August 21, 2007, 9:53 am
Iraq Vet/Congressman Endorses Obama
By Jeff Zeleny
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – When Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention here yesterday, she told the story of how she met a “bright, young captain” in the 82nd Airborne Division named Patrick Murphy in 2003 during her first trip to Baghdad.
Last year, Mr. Murphy was elected as a Congressman from Pennsylvania. This spring, he joined Senator Clinton in sponsoring legislation to create a 21st Century G.I. Bill of Rights.
Today, Mr. Murphy is announcing his support for Senator Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race. The endorsement, which has been in the works for a while, comes one hour before Mr. Obama speaks to hundreds of war veterans gathered here.
The well-timed announcement will be used as a reminder – which Mr. Obama hopes will work – that one can be supportive of military veterans and still be opposed to the war.
Mr. Murphy, 33, is the only member of Congress who served in combat in Iraq. He has played a prominent role in this year’s Congressional debate over the war, delivering the closing argument over whether to set a timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq.
In an emotional speech in March, he implored lawmakers to consider the 19 paratroopers from his command who died during his time in Iraq in 2003.
“’To those on the other side of the aisle who are opposed, I want to ask you the same questions that my gunner asked me when I was leading a convoy up and down Ambush Alley one day,” Mr. Murphy said. “He said, ‘Sir, what are we doing over here? What’s our mission? When are these Iraqis going to come off the sidelines and fight for their own country?’”
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