Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ashley Bell Wins Acclaim For The Last Exorcist

Ashley Bell stars in a movie that's getting a surprisingly high level of buzz and all because of her performance. Eli Roth's The Last Exorcist should be expected to do well at scaring people, but not such that it's already showing signs of becoming a cult classic hit.

Roth is known for making low-budget horror movies that gross multiples of their cost, and has done so repeatedly.

But given the buzz for Ashley Bell (her name is the number one most searched Google Trend as of this writing), The Last Exorcist looks to be a blockbuster.

The thing everyone's talking about is that Ashley Bell does her own stunts. Some of her work is evident in this trailer:

The last scene in the trailer is all Asley Bell. Reportedly no special effects were used.


Oakland Mayor's Race: Sierra Club Forum Has Excellent Turn Out

Don Perata's first Oakland Mayor's Race Forum
A full turn out for the Sierra Club Forum saw Former Senator Don Perata make his first appearance in an Oakland Mayoral Forum.

Thanks to New Media, this blogger learned that Larry Lionel Young Jr. was surprisingly polished candidate for someone who's campaign started late and is stil not really visible. Perhaps the TV cameras will help.

Marcy Hodge has to ask if she's really taking this who deal of running for Mayor of Oakland seriously beyond filing, because she did not participate in the forum.

One person observed that Don Perata was a "major thud," as was Joe Tuman, which is hard to believe, but apparently my source expected more detailed responses from both of them. Terrance Candell was said to have performed much better than my past criticism would imply for future forums.

Greg Harland was said to have done "OK," and thoughtful on environmental issues, though my source's view of Harland is entirely clouded by his dislike for Harland's position on cutting police salaries. Don Macleay was given higher marks for presentation than in past forums.

Unfortunately, Councilmember Jean Quan, again, attacked Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan. For some reason, Jean has to publicly demonstrate some kind of annoyance with Rebecca that's goes beyond logic in a campaign.

I was also told that Arnie Fields was there "in body only," and that's about it. I'll have to take that up with Arnie directly.

Many of the candidates had their groupies; Kaplan's headed over to her sports policy talk event afterward, or at least many of them did.

In all, it was the first forum of the Oakland Mayor's Race to include Don Perata.  To which we say, "What took you so long."

Developing... Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kat Stacks will do anything for attention By Nikky Raney

Kat Stacks is famous for exposing all the hip hop and rap artists that she has had sexual relations with. She is known for "putting them on blast" and publicly releasing their phone numbers over the internet asking those who are watching to harass them.

Courtesy of The Insider
Stacks is only 20-years-old, but she is always bragging about how drunk she is. She also has a son, but she doesn't spend much time with him.

She is known for her loud mouthed posts and her constant profanity. She prides herself on how many celebrities she has slept with and makes sure that everyone else is aware.

Earlier this summer she was slapped at a bar by a friend of one of the rappers she had slept with. This was caught on Youtube.

Her most recent action is a video she posted while she was in Soulja Boy's hotel room. While he was in the shower Kat video taped Soulja Boy's stash of cocaine. To prove she was really with him she hides the camera while having a conversation with him in his car, and then again when they are laying on the bed with one another.

She posts the video onto Youtube and exposes Soulja Boy's drug problem. She is two-faced in the way that during all this she convinces Soulja Boy that he should trust her and that she really does care about him.

Soulja Boy tweets:

Kat is very popular on Twitter and once tweeted, "Who do I have to f*** to get verified?"

Some of her most recent tweets include:

IHateKatStacks: "Dear Wives, if Hoes didn't exist your marriage would be over."
IHateKatStacks: "I hate n***** who DM me to retweet them something but they never asked before if i was still alive smh F*** YOU"
IHateKatStacks: "The only man that could ever get to me is my babydaddy SMH & he knows that, that's why I don't open the text messages I just delete them"

Tweets courtesy of The Urban Daily
This girl craves this attention, and she keeps getting it. Even now in this blog post. Eventually these celebrities will learn their lesson and stop sleeping with her, because they should realize that it will most probably lead to their number being leaked and a rant from Kat Stacks.

The most recent video is below of her showing how Soulja Boy is a "druggie." The video is not the official one she posted - it was taken from another source who had re-posted it.

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Oakland Mayor's Race: CBS Poll Of Likely Voters Leaves Out Info

Senator Don Perata
Seeking to help define The Oakland Mayor's Race, KPIX Channel Five elected to conduct a poll of 591 "likely voters" in Oakland.

The poll, of which this blogger has not seen the actual questions but may square with anecdotal reports, says that Former Senator Don Perata got 41 percent of 1st choice votes, Oakland City Councilmember Jean Quan got 26 percent of 1st choice votes, and Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan got 14 percent of 1st choice votes.

The other candidates combined earned 12 percent of 1st choice votes.

When asked for a second choice those who picked Kaplan went Perata, and those who went for Quan picked Kaplan. But the CBS report never mentioned the 3rd choice results.

What this means is that CBS has some weird interest in not mentioning the names of the other candidates. In other words, their poll reporting is either sloppy, lazy or fixed.

Why in hell would Channel Five have any interest in the Oakland Mayors race to the degree of conducting a poll? It's not as if they pay property taxes here.

Congrats to Don Perata for being ahead, but the Channel Five poll and its reporting is not to be trusted.

Oakland City Council Race: Pat Kernighan Sends Hot Email About The Race

Councilmemer Pat Kernighan 
Just about an hour ago this blogger posted the news of Oakland City Council District Two  (Glenview, Chinatown) Candidate Jennifer Pae picking up a valuable endorsement in the form of Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson.

In the blog post, I offered the view that perhaps the backing of Carson "may be the beginning of the end."


Even with that, and with the overall tone of communicating that Pat was in a battle, I got this hot email from Councilmember Kernighan:


Perhaps you are jumping to conclusions about the "beginning of the end" for moi. Would you like to report the facts that I have the endorsements of Attorney General Jerry Brown, Supervisor-elect Wilma Chan, Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker and Council President Jane Brunner, among others? Do you know that the leader of every NCPC and neighborhood group in my district supports me because I have worked hard every day for the past five years advocating for the needs of their neighborhoods and delivering results? While Ms. Pae was running around hustling endorsements this spring, I was working 60 hours a week doing the job I was elected to do. Why don't we let the voters decide.


As I wrote back to Councilmember Kernighan, that's a great point, I'll print that. And so I did.

But I remind her and everyone that I'm a blogger; thus I write my view of the World and in a media-and-Internet-friendly way. I'm not, nor do I wish to be, a journalist. However, I do insist on giving everyone running for office in Oakland their platform within this space. 

I have never refused anyone who has asked to be included here.

In closing, Pat's far from dead, but it's worth reminding her that she should not say she's not dead yet, because the last time that was said was by "The Black Knight" in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. And we know what happened there...

As stated, this is going to be interesting. Gotta like that Pat's fiesty.

Marin General Hospital To Sue Sutter Health On Thursday

Marin General Hospital
Breaking news.  

The nasty and long-running feud between The Marin Healthcare District and Sutter Health is allegedly going to spill into the courtroom (court location not known at this time) tomorrow, Thursday, when the attorneys for Marin General Hospital are scheduled to announce they will file a lawsuit against Sutter Health for its management of the hospital since 1995.

According to sources, James J. Brosnahan of the Morrison and Forrester law firm (and who, if I'm not mistaken, was at the same birthday party for U.S. Assistant Attorney General Tony West this blogger attended in 2009) will announce the lawsuit on behalf of the publically elected Marin Healthcare District Board of Directors.

The healthcare district is seeking more than $100 million it says Sutter wrongly took out of the coffers of Marin General. Sutter has said all along that it has followed the agreement between the District and itself which was approved by the court and allowed Sutter to retain the monies during its administration of the hospital.

Nonetheless, some Marin residents have wanted to control the hospital themselves and oust Sutter from management of Marin General. But, many - including Marin's own Grand Jury - have doubted the ability of the publically elected board of the Marin Healthcare District to be able to run the hospital and others have been quietly critical of the leadership of Marin General's new CEO Lee Domanico.

Already, this week, the Marin United Taxpayers Association wrote in a letter to the editor in the Marin Independent Journal that, under Domanico's leadership:

"Here we go again. No kidding, it is business as usual at Marin General Hospital. We now have a similar private board that isn't accountable to the public, like the previous one that allowed $200-plus million to go to Sutter, and big money to exclusive contracts with large doctor groups (oncology, cardiology, hospitalists, radiologists, pathologists, etc.).

"Now we have the same setup that is not transparent to the public, meets in private, and pays its CEO, a public employee until now, $800,000, and the doctors will still get their exclusive contracts because their representatives are on the board. MGH, another Bell, Calif.

"MGH did come back to the public, momentarily.

"On June 30, the transition date, the incumbent directors on the publicly elected board had already arranged to give it away to another private board immediately. That private board can have 49 percent of members with financial conflicts, meaning they can facilitate their own exclusive, expensive deals with the hospital, and the public won't be able to see the sweetheart deals; all paid with revenues from the public hospital.

"Worse yet, they will ask the taxpayers for a $300 million bond and another 30-year contract with this private corporation, to rebuild MGH, with no accountability to the public for what it does, and no lawsuit against the last "community" board members to get back the last, lost $200-plus millions. And just watch these rich contract doctors post office signs touting the incumbents - it's payback time."

There's an old saying: be careful who you chose as your enemy, for they may look just like you.

Stay tuned.

I am going to Burning Man! by Suzannah B. Troy

Well, I wish I was going to Burning Man.   This beautiful woman is going and she took her short blond hair and did a make-over in preparation.  Isn't her hair beautiful?

The woman behind this magical hair make-over is Dana Divine, The goddess maker....

I won't be going to Burning Man and my hair is not in shape to take on extensions but I can live vicariously through this magical woman and dream.   

Anyone willing to babysit my senior citizen handicap cats because I want to jump on a plane asap and go to Burning Man too!

What is Burning Man?   I can't explain but click here and learn or better yet attend...I wish I was going.