Tuesday, September 18, 2007

GOP Avoidance of Debate Before Black Audience Shows Mental Illness Called Racism

Look, there's no other way to describe the relutance of the top GOP Presidential candidates to participate in a debate before a mostly Black audience.

Thompson, Giuliani, Romney, and McCain are exhibiting a kind of mental illness we call racism. What the reason for this is, I don't know. But then racism never makes logic, so to expect logic in this case is not logical.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Goodell with Costas: if more"Illegalities" come to light, the penalty will be higher!

Those of us who got home from th Giants Vs.Packers excuse for an NFL game got to relax with "Football night in America." We had the Pleasure of watching Bob Costas interview Mr. Goodell. He spoke eloquently for most of a quarter of an hour about crime and punishment. Not about Mike Vick or Tank Johnson or even David Boston, But about a Coach who had been caught stealing signals from the sidelines of opposing teams via video camera, and an assistant Coach who was found guilty of using a controlled substance. Both men were fined, but was the punishment just in both cases?

I'm not saying if both men deserved to be punished, i'm asking if both punishments were leveled correctly....
Coach Belachick earned a 500,000 personal fine. Thats like hitting me with a $.25 fine for spitting. His salary is around 8 million dollars a year. So 500K comes out to about 6.25% of his yearly salary. This is just punishment?? He SHOULD be suspended for the remainder of the season, as well as the Team losing BOTH First round draft picks! Why? Because he cheated, and it shouldn't be tolerated. On to Coach Wade Wilson, the Cowboys QB coach.
he claimed he took Steroids for his Diabetic condition"to improve the Quality of his life." While i can relate to that being a diabetic myself, if you are in a job that has certain rules about what you can and can not take medically. weather you are a coach or player, you have to follow those rules. Ok, so Coach Wilson took HGH(probably to improve the Quality of his "adult" functions), and was caught. He agreed to cooperate with the legal investigation.
Sure, he should be punished, but should that punishment be almost one third of his 325K a year salary?? Because his actions were criminal, but did not Hurt another person(meaning Not Punitive in nature) just maybe $100.000 is a bit excessive here....I barely Make 1/6th of Coach Wilson's Salary, and if you took away one third of that I'd throw a royal fit. Wade Wilson has a right to question the punishment leveled at him, but not weather he should be punished.

If the Head Coach of a professional Football team needs to "collect" Data on other Coaches' signals,..it's time for him to get out of the game. If I were Patriots owner Bob Kraft, knowing that he is the Orthodox Jewish man that he is, I would simply terminate the Coach and Hire someone else 10 minutes ago!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dr. Dean Ornish Says That Exercise Can Reverse The Aging Process

I just ran accross the article by Dr. Dean Ornish where he explains that regular excercise can actually cause the reversal of the aging process, especially when combined with a good diet. He writes:

"You don’t need to read this column to know that exercise is good for you. You probably already know that regular, moderate exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being. What you may not know is that new research is showing that exercise beneficially affects your genes, helps reverse the aging process at a cellular level, gives you more energy, makes you smarter, and may even help you grow so many new brain cells (a process called neurogenesis) that your brain actually gets bigger.


So does improving your nutrition. A diet high in sugar and saturated fat diminishes neurogenesis, whereas other foods increase it, including chocolate (in moderate amounts), tea and blackberries, which contain a substance called epicatechin that improves memory. Small amounts of alcohol increase neurogenesis, whereas larger amounts decrease it. Chronic emotional stress decreases neurogenesis, but stress management techniques increase it. Drugs such as nicotine, opiates and cocaine decrease neurogenesis, whereas a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 1995 showed that cannabinoids (found in marijuana) increase it, at least in rats. (Uh, what were we just talking about?)"

Check it out, then get to the gym!

Zbigniew Brezinski - Foreign policy Guru stumps for Barack Obama - CNN

Foreign policy expert stumps for Obama

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Providing a much-needed boost to a candidate whose judgment in international affairs has been called into question, former President Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brezinski, introduced Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, during a campaign stop in Clinton, Iowa on Wednesday.

“I’m here today because I strongly believe that the next election is not just to choose a new president,” Brezinski said. “The choice that you will be making will define America’s role in a historically new era. We have elections every four years, but only once in a while is a new president facing the opportunity to shape a new sense of direction for America,” explained Brezinski.

Brezinski, who stood out for his relatively hawkish views in an administration that often emphasized human rights, told the crowd that by invading Iraq the “United States has become engaged in what is essentially a colonial war in the post-colonial era.” He also opined that the Iraq war “has discredited America worldwide,” and warned that the conflict in Iraq might spread to Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Saying Obama “was not, like many others, a Johnny-come-lately” with regard to realizing that the Iraq war was a so-called “fool’s enterprise,” Brezinski told the members of the crowd that they had the opportunity to change the world by supporting the Illinois senator.

In August, Brezinski supported Obama during a foreign policy spat between the Illinois senator and his chief rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York. In addition to advising President Carter, Brezinski also was adviser to officials in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

– CNN Associate Producer Martina Stewart