Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lynn Forester de Rothschild Can Kiss My Elitist, Black Male Butt!

Lynn Forester de Rothschild just made herself my enemy and for a very good reason. The former Hillary Clinton fundraiser came out and basically made a totally racist comment regarding Senator Barack Obama when she said:

“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”

This is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard in my entire life. This matter of being elitist is a tag that I've gotten -- and frankly wear it -- as have other African Americans who are confident, well-educated, intelligent, and don't fall into deference because someone's White. There are those of us -- who are Black -- who still do this just to, as they say, "get along" but I personally decided a long time ago that I was going to be myself.

In fact, I made that decision at the age of 22 and simply went from there. The reason for that walk, that journey is because American society has sent so many messages to Black men that they're "less than" that one has to fight the messages every day of their lifes.

It's one reason why Black men have such high rates of heart disease and why self esteem is commonly -- even to this day -- sought via athletics and not education because the sport of the body the one area of life where a person can't deny your prowess. Sadly.

Getting good grades is awesome, but people at times have a tendency to pay no attention to transcripts. Scoring touchdowns is hard to ignore.

But I rejected that path at six years old. I decided then that I wanted to lead via the intellect and damn anyone who stood in my way. And yes, I was six. Six.

So I've met a lot of people like Lynn Forester de Rothschild and overcame all of them. See, some people like Lynn Forester de Rothschild are not happy unless they have the subconsious idea that if you're Black, she's better than you are.

Think about it.

Why then would she claim to reject Barack Obama for being elitist, and then run to John McCain, who's not only elitist and can't remember how many homes he owns, but is massively sexist on top of that.

Because McCain's White. That's why. Lynn Forester de Rothschild expected Barack to kiss her ring and when he treated her with respect and, well, like any normal person, that wasn't enough for her.

Well, my one request is for Lynn Forester de Rothschild to be kicked off the DNC Platform Committee. As soon as possible.

UPDATE: she's already off of it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Charles Krauthhammer Wrong On Obama Again. Forgot About Iraq War

In his latest column, conservative columnist Charles Krauthhammer writes that Senator Barack Obama's rise was not based on any policy position but on this...

Obama's meteoric rise was based not on issues -- there was not a dime's worth of difference between him and Hillary on issues -- but on narrative, on eloquence, on charisma.

Charles, I'm chuckling.  You forgot that the many issue Barack Obama gained notice for was his opposition to the war in Iraq.   If you need a reminder, here's a 2002 interview on the war on Iraq:

In fact, Obama, who was then in the Illinois Legislature, showed a great grasp of the issues surrounding the Iraq War at that time.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Matthew Modine, Willie Brown, Delegate On Barack Obama Event

On the floor of Invesco Field, I asked Actor Matthew Modine, former California Speaker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, and a Clinton-now-Obama-delegate for their impressions of the event to that time. Modine said that "this is the place to be. Right here. Right now." Brown remarked that he had "never seen anything like this, and I'm 74 years old."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton Suspended Voting; Nominated Barack Obama President - Video

This is a live capture video of Senator Hillary Clinton's dramatic entrance into the convention floor and with Representative Charlie Rangel and Governor David Patterson. The state-by-state voting was suspended and Senator Barack Obama is now officially the Democratic Nominee for President of The United States.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

At Blogger Lounge After DNC Convention - Hillary Clinton's Great Speech

I'm in the middle of uploading videos from being on the floor of the Democratic National Convention, or what we've come to know as the "DNC Convention". I used that term as a throw-away line but it was certainly less than accurate.

Being on the floor of the DNC while someone like Hillary Clinton is giving the speech of her life is a total blood-rush. The reason I go back to the Super BOwl year after year is for the rise of emotions at kick-off. It's a drug like no other -- well, not true.

This. The Clinton speech. In that arena. Equalled the Super Bowl at kickoff.

What was special about Clinton's speech -- what is the hallmark of any wonderful speech -- is the moment. It's that timing we only dream about. A matting of need and action. Of volume and hearing. Of energy and sprit. I have to admit, I've never thought of Hillary Clinton as a great speaker until today. It's not what she said -- there are transcripts to be had of course. But a transcript can't communicate the inflection or the expression or the crowd -- especially the crowd -- that listened and reacted to that speech.

How an audience reacts to any speech in my view is the measure of the greatness of the work. It makes total sense. Words move people. From that perspective, Senator Clinton moved a nation tonight. She gave a great speech that will go down in history as one of the greatest speeches because it met the moment and defined it.

DNC Convention - Rep. Rahm Emanuel Speaks

It is 6pm and Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel has just given a great speech with a clear voice especially since he was the lead of an awesome party last night.

Now, having taken the large group photo, the crowd chanted Obama! Obama! All this while Hillary Clinton waits .

DNC Convention - Third Day In Denver; At Specialty Media Center

As I write this, I'm sitting at something called The Specialty Media Center, sponsored and ran by Microsoft. It's a simple affair, with tables chairs and a computer setup in the back. There are two couch stations with plasma screen televisions tuned to CNN. It's a great place to upload videos or -- as I'm doing -- install this blog report.

Right now, it's 12:25. I'm about to upload a video featuring Cornell West and Tavis Smiley -- in fact, I'll do that now -- then will go to a hotel to get a lost credit card and then Walgreens and then Pepsi Center. I'm also worry about one of our group who's basically flown off-course dramatically and hurtfully.

It's the drama you didn't expect and don't want.

But that aside, this convention is a blast. It's the combination of the Super Bowl and The Olympics at once. Over the past three days, two of them active, I've met more movers and shakers than I can shake a stick at: Ed Gordon, Cornell West, Steve Doocy, Rep Jesse Jackson, Jr., Steve Westy, Jamal Anserson, Protesters, and the list goes on.

Last night you may have see the Michelle Obama speech, and the wonderful exchange between she and her daughters, and Barack. The convention's buzzing about that.

Today, it's Hillary's turn.