I want one of these, except the rear trunk space is small, but you know what, so what!
If this is successful, and it already is, the Tata Nano will force American firms to make cars at prices that are competitive with this. But by the time they catch up with Tata, the Nano will have been a World hit.
As for "what is Tata Motors?" It's not a small company, although I'd not heard of them before. But their website expains that.."Tata Motors is India's largest automobile company, with revenues of US $ 7.2 billion in 2006-2007. With over 4 million Tata vehicles plying in India, it is the leader in commercial vehicles and the second largest in passenger vehicles. It is also the world's fifth largest medium and heavy truck manufacturer and the second largest heavy bus manufacturer.",
Let's keep an eye on this car as the month's progress. I'll check to learn when it is to hit America!