Sunday, July 27, 2008

CNN's "Black In America" Does Not Represent Middle Class Blacks

CNN's Black in America is a welcome addition to TV, but it has a major problem to me in that it does not represent middle class African Americans.

Much of the telecast shows Blacks who are downtrodden, or have had something "done" to them by the "system." It's a one-sided view of Blacks that does not help in really understanding African Americans. Not every aspect of Black culture or the life of those of us who are is negative, and I feel that the general life of middle class Blacks was ignored.

Barack Obama Gets Poll Bump From Overseas Trip - Up 49 to 41 Percent Over McCain in Gallup Poll

Barack Obama Gets Poll Bump From Overseas Trip - Up 49 to 41 Percent Over McCain in Gallup Poll

Senator Barack Obama is now seeing a the poll bump he said may not happen due to his overseas trip, and particularly his historic Berlin speech drawing over 200,000 people (this equally breath-taking photo is from Portland, Oregon where 75,000 came to hear him speak). The Gallup Daily tracking poll has Senator Obama ahead 49 percent to 41 percent and according to Gallup's Frank Newport, is the largest lead to date in the poll series:

Frank Newport - This represents a continuation of Obama's front-runner position evident in the last three Gallup Poll Daily tracking updates. The margin, coincident with the extensive U.S. news coverage of Obama's foreign tour, is the largest for Obama over McCain measured since Gallup began tracking the general election horserace in March.

Chinese Government Already Arresting Dissidents Before Olympics - If you remember the video I made where I talked about how the Chinese Government could use IP address data from the Viacom / Google lawsuit to find dissidents and arrest or kill them --


Then brace yourself because the Chinese have already arrested two Internet dissidents Du Daobin and Ye Guozhu and have done so before the Bejing Olympics.

Both dissidents were arrested for "subversion" or writing against the actions of the Chinese Government. Such actions bring into focus the value of the "annoymous blogger" because the idea is that by being just that, one can explain and report in a dissident fashion without the kind of retribution these two gentleman are facing.

But the actions of some using the term annoymous have threatened the very ability to use that term. As a momentary aside, people using that term must take care not to abuse its use for mean-sprited purposes.

China is clearly concerned about its image during the Olympics and as such does not want dissidents exposed to foreign journalists, so they're locking them up. It's up to the Internet blogging and vlogging community to expose their actions and even make sure that Chinese nationals are informed of them.

Finally, President Bush should not just go to the Olympics but remind China of its human rights violations

Debra Bartoshevich Ousted From DNC Convention For Backing John McCain

Debra Bartoshevich is a Wisconsin Democratic Delegate who was just recently ou from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) for stating that she would back Republican Senator John McCain over Democratic Senator Barack Obama for President.

I say we round up every Democratic Delegate who popped off and stated they would vote for Senator McCain over Senator Obama, and kick them out of the DNC Convention. That's ridiculous, stating such a position after the Democratic Party itself has given that person the status of delegate.

Barack Obama has the leadership skills to get us this far, but this veiled racism causes the collapse of intellect, thus people infected in this way, don't listen to leaders. This problem must be and will be corrected, ASAP.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

DNC Youth Council Events At DNC Convention

I found this interesting bit of information over at DemNotes blogsite:

There will be a few events during the week hosted by the Youth Council. On the Monday of the National Convention, the Youth Council will host a press conference about youth issues.

Tuesday will feature a “Youth Voting Panel” with some key national figures discussing youth voting issues.

Wednesday evening, the Youth Council will host a Youth Watch Party in Denver for those unable to access the Pepsi Center.

Thursday, the Youth Council will host a “youth luncheon” featuring key national speakers to be announced.

These events are generally free and open to the public, but folks under age 36 (in other words, not me) can get priority reserved VIP tickets to these events and the acceptance speech at Invesco Field by donating $150 to help cover the costs of these events. If you’re interested (note that higher-level packages are also available for sponsorships), e-mail the Youth Council at:

DNC Convention: What To Do In Denver - Video

Denver dwellers have made a blogsite and this video to tell tourists what they should do in Denver while they're here for the DNC Convention. MUST Shut Down; Close

I still stand by what I wrote June 5th:

Hillary Is 44 is now a waste of time, and also may be the site behind the Democrats Against Obama effort. The site, owned by Alex Rodriguez (Yeah. Right.) didn't do the job of helping Clinton -- Obama's the nominee.

"Alex Rodriguez", it's time to shut down Hillary Is 44. Put it to bed.

Didn't you all get the memo? The war's over.