Tuesday, April 01, 2008

President Bill Clinton Hugged By Hot Blonde In Mosh-Pit After Speech

http://zennie2005.blogspot.com/2008/04/president-bill-clinton-hugged-by-hot.html - President Bill Clinton came to the California State Democratic Convention on Sunday, March 30th to give a speech in support of his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton as she works to add more Superdelegates to her side. After an excellent speech, President Clinton came down to the floor to greet the crowd.

As I went over to get a video of his action, and as he made his way toward where I was standing, a Blonde woman bulled past me and got to a place where she was right in front of him and proceeded to give him a hard, long (considering the time), and passionate hug. I have no idea who she was as by the time she did this, I was being pushed by a growing crowd of people behind me who were trying to get closer to Clinton. It was a wild scene.

But the whole sight of the Blonde made me think of the Monica Lewinsky matter. Not because of the hug -- I am sure that happens a lot -- but the way she hugged him, and his response, which was that he not only didn't turn away, but seemed more than a bit "pleased" by the event.

Now, the woman called for her husband "Eric" who was no where to be seen and could not have easily got in to see Bill as it was totally slammed. So maybe she's just an excited fan?

I also note that they continued to talk after the hug. Well check out the video for yourself.

Were it not for Bill's reputation and the fact that he's married to the Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton, the video may not be such a big deal. But I can't change history.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Poll: Obama has double digit lead nationally

As Obama quickly picks up much needed momentum, the Clinton's hopes are rapidly deflating.

(CNN)—Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama extended his lead nationally over Sen. Hillary Clinton Monday according to the latest national polls.

The Gallup Poll conducted March 27-29 with a margin of error of 3 percentage points shows the Illinois Senator has a 10 point lead over the New York Senator among Democrats, marking the first time since early February Gallup polls have shown either candidate with a double digit lead. In February, Gallup showed Clinton held an 11 percent advantage over Obama.

Last week’s Pew Poll also confirmed Obama had weathered the media storm surrounding the Reverend Wright controversy and maintained his lead.

Despite pressure from some powerful Obama supporters and being behind nationally in the polls, Clinton said the race should not end before all votes had been cast. "I didn't think we believed that in America. I thought we of all people knew how important it was to give everyone a chance to have their voices heard and their votes counted," she said.

Looking to the critical state of Pennsylvania, Clinton holds a 12 percent lead ahead of the state’s April 22 primary, according to the latest CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released earlier this month.Both candidates continue to campaign heavily in the state of Pennsylvania Monday, where there are 158 pledged delegates up for grabs.

What Is New Media To You? - WISE-SF Panel Intro

Blogs, New Media and You – A WISE Panel Discussion - A panel discussion featuring:

Rebecca Weeks - Real Girls Media
Cathy Brooks - Seesmic, Inc.
Irina Slutsky - Geek Entertainment TV
Christine Kerner - KOFY TV20
Leyla Farah - Cause+Effect PR
Paula Storti - Worldwalk Media
Stephanie Quilao - Back In Skinny Jeans
Patti Mangan - TangoDiva.com

Zennie Abraham - Sports Business Simulations

Monday, March 31, 2008
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Hotel Kabuki
1625 Post Street
San Francisco, CA

5:30 - 7:00 - Event Reception/Hosted food & beverages
7:00 - 8:00 - Panel Discussion
8:00 - 8:30 - Q & A


The OBJECTIVE: For each audience member to be at least encouraged to start a website or a blog, use their email signature to connect to them, and link it with several social network pages…and understand how to use this assembly, and the value of what they have personally and professionally.

The secondary objective is pure networking. So the event will be one hour of networking followed by one hour of panel discussion. We open our doors to women who are part of the SF Bay Area New Media Industry to come to this event. There will be a raffle for a prize as well.

WISE members are encouraged to bring friends, and as this is an open recruting meeting, we're inviting you to come and become a member of Women In Sports and Events. See http://www.wisesf.com

We will take questions from the audience that are relevant to the discussion at the time during the talk, and have a Q and A session for general questions afterward.

1. Topic One: What’s a Blog and Why Should I Have One, Versus a Website?
a. What’s a blog good for? (Marketing yourself, or your firm, etc.)
b. How do I start a blog? (Where does one go? I recommend Blogger.com because it’s free and easy to use; what’s your view? What’s “BlogHer” all about?)
c. But I’m not a writer! (Some think that they have to take part of their day to blog; is that true?)
d. What are some common blogging mistakes and misuse?
e. If I’m starting a blog for my office, what should I avoid doing?
2. Topic Two: Ok. I Have This Blog, And Now I Am To Link It To A Facebook and Linkedin Page? Why? Isn’t That Dangerous?
a. What do I need a Linkedin and Facebook Page For? (Business connections; discovering events of interest.)
b. Do Successful Business People Use Linkedin and Facebook – or MySpace? (What folks like AOL founder Ted Leonsis get out of Facebook and Linkedin,)
c. What are some common ways that people misuse Facebook and Linkedin?
3. I want to start an online community for my office; what do I do?
a. How can I use the work-based online community to help my work?
b. What are common ways that work-based online communities are misused?
4. Topic Three: I’ve Got A Blog, Facebook, and Linkedin Pages and an online community at work – Now I need YouTube? Can It Help Me?
5. Can I Make Money From All Of This? How?
6. OK. I’m set up with all of this, but I’m not getting a lot of traffic. What do I do?
7. What are “Internet Trolls” and what should I do about them?
8. Questions from the audience.

For non-WISE members, the suggested donation is $20. WISE is a non-profit organization.

An Excited Ex-Republican Barack Obama Supporter

There's something about becoming an Obama Supporter than just brings out unbridled passion in some people, and this woman was no exception. She erupted into a fit of joy during an Obama Supporter rally at the California State Democratic Convention, and after explaining that she was a registered Republican who switched to the Democratic Party to vote for and volunteer for Barack Obama.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Congressman Jerry McNerney On Iraq, Presidential Race

At the California State Democratic Convention, Congressman Jerry McNerney took a small bit of time to talk with me about the Iraq War and the Presidential Race. He's an uncommitted Superdelegate and as such I tried to get him to explain who he was leaning to and what his criteria were for selection, but he didn't answer that, preferring to focus instead on his reelection campaign.

Leno Wins Endorsement Floor Fight At Convention

In what one observer called the "nastiest (convention) floor fight they'd ever seen," Assemblyman Mark Leno won the endorsement floor fight today, Sunday, at the California State Democratic Convention. Now, it's Mark Leno as Democrat versus the Republlican Nation for the right to represent San Francisco in the California Senate.

Meanwhile, the ousted Senator Carol Migden left the general hall in disgrace, after her partner issued an 11th-hour motion to block the vote to block a special motion to seat Mark Leno as challenger to Joe Nation, and after Migden's failed initial motion to nix Leno's endorsements.

Got that?

I've got this entire bit of drama on video and will edit and upload it very soon. Right now, the convention staffers are taking down the chair and cleaning up the exhibit hall.

Stay tuned.

Bill Clinton's Speech Brings The House Down

I just survived the mosh pit of people that were rushing to get close to, see, and in some cases hug former President Bill Clinton. I got the entire speech on video, but given its length I'll post it in segments.

I'm not sure it was a good idea to have Kamila Harris speak before Bill Clinton because, well, she can't match his fire-power. The buzz was that Senator Kennedy was going to be here, but that obviously did not happen.

More on this soon.

The convention itself is not over, just the rock-star moment.