Sunday, June 01, 2008

Clinton Supporter Harriet Christian Racist Rant Shows Worst Of America

After the DNC Rules Committee, Harriet Christian, a Clinton supporter from Manhattan who's voice you could hear at various parts of the committee meeting and louder as it became apparent that Senator Clinton was not going to get a significant gain from any decision the group made, let loose with a totally racist rant that shows the worst of America and reveals every stereotype anyone had about people who support Hillary Clinton.

UPDATE: Who is Harriet Christian and what of racist Clinton supporters?

Harriet says she's proud to be an American Woman. "The Democrats are throwing the election away; for what? An inadequate Black male?, she said. Here's the full text of her comments:

"I'm proud to be an older American woman....

"The Democrats are throwing the election away. For what? An inadequate black male, who would not have been running had it not been a white woman that was running for president? And I'm not gonna shut my mouth anymore. I can be called white, but you can't be called black. That's not my America. It's equality for all of us. It's about time we all stood up for it. I'm no second class citizen, and God damn the Democrats....

"I came here for the vote of every American, and our Democratic Party threw us down the tubes. I was a second class citizen before, now I'm nothing. Why? Because they want to do what they want to do. And they think we won't turn and vote for McCain. Well, I got news for all of you: McCain will be the next president of the United States."

I wonder if Hillary Clinton thinks the same way. Given the way she and Bill Clinton ran their campaign, there's a lot of evidence that points to the affirmative response.

Here's the video...

And this response from YouTuber BrandonKeatingSr:


  1. How much did the Clinton campaign pay these peopple??

  2. Harriet Christian's comments didn't occur in a vacuum. Hillary Clinton has made white supremacy her main campaign theme. That makes bigots like Harriet Christian feel legitimized in their prejudices.

  3. If he's so inadequate, how come he kicked her ass?

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    This "Hillary Clinton has made white supremacy her main campaign theme" crap is a prime example of why I will not support Obama. Keep calling us racists, pal ... that'll bring us all around.

  5. In all fairness it's possible to find extreme examples behind any candidate and/or cause, so I don't think she's representative.

    And even if she is, it's been a dream for her supporters - so it's natural enough that they'd be angry as the dream appears likely to fall apart. They are feeling loss, and so some expressions of grief are inevitable. As such you can't assume it's the literal truth when a person speaks passionately in the "heat of the moment."

  6. I think -- to be frank -- that it's not the first time we've heard comments from Clinton supporters along the lines of what Harriet said. It's really not the act of a good person.

    To say -- as freakybeaky has -- that being called "white supremacist" is one reason for not supporting Obama is not logical at all. Senator Obama did not call freakybeaky a name or say that freakybeaky was a white supremacist.

    For freakybeaky to make this argument, one has to ask if freakybeaky indeed does have a race-issue? If freakybeaky really was the clear-thinking person that I'm sure freakybeaky wants the public to think he or she is, then bring up being associated with White supremacists should not have entered freakybeaky's mind at all.

    The other question I have is just how many "Clinton supporters" are out there that could make such a difference?

    My educated guess is that this "lunatic fringe" is more smoke than effective action and are not large enough in number to turn around and raise $6 million in one day, as the Obama and Ron Paul supporters have done.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Hey, Thanks for posting my video..... Although I might come across as crazy, I can assure you, my completely curse filled rant was all over dramatization. I dont think she should leave the country. She is an american and has the right to think as she pleases, as am I. So thanks for posting this though.

  8. I don't see how that was racist. Can't people even say the word "black" anymore?

    Obama didn't kick anybody's ass and he's probably going to ask Hillary to be his running mate, so you all better get used to it.

  9. Shelly, what Harriet said was racist because she mentioned Barack being Black where that had totally and 100 percent nothing to do with anything.

    Racism is a mental illness and it's about time we looked at it as such. Harriet expressed a sickness. Period. Indeed, one look at the Wikipedia definition will show that there's really no good defintion at all.

    Now, as a blogger my definition is simple: those who don't see themselves as Black. Why? Because there are people who are Black, who you would say "look" White, but hello via the magic of God and science have skin color that's light -- but experiences that are anything but.

    To be racist is to be almost retarded in thinking. Indeed, you can't be rational and be racist.

    With that, you should understand
