Monday, August 25, 2008

2 perspectives from Denver: Veterans, and youth

I've spoken with several veterans of U.S. military service in Denver, and unsurprisingly they mostly express strong support for the Democratic candidate. One outspoken Viet Nam vet was basing his support on his assessment of the lack of support for vets he percieved in Senator McCain's voting record.

Generally, however, I was hearing more "Pro-Obama" sentiment expressed than I was "anti-McCain" on Sunday, as the visitors to the city took on a distinctly Democratic leaning on the eve of the opening day's events. Oliver Lawrence, for instance, is an Air Force veteran of both Korea and Viet Nam, a fifth generation descendant of slaves who has lived in Georgia all his life. Taking in the pre-convention activities, he describes feeling a very different sort of energy among the delegates when compared to previous election cycles.

Oliver also spent the late 50s on duty in Wyoming, when duty sometimes meant babysitting ICBMs, as it did in his case. I chatted with him as we walked along Denver's 16th Street Mall Sunday evening. Most of the protesters had already left, (make no mistake, there were some present earlier in the day) on our way to listen to live music at "Jazz @ Jack's" where our waitress, Jenna, was looking forward to her first chance to vote in a Presidential election.

Asked about Biden as the choice for Vice President, Oliver replied immediately with entusiasm that, "He's a pit bull!" Suggesting that Senator Obama should "Feed him red peppers and turn him loose" to deal with those who are taking the low road in assailing Obama's suitability. He sees Biden as silencing most of the basis for doubting Obama had sufficient experience - a charge he obviously thinks lacks merit. Oliver's seen conventions and candidates come and go during his decades-long service in the Air Force. His assessment of Obama is that electing the Senator from Illinois will be a way to start correcting decisions that the current administration has made, though he notes that the extent of the correction needed means that progress will be slower than he'd like.

And All fired upJenna? She's caught the bug for politics from her mother, who is informed and active in Denver politics. They moved to Denver from Idaho over a decade ago, and she wasn't quite old enough to participate at the voting booth in 2004. As we talked it became clear that while her boss has asked the staff not to display political affiliation while at work, she and her working peers are excited by the prospect of Colorado leaning more toward Obama than McCain, and hopes the state will express a majority support for his candidacy - they'd be proud of Colorado's electoral votes went into the Democratic column as we select our next President.

Winning the West: News from the Democratic National Convention

The Westerm Majority Project made Governor Janet Napolitano available to the media on Sunday, 24 August 2008, prior to the start of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. Governor Napolitano did a number of brief one-on-one interviews with mainstream media, and then conducted a short, somewhat informal press conference with bloggers who were on hand, too. So a number of us got the chance to ask her questions, snap photos, etc. Zennie should have video up soon, but we had a long, busy day meeting people in and around the Convention Center, and I don't see that he's gotten to that segment yet.

Janet Napolitano talking to bloggersWhen asked about the addition of Senator Biden as Obama's running mate, she was enthusiastic, saying Biden was a "great addition" to the ticket who would compliment Obama's skills and experience. She noted Biden is not a yes-man, and cited this because, "Obama thrives on hearing different voices."

She thinks the Native American voters will play a significant role in the 2008 election, noting the the Democratic Party has a very strong platform on Tribal Sovereignty and Treaty rights, which are "not just a phrase" to Senator Obama. Obama's campaign has featured extensive communication with Tribal Leaders, who respect his stand on the need to leave the decision about the Cherokee Freedmen to Tribal processes rather than drag them into the U.S. Courts - based on the existing treaty - which has earned Obama some negative feedback from the Congressional Black Caucus. Napolitano said that the Native American vote could very well prove decisive in key southwestern states, where participation is running high.

When asked about the matchup with McCain, Napolitano pointed out that 25% of those eligible to vote in Arizona this November will never have seen McCain on a ballot, that Arizona is a younger demographic in terms of median age than many people realise, and the new Deomcratic voter registrations are running well ahead of Republicans. She says Obama can win Arizona by doing what she did, carry 60% of the independent voters.

She's looking forward to the Convention, including the speeches from the Clintons, and expects that the voters at large will start to take a renewed interest in the election as the summer draws to a close with the two conventions.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ken Salazar - Colorado Senator Interview at DNC Convention

Colorado Senator Ken Salazar was kind enough to give us a good deal of his time at the DNC Convention. This "mini-press-talk" consisted mostly of a discussion of Senator Biden, Colorado Water Rights, the energy problem and the economy.

Hillary Supporter Not A Democrat - DNC Convention Sunday

This video is of an interview conversation I had with a Hillary Clinton supporter who as it turned out was not a Democrat but an "independent" who was rather not rational. She was addressed by a real Hillary Clinton supporter who is a Clinton delegate, Mitch Mallett of Florida.

NFL Kick Off Show Broadcast Live from World Financial Center

Thursday September 4, 2008 is NFL Kickoff Night. To celebrate the return of Football Season, SouthWestNY Restaurant, located at 225 Liberty St./2 World Financial Center will host the Football Reporters Online (FRO) NFL Kickoff Show from 5:30pm-7pm. The staff of FRO, who have well over 100 years of “Football Experience” between them will be broadcasting a live Internet radio show @

Why deal with the crowds at Columbus Circle for the NFL’s “Kick Off Party”?? If your not going to the Game – come on down to SouthWestNY and take part in our Live Show!

This broadcast will be available for download on iTunes after the show. Go to for the menu and directions

DNC Convention - Zennie62's Trip - Arrival In Denver

This is our first video during our DNC Convention coverage.

Sunday Preview

I know that Zennie has yet to post a lot of our Saturday recap (and there's some great stuff for y'all to see), but I thought I'd go ahead and give you a preview of what we'll be covering for you today. Here's a snapshot of what our day should look like:

9:00 AM Press credential distribution begins
Young Democrats National Committee Meeting

10:00 AM Convention Kick-off Press Briefing with Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sebelius, Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, and TX State Senator Leticia Van de Putte

11:30 AM Credentials Committee Meeting to discuss, among other things, the seating of delegates

12:30 PM Western Round-up (press avail) with Janet Napolitano, Ken Salazar, etc.

2:00 PM Interfaith Gathering

9:00 PM Young Democrats Kick-off Party

Today looks like our lightest day, which will hopefully give us all a chance to catch up on some much needed rest before the Convention kicks off in earnest tomorrow.

DNC Convention - More To Come From A Full Day

Right now, I'm doing some late night blogging after a full day which saw me get about three hours of sleep and then drive to San Francisco for my flight, only to learn that I was supposed to be in Oakland.

So with my visiting Mom as passenger, I got over to Oakland in good time and made the flight.

The flight itself was weird. It started with the need to change tires on the plane. Then it ended with the flight being diverted off course a bit making us about 20 minutes later than we should have been. Finally i got here -- needing sleep. The town was abuzz with the Obama / Biden news and the responses were mostly positive.

After some rest, we headed over to an awesome media party at an amusement park next to Pepsi Center. There, it featured a awesome fireworks show. While there, I met Steve Doocy of Fox And Friends Morning Show. A very nice person who actually is shorter than I thought he would be, which is not to imply that he's short, just shorter than I thought he would be. He told me that he gets up at midnight to get ready to do the morning show.


More news and other content from today on Sunday!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

DNC Convention - Sushi Sasa

After the DNCC Media Party we went over to Sushi Sasa on 2401 15th St
which is really good for late night dining.

DNC Convention - Arrival

Arrived after a long flight and met these two Obama supporters at the
airport. There were scores of people serving in this capacity.

DNC Marketplace

If you're in Denver for the Convention and need gear, check out the DNC Marketplace tomorrow at the Civic Center Park. While you're there, be sure to see the ladies with Trion Promotion and Design. They have banners, pins, pens (with a cool pull out info banner about the convention), and temporary tattoos. The best part is that all proceeds from the sales of their merchandise benefit three charities: Pandas International, The Book Arts League, and Aurora Public Schools. If you can't make it to the Marketplace, they'll be buzzing around here and there, including at the media party tonight (Saturday). For more info on their company, visit

DNC Convention - United To Denver

I am standing at Oakland Airport gate seven and there is a delay
because they have to change the tire on the plane!


Just last night my Mom flew out on United 158 out of San Francisco to
Chicago and only eight minutes in the air the engine blew out.

I am lucky to have her here; what is up with United?