter H. Annenberg or former President Bill Clinton's character or action for working with William Ayers was linked to William Ayers past history in the Weather Underground, nor have they been labeled a "terrorist" for working with a distinguished professor.  
"My friends" there is something wrong when only Senator Barack Obama's character, action and previous affiliation with William Ayers is blown out of proportion by linking him to acts of terrorist. If not because of the color of his skin, then why? Where is the wrongful act? How is he withholding information? If that is the case, we should question everyone that has worked or supported William Ayers in his educational profession.
Please contact the media so they will start to see the 'big picture."
Bottom line: if Annenberg and Clinton worked with Ayers and have never been branded terrorists, then Senator Barack Obama's not a terrorist.  

Sunday, December 02, 2007

DesMoines Register Reports Barack Obama Ahead in Poll

Yet another poll is reporting that Senator Barack Obama's ahead in Iowa; this one by The DesMoines Register in Iowa. What it may mean is that -- assuming the poll focuses on older voters -- that the Iowa older voter is seeing Obama as the candidate of choice. If that's the case then Clinton's in big trouble, as Obama's growing beyond his base of young supporters.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2008 Presidential Election: ABC Debate Mistakes; Call Amanda Congdon!

ABC should enlist Amanda Congdon's help with videos and the debates

On August 5th, ABC will host it's 2008 Republican Debate called "The Iowa Debates." For the first time for ABC, it's allowing uploaded video questions, just as the CNN / YouTube Partnership has done.

Now you would think ABC -- in copying CNN -- would have a ton of videos by now, but not at all. So the obvious question is "Why?" The answer is basically simple, but the explaination behind it can become technical for those not in the web industry. Still, we can break it down like this: the website where videos are to be uploaded is terrible.

The first problem is that ABC failed to establish a relationship with a video distribution firm, if it ever tried to create on at all. In other words, leave the video distribution work to the specialists. Second, the website established to upload videos and respond to those already posted is faulty. One has to login to use it, which is no big deal, except the login itself doesn't work properly. Third, the upload system itself is tempermental and seems to struggle to capture your video. Now, when it does do so, it works like a charm.

The other problem is in responding to a comment on a video with a comment. When I try to do this, the system kicks me out, so I have to login again, and then get kicked out again. This has happened so much it's silly.

The other problem is that one could press the wrong link button and wind up at the ABC home page, which has no obvious link about the debate, but you can learn a lot about Grey's Anatomy!

All of this adds up to failure. ABC should have asked Amanda Congdon to help here, after all, she's on the ABC payroll and knows a thing or three about video distribution.

And the matter of Amanda brings up another grip I've got about ABC; they don't understand how to mate their online effort with their television activities. They're two separate worlds, and that's a serious mistake. Amanda should be ABC's bridge, between TV and Internet, but it's not happening, and my sense is that it's not her fault.

Who's minding the store over there at ABC? Well, here's my video on the matter...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Gallup Poll - Senator Obama Ties Hillary Clinton In USA Today / Gallup Poll

In a USA Today / Gallup Poll conducted June 5th, Senator Barack Obama has tied Senator Hillary Clinton. According to Gallup, "The poll was conducted June 1-3, 2007, and almost all of the interviews were completed prior to the Democratic candidate debate held in New Hampshire on Sunday, June 3. Republican candidates will debate one another in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, June 5...

The poll asked Democrats and independents who lean toward the Democratic Party who they are most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for president next year. Obama and Clinton are now tied, with 30% supporting Obama and 29% supporting Clinton. Seventeen percent of Democrats support former Vice President Al Gore for the nomination, and 11% support former North Carolina Senator John Edwards. No other candidate registers better than 3% support.