Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Unemployment News: Glenn Beck talks 99ers on Today’s Fox Show

Turn on any TV and you are bound to be slammed with talk of the midterm elections or unemployment news. The unemployment news is always bad these days, but today Glenn Beck talked about the 99ers on his Fox show.

Being a 99er myself and belonging to the American 99ers Union Beck discusses during his program, I can tell you that I am an expert on the 99er issue and really wish Mr. Beck had contacted me or one of the other 5 million 99ers to fact check his story - but then again - we are talking about Glenn Beck, who doesn’t ever really deal in facts.

The 99er talk begins at 13:05 in the 1st video and continues in the 2nd video below it. Boy has this guy got just about everything wrong. I guess he won't fork over the $$$ to pay for fact checkers. If he was actually as concerned about the unemployed as he represents in his video - he would at least hire one fact checker, right? Come on man - Glenn, buddy - try to practice what you preach. It would give you a little something you cannot buy with all of your money: Credibility!

See for yourselves the absolute drivel he spews and all under the guise of trying to appear so concerned about the unemployed in America. [WARNING: Viewing the “Beckster” is known to give most who watch him extreme nausea.]


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    so what is your story...other than deny what G. B said!
    Prove that he was wrong.
    where was he wrong?

  2. People like me are getting increasingly frustrated with no jobs & in fear of loosing our unemployment benefits.

  3. Glenn: "We MUST reach out to and help the 99ers."

    Hey- he loves us! ;)

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I think the ending to the cartoon"Donald Duck meets Glenn Beck" has him scared so he better make nice. His caring is so forced.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. To the first Anonymous commenter:

    Beck in his infinite ignorance stated that the American 99ers Union is AFL-CIO backed. NOT TRUE! He said we 99ers are being used by the 'unions' to seize power - PLEASE !! Had he checked his facts (a complete unknown process to Beck) he would discover that this is an online presence of 99er bloggers, facebook groups, unemployed websites and 99ers grouping together in one voice to be heard by a deaf and unfeeling Washington - NOT any union that is attempting to seize anything except JOBS and the UI benefits to survive until there are enough jobs out there to allow us to support ourselves.

    Is it right to penalize unemployed Americans for what greedy Wall Street, unpatriotic corporations and corrupt politicians did to this country? I think NOT!

    It would be far easier to tell you what Beck got right in his rant = NOTHING! It is very easy to see that you are NOT a 99er! But one does not need to be a 99er to have concern for millions of hurting Americans who have not had any income for 8 months, thus severely limiting their ability to even continue to look for the jobs that are simply NOT THERE!

    No money for internet or gas to job hunt - or buy a paper to scour the want ads (what little there are these days) No money to get a hair cut or make up so you can make a good impression at a job interview and God help those who have lost their homes due to foreclosure or eviction - nearly impossible to get a job when you are homeless and cannot shower or dress appropriately for an interview - that is if you even have a phone left or a mailing address for employers to contact you.

    Wake up ! Unemployment is the best way to stimulate the economy and the 99ers, for the most part have been unable to even contribute into their own local economies - thus causing even more local businesses to lay off more people or even close due to lack of demand because those goods or services cannot be paid for by millions of American 99ers.
