Monday, October 06, 2008

France urges Israel not to attack Iran

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has urged Israel not to launch a military strike against Iran's nuclear program, an Israeli newspaper reported on Sunday Kouchner, in the region for talks with Israeli and Palestinian...

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Johnny Depp to Earn US$56 million For Fourth 'Pirates' Film

I loved the first movie and the following sequels were watchable but $56 million?! The staggering sum is the largest upfront payment in film history and will see Johnny, 45, move to the top of Hollywood's rich list - overtaking Will Smith - when he reprises his role as Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Senate Wants FCC To Conduct "Advanced Blocking" Study

The United States Senate has unanimously passed a bill that requires the Federal Communications Commission to explore what "advanced blocking technologies" are available to parents to help filter out "indecent or objectionable programming." The "Child Safe Viewing Act" (S. 602) was sponsored by Senator Mark Pryor, Democrat of Arkansas.

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7 Palin aides to testify in abuse-of-power probe

Seven aides to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have reversed course and agreed to testify in an investigation into whether the Republican vice presidential nominee abused her powers by firing a commissioner who refused to dismiss her former brother-in-law.

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iPhone 2.2 Hidden Features

It seems that Apple is taking further care in hiding new iPhone features in their beta releases. The most recent firmware beta seeded to developers listed "compatibility testing" in its release notes as the only change.

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New surveillance program will turn military satellites on US

An appropriations bill signed by President Bush last week allows the controversial National Applications Office to begin operating a stringently limited version of a program that would turn military spy satellites on the US, sharing imagery with other federal, state, and local government agencies.

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Thomas Muthee Prays Over Sarah Palin - Economics, Witches, and Isreal

This is the controversial video making the rounds and really casting light on the idea of the separation of church and state -- which does not seem to exist with Governor Palin. Draw your own conclusions but while I'm a powerful believer of God, I'm also very scared that only one perspective of him is presented and used to control Governments and people.

I'm going to research this in more depth.