Showing posts with label blog hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog hollywood. Show all posts
Monday, March 10, 2008
Lindsay Lohan - Who Is Lindsay Lohan - Video
I realized I don't even know who Lindsay Lohan really is, so I posted this video that was created to show her.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
1-18-08 - Best Monster Movie Ever: J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield

UPDATE: Cloverfield Characters revealed in trailer!
UPDATE - Five Days Before Opening, New Trailer
This is going to be the greatest monster movie ever, and it's not even out until 1-18-2008. It's a secret project with the codename Cloverfield, is produced by J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves is directing, and has this website: , and can be seen with the movie transformers. But I've made a new trailer based on the clip. It's got a starting soundtrack that will make your blood curdle.
And what about clues like this website: ?
See this Zennie's Zeitgeist blog post to learn about the fifth photo on the 1-18-08 website.,
A new photo was just posted at the 1-18-08 site. This one has the time stamp of 1:24 AM, so we have a pattern -- a time pattern forming with these photos. See more at: Cloverfield Clues. and below...
Some have written that this information excludes the idea that this is Godzilla. But there's nothing in it to indicate that's the case. But I was correct about one thing: New York City is damaged considerably.
From The New York Post :
"A few weeks ago, the movie was shot in Coney Island on the blocks contained by West Eighth Street, West 17th Street, Surf Avenue and the Boardwalk. (picture here)

"A small crew, including Abrams (co-creator of "Lost") and director Matt Reeves ("Felicity"), along with up-and-coming actors Blake Lively and Mike Vogel (both from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants") came into the park with hand-held video cameras.
"They shot several scenes at Deno's Wonder Wheel, a scary swinging Ferris Wheel in which patrons ride in cages as they look out over Brooklyn. They also went on the Scooter bumper cars, played some ticket-stub games in the arcade, and rolled some skee ball.
"A member of the Vourderis family, owners of Deno's Wonder Wheel Park, gave authorization to the film crew to shoot there.
"It's about an alien that wipes out all of New York City," says one of the owners, who wants to remain anonymous. "The footage is taken the day before everyone dies. A bunch of kids come to Coney Island with a video camera. The movie is a flashback to that day.
"It is reported that they have only a $30 million budget, not a heck of a lot for a monster movie. They also filmed a few scenes in front of the now-defunct and chained-up B&B Carousell.
"The crew steered clear of Astroland and The Cyclone, but shot some scenes on the Boardwalk by Nathan's and the booths selling hot buttered corn.
"They told me I could be in the movie," said Eric Gonzalez, an 18-year-old kid who plays the freak in the paintball game "Shoot the Freak."
"I wanted to be in it so bad and I gave them my number, and they never called. I got new shoes, a hat and a whole new outfit."
NY1 reporter Roma Torre, on the other hand, was lucky to get plucked to star in the flick, and shot "a lot" more scenes than the one you see in the trailer.
"This whole thing was cloaked in mystery," Torre told The Post. "We weren't given any names. They made me sign a nondisclosure agreement, and I'm not supposed to talk about it."
"It was so mysterious that I had no idea that this was going to be a big-budget film or an independent type movie. So I was shocked to hear about the trailer and the buzz it's getting. I'm hearing from friends across the country. It's fun.""
Cloverfield and Slusho: Slusho's not a clue, it's a product placement.
Well, not only has J.J. Abrams wrote that the Ethan Haas site has nothing to do with his movie, his staff's placed a new third photo on the site at . This photo has a weird connection -- in my view -- between this film and the events of 9-11. It features two women walking in what seems to be a kind of haze and covering their mouthes. This scene reminds me of the aftermath of 9-11, when people in Lower Manhattan were covered in a kind of soot. A photo of the three picts is displayed here above.
With that, you can add the fourth Cloverfield photo , which has a miliary solidier looking one way, with people seemingly running past him. It's all blurry.
The picture also -- in my opinion -- implies a movie that depicts a level of destruction on an enormous scale. If you put together the explosion in the trailer with this photo and reflect on 9-11, well, what you've got is the decimation of the island of Manhattan.
Moreover, the three pictures are in time sequence: 12:01 it's the party; 12:36 AM, it's the horror, and at 12:48 AM the aftermath of a destruction of something. I think buildings. Or given that it's a bright light and we're talking the dark of night, it may be the middle of another explosion. Whatever the case, it's not pretty.
Yikes, what's this story about? - is a fake site. It has nothing officially to do with the movie, and leads to a forum on "tossing games."
Click here to see the "Godzilla" version of the trailer
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sopranos Fans Expect Hollywood Ending; Don't Get One

At the risk of being lazy, I'm going to copy what was presented on the Premium Hollywood Blog here. It is a perfect example of how we want everything neat and packaged. But the people who want this forget that there's nothing "neat and packaged" about the Sopranos at all.
Here it is:
I don’t even know what to fucking say right now. I really don’t. Maybe I missed something. Maybe I just didn’t appreciate what David Chase was trying to accomplish. Or maybe my expectations were simply too high. I don’t know.
People have been saying for years that “The Sopranos” peaked too early. I’m not sure if I agree with that or not, but I will say that this final season peaked too early. Last week’s episode was brilliant, maybe one of the finest hours of television you’ll ever see. Seemed the stage was set for a fantastic finale for a series so many of us have been following for so many years.
Instead, we got this. Look, I wasn’t expecting a 65-minute bloodbath tonight. That’s not even what I was hoping for. But I sure as shit wanted some resolution, and I wanted some conflict. Instead, we get AJ telling his parents he wants to go into the Army so he can fulfill his dream of being a private helicopter pilot for Donald Trump, Meadow trying to parallel park her car for 20 freaking minutes, Carm starting the plans for her next spec house, Janice trying to swindle Junior by telling him he was her daughter, Paulie bitching about a stray cat, and Tony shuffling through a tabletop jukebox.
What, the, fuck?
Anyone who’s read this blog knows that I’ve been a patient fan of the show. People griped about the slow episodes and I said that Chase was building to something big. People called for more bloodshed and I said it was coming. Well, I guess those things did happen, but they happened last week, when Tony made a move on Phil and the NY family capped Bobby and Sil. What do we get this week? Onion rings and horrible Billy Baldwin screenplays. Well, Phil was whacked too, but I hope you’ll forgive me for mentioning that key bit of information in passing since that’s just about how Chase treated it tonight: one second Phil’s saying goodbye to his grandkids, the next he’s shot in the head, and the next he has a car roll over his head (which reminded me of a “Six Feet Under” episode, by the way). And just like that, the primary conflict of this entire season is gone. Done. It was like Christopher’s death all over again: I felt robbed.
The thing is, I understand – or I think I understand, anyway – Chase’s intention with the final scene. The suspense builds as Tony walks into a crowded restaurant and starts skimming the jukebox, scanning past such cryptically placed tunes as “This Magic Moment” and “I’ve Gotta Be Me” before settling for Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” Every time the bell over the door rings, Tony glances up to see who’s walking in. Who is he waiting for? Finally, Carm enters and takes a seat. They scan their menus. The bell jingles again and AJ walks in behind an ominous looking dude who sits at the counter and glances over at Tony’s table a few times. Surely, this guy has bad intentions. Meanwhile Meadow proves that she may be the only person on the entire planet who actually needs that new Lexus that parallel parks for you by failing in her first three attempts to guide her car into the biggest parking space you’ll ever find in front of a crowded restaurant. AJ bitches about his new job before reminding Tony that he once told him, “Try and remember the times that were good.” The suspicious man at the counter glances over at Tony again and then stands up. Tony looks up…and watches the guy head toward the bathroom. The waiter brings a plate of onion rings and all three Sopranos at the table pop one into their mouths as Steve Perry belts out, “Hold on to that feel-ay-eee-aying!” Meadow finally gets her head out of her ass and parks her car before dashing across the street – is she going to get hit by a bus? The bell over the door rings and Tony looks up expectantly.
And that’s it.
…Wait, that’s it? Okay, fine, this is how we’re to assume Tony will live out the rest of his days – constantly wondering if someone is out to get him, looking up every time a bell over a door jingles, worried that someone like Carlo (who apparently flipped this week after his son was picked up for selling ecstasy) is going to rat him out to the Feds, all while balancing his rather mundane family life. I get that. I appreciate it. But couldn’t we have been given more to sink our teeth into? Couldn’t something of significance – I mean, besides AJ’s car blowing up because of his freaking catalytic converter, of course – happen tonight?
Instead, one of the few memories I’ll take from tonight’s episode is the way agent Harris put his neck on the line to help Tony out by giving him info on Phil’s whereabouts. The best part, of course, is when he finds out about Phil’s killing and excitedly says, “Damn, we’re going to win this thing!” Sweet.
But sadly, that’s one of the very few highlights. We didn’t even get any real resolution with Paulie’s storyline, which I suppose could mean that he never betrayed Tony. Then again, maybe that means he did betray him and, like Tony, we’re never going to know about it. Or maybe it doesn’t mean shit. What do I know? Oh, and Sil is still alive, but does he survive? Again, who the hell knows?
I wasn’t looking for Chase to put a pretty little bow on the series tonight. I wasn’t looking for The Shocker of the Century. I wasn’t even really looking for closure, as the women like to say. But I wanted something more than this. I wanted an ending befitting of one of the most entertaining shows in TV history. Instead, we got stray cats, The Donald and Steve Fucking Perry. Oh well; remember the times that were good, right?
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