Showing posts with label campbell brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campbell brown. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Campbell Brown's Legs: CNN Ratings Cure - Campbel Brown Should Wear Short Skirts

As it stands, CNN's getting clobbered by Fox News in the ratings, except for when CNN has debates and it's Super Tuesday coverage, but other than that, it's Fox all the way. Now, I personally don't like CNN's biased reporting, covered by the "idea" that they're the best political reporting team and all that crap, but if Dave Bohrman and the rest of the CNN producers get their act together they're on to something.

I think a good place to start is with Campbell Brown.

I mean have you seen her legs? And after she had her little one she's looking better than ever. Look, everyone knows CNN's biased and that's been quite obvious during this election with their constant pushing of Senator Clinton, who's not going to beat Senator Obama for the Democratic Primary. Why not just take off the venir of being unbiased and let it all hang out like Fox does.

Have fun. And while the fun's going, show Campbell Brown at her female best.

Look. NBC had no problem showing Campbell's legs as you can see here. And she didn't seem to have much of a problem with it either. Plus, if they bump up her pay and make her more of a focus, the ratings will skyrocket!