Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mayor Mark Begich Ahead of Sen. Ted Stevens By 814 Votes In Alaska Senate Race

In the race for Alaska Senate, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich is ahead of embattled Republican Senator Ted Stevens by 814 votes according to Begich's website .  If that lead holds or expands, Begich wins the Alaska Senate race, giving Democrats 58 seats versus 41 Republican seats -- two shy of a filibuster-proof majority.  

Monday, November 03, 2008


Man, enough is enough.  I applaud the Draft Palin movement for their work, but a little more vetting was in order.  She's got the VP role wrong , yet again.  On Fox News, which gave her a pass because it doesn't want a smart Black President Obama over a not so with it White President or VP (or maybe they don't know themselves), she said this :  

"Well, they've got to be exclusively, of course, concentrating on the administrative side of governance and there again, that's where my executive experience will be put to good use."
NO.  Sarah, why not admit that you are not well-informed.  But on second thought, since Election Day is one day off, keep talking!  This is great!!  OBAMA 08!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Zennie Abraham on CNN International - Video

I was featured in a discussion on the role and impact of bloggers in the political campaign that was hosted by Errol Barnett, who's a reporter for CNN International and produced by Jessica Ellis, of CNN's Special Projects unit.   If you remember Errol's name, he is the same person who interviewed me regarding my use of New Media at the Democratic National Convention.

The idea was to have two bloggers, one Democrat (me) and the other Republican.  The Republican choice was Adam Brinkley .  Adam's the blogger known for the "Draft Sarah Palin" movement, and since it obviously succeeded, he's due a measure of both congratulations and blame for Governor Palin's political rise and her gaffs along the way.

That aside, one has to give him his props on his achievement.

The talk appeared on CNN International, which means that it was seen around the World, but not in the United States (Rats!)  Which at first may read as a "less than" until you realize that you're seen in probably every airport and hotel in the industrialized World.  I even got an email -- right off the bat of the airing of the segment -- from a friend of mine who lives in Oakland, but was visiting Africa!

Regarding the segment, it was a short, but great conversation which one can see below in the embeded video.  But that written, either Errol or someone edited out the part of the conversation where I pointed out to Adam that more than one McCain advisor was openly critical of Governor Palin (I thought I'd liven things up a bit), and Adam said that whomever was doing that should be fired.

He's totally right.  McCain should listen to Adam more often.  Plus, Governor Palin should give part of whatever riches she gets from now on to Adam.  Were it not for him, she'd still be hunting moose in Alaska.

Here's the video:

Woman Yells "N-Word" On Obama, Sarah Palin Says Nothing

Ok.  This is not right.  Sarah Palin, who's known for stopping in the middle of a rally to take on a heckler, didn't do so this time, and let a woman in the crowd who yelled the "N-word" when Palin referenced Barack Obama go on without a verbal correction of the heckler.  Does that mean she agrees?  

At least the Alaska Gov. could have said "Now, you know, that's not allowed here!  Barack Obama is a true Patriot that we disagree with."  

Anne Marie Cox Says Sarah Palin Isn't Qualified To Be VP; Staying Here Doesn't Help

Where Sarah Palin stayed last night. And yet she's still not ... on TwitPic

This from the infamous AMC .

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Evangelical Christian Argument for Obama

Evangelicals have taken a beating this election cycle, but not all of us support McCain/Palin and refusing to support the GOP does not mean evangelicals are abandoning their principles. Here are some excerpts from my stinging critique of the GOP and my argument for why Christians can support Obama:

I am an evangelical Christian with a record of voting in line with the Republican Party. This year, however, I am casting my vote for Barack Obama. My support for Obama stands on its own, and has been well documented throughout this blog. But why would an evangelical Christian vote for a Democrat? The answer is as much a reflection of what Obama stands for as it is what the GOP does not.

Last week I received an email from Dr. James Dobson – whose internet ministry I subscribe to – imploring me to “vote my values,” meaning to vote for the candidate whose “pro-life” and pro traditional marriage rhetoric carried Dr. Dobson’s stamp of approval. My immediate thought was: Why should I vote two of my values to the exclusion of all others? In that question lies the problem of the Christian allegiance to the Republican Party...

GOP leadership has (perhaps with the willing participation of some Christian leaders) twisted and distilled our values to the point where we are just hot-button sound bites wrapped up in a platform designed to benefit the wealthy and corporate classes. In the process, they have turned uninformed Christians (me among them) into “single-issue voters,” sheepishly towing the Party line while it exploits the name of God and bastardizes our ideals to foment hatred, division and racism and to engender animosity toward Christians by associating us with a platform that is anathema to God’s love.

The full article is here.

Rob J.

Sarah Palin will become an Independent


Sarah Palin will become an Independent, breaking ranks with the GOP within two or three years.  The reason is that Palin has been treated terribly within the Republican Party of late and this, combined with the fact that she's still learning about World politics, will change her world view.  Palin will become more of a centrist and realize that she can have better success away from the GOP.