Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Clinton Should Not Be In Nomination: Ignore P.U.M.A

Hillary Clinton Should Not Be In Nomination: Ignore P.U.M.A

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's name should not be put in nomination for the Democratic Presidential Nominee at the DNC Convention for several reasons. But before I state them, let me explain that I have supported the idea of an Obama / Clinton ticket for some time. But these reasons have caused me to be less enthusiastic about that, and to reject the idea of her name in the nomination process.

1) Senator Clinton lost the primary. For reasons that have been explored in depth, Senator Clinton lost the primary delegate race to Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Obama gained more popular votes than Senator Clinton.

2) I did not like the way Senator Clinton conducted herself after the end of the primary. At first, she was working for party unity, but did not rein in some of her supporters and did not have her husband former President Clinton fall in line and support Senator Obama 100 percent.

It's as if they were really cool as long as they though they had a chance for Hillary to be Vice President, but fell off the wagon when it seemed that was not going to be the case.

3) Senator Clinton did not rein in her former campaign spokesperson Howard Wolfson, who incorrectly stated that she would have won the Iowa Primary if Senator John Edwards had revealed his affair with Rielle Hunter then, instead of last week. But the fact is that after Edwards dropped about 80 percent of his delegates went to Obama and his staff was pressuring him to back Obama, which he did.

There's an idea that the number of anti-Obama Hillary people out there is equal in number to the pro-Obama Hillary people. That's really not true at all. We not only saw that was the case during the votes at the DNC Rules Committee meeting, but in a deep look at organizations like "Party Unity My Ass" or "P.U.M.A".

First, P.U.M.A's founder Darragh Murphy (pictured) has been a supporter of Senator John McCain, giving him $500. It's clear that when she has the money, she will back a Republican candidate. Her claim of posting a lawn sign for Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick aside, because it's a lawn sign and not cash, Murphy only contributed $250 more for a Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton, than for McCain.

The other person who's aligned with the P.U.M.A people is Will Brewer, who has a tendency of aligning himself with questionable people who are also in P.U.M.A.

For ezample there's Andy Martin and Webster Tarpley. Martin is the person who started the "Obama is Muslim" smear campaign. Tarpley is not a Democrat at all, but a Lyndon LaRouche supporter.

And Martin said to be an alledged Antisemite according to David Weigel .

(A charge Martin says is false and defaming in the same blog account.)

Brewer is also aligned with Harriet Christian, who showed her racism for the World to see in the now famous video clip included in my video commentary.

P.U.M.A is painted to be larger than it is. It only has a $50,000 budget as Murphy has reported on Hardball, not several million, and there's no evidence to claim over 2 million supporters. A P.U.M.A conference held on August 8th, 9th, and 10th, showed that only about 40 people came (count the number of name tags on the table then consider the size of the table an the people standing who have name-tags), even though they planned to draw over 250 people. When they did not meet that mark, the conference was booted from the original Marriot hotel and had to be moved to the Country Inn near Dulles Airport. (P.U.M.A. conference photo below from Rumproast)

Why -- as small as they are -- do we hear from groups like P.U.M.A? Because the mainstream media: the newspapers and the big three tv news networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), and CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, have a vested interest in making the political race look like it's not a "done deal" and thus get you to watch more often.

So, they give people from P.U.M.A a platform, but the reality is that they're a divisive group that's not even part of the Democratic Party and has no business at the DNC Convention. They are to be ignored so we can get on with the business of growing the Democratic Party to victory in November.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Howard Wolfson Thinks Clinton Would Have Won Iowa Withour Edwards - He's Wrong

In the Washington Post, former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesperson Howard Wolfson is under the mistaken impression Clinton would have won Iowa without Edwards.

That's nuts. Everyone knows that the Edwards people were more Obama folks than Clinton people. That why 80 percent of th Edwards delegates came over to the Obama side.

Using New Media At The DNC Convention - How Zennie62 Does It

This video presents the "production process" behind the planned use of New Media at the DNC Convention by Sports Business Simulations' SBS Media / Zennie Zeigeist blog.

New Media -- DNC Convention Broadcast

Objective: to quickly and cheaply bring text, audio, and visual information that generally tells a story to as many people as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

Instruments Hardware and Software


1. MacBook -- Has "iMovie" software built in that makes editing movies easy.
2. Sony Camcorder -- Used to make videos and feed to computer
3. iPhone -- used to take photos and also to make mobile blog posts which feed to Zennie's Zeitgeist remotely.


1. Blogger -- the online home of Zennies's Zeitgeist blog.
2. iMovie -- used to edit the videos uploaded from the camcorder
3. Google -- used to get information and articles on related subjects that then can be linked to in a blog post.
4. Twitter -- updates on Twitter post at the Zennie62 Twitter page, on the Zennie's Zeitgeist Blog, and on my Facebook page all at the same time.
5. Facebook -- Zennie's Facebook page has his blog posts from Zennie's Zeitgeist.
6. Widgets -- Zennie's Zeitgeist widgets are on other blogs in the SBS blog network, from the NFL Business Blog to Oakland Focus.
7. FriendFeed -- allows commentary on blog posts and videos that appear on Zennie62's FriendFeed page.
8. FeedBurner is the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) system used on Zennie's Zeitgeist for yet another way to distribute our blog news to people and as it appears on the blog, automatically.
9. YouTube -- the main home for Zennie62's videos, which are then embedded in the Zennie's Zeitgeist blog and also on Zennie's Facebook page and linked to on Twitter, which is also on Zennie's Facebook page.
10. iReport -- CNN's version of YouTube, where I will upload videos for daily use by CNN.
11. TubeMogul -- permits simultaneous upload of one videos to 15 different video distribution sites, from YouTube to, and Dailymotion, and others.

Saturday, July 26, 2008 MUST Shut Down; Close

I still stand by what I wrote June 5th:

Hillary Is 44 is now a waste of time, and also may be the site behind the Democrats Against Obama effort. The site, owned by Alex Rodriguez (Yeah. Right.) didn't do the job of helping Clinton -- Obama's the nominee.

"Alex Rodriguez", it's time to shut down Hillary Is 44. Put it to bed.

Didn't you all get the memo? The war's over.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Senator John McCain's Media Complaints DO Sound Like Hillary Clinton's - Stereohyped Is Right

I just saw the blog Stereohyped who has a great point: John McCain's ranting on about media bias for Senator Barack Obama does sound like Senator Hillary Clinton's crabby talk about the same thing during the primary run, and we do know how well that didn't work.

But now McCain says he's wasn't complaining! That's BS. McCain's got a commercial about the deal, for God's sake.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Yes We Can" - Tribute to Obama By Maria Muldaur and Bonnie Raitt

"Yes We Can" is the new musical and video tribute to Senator Barack Obama for President by Maria Muldaur and Bonnie Raitt. I was asked to co-produce and distribute the video on behalf of Maria Muldaur and Joel Jaffe of Studio D Recording in Sausalito , CA. It's not to be confused with the first great "Yes We Can" video and song by Will-I-Am, which is a terrific and pioneering work of its own. Also see

"Yes We Can" - Tribute to Obama By Maria Muldaur and Bonnie Raitt

Press Release: Singing Legends Team Up For Obama Tribute Song and Video

Here's the video:

> On Metacafe.

> On Google

> On My Space

> On Crackle

> On Sclipo

> On Viddler

> Dailymotion

> On AOL

Creative Commons License

"Yes We Can" by
Zennie Abraham is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
> On Yahoo

Women Can Be Sexist Too: Clinton Supporters And Sexism

This video is nothing less than a monologue on how some remaining female supporters of Senator Clinton for President are, in pointing out sexism, being sexist themselves.

I point to's Editor-in-Chief Joan Walsh as a main example and as one who looks the other way when Michelle Obama is the target of sexism and racism, but not Senator Clinton, followed by Harriet Christian, the terrible and outwardly racist Clinton supporter who gained national attention for her racist and sexist rant against Senator Barack Obama at the DNC Rules Committee Meeting of May 31st.

In fact, I point to this blog "Too Sense" and the article "The Limited Empathy of Joan Walsh" where the blogger dNa writes:

Walsh and Ferraro, experts both on being a black man and running for president, and presumably how easy such an endeavor is, given the vast number of black presidents we have elected. It wasn't that Obama built a top-tier fundraising organization, (from scratch) studied the primary rules and how to take full advantage of them, or ran an disciplined campaign with minimal conflicts it was because it was easy, because otherwise there's no possible way this nigger could have actually pulled it off.

Here Walsh demands a full exoneration for Geraldine Ferraro, complete with deference to her knowledge of how to win "Reagan Democrats," something Ferraro doesn't have the slightest idea how to do. Her supposed rapport with "Reagan Democrats" is based exclusively on the idea that they share the same racial prejudices as she does, which strikes me unbelievably condescending.

With the exception of the use of the "N" word, I totally agree. Joan Walsh lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, not the Deep South, and so should value diversity and attack both racism and sexism, wherever both exist. Instead, she sides with Reagan Democrats, who threaten to back Senator McCain for President.

In this both Walsh, and Suzie Thompkins Buell, the founder of Esprit, have behaved terribly as San Francisco Professional Women of Power. Buell was recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying..

Susie Tompkins Buell, a Hillraiser from San Francisco, said, "What really hurt women the most was to look back and see all this gender bias." Ms. Buell said she hasn't decided whether to vote for Sen. Obama and plans to skip the August Democratic convention.

That's ridiculous and it means Buell's view is just like that of Joan Walsh, who one commenter at the Too Sense wrote of using less-than-kind terms...

Joan Walsh is an insult to white women. She has outright lied, presented misleading information, mischaracterized events, and overall has pushed for a vicious agenda of delegitimizing Obama. She and her coterie of "feminists" have shown themselves to be no better than neo-cons.

Salon was an interesting place for insightful articles, but especially for the past year it has been a complete fluff blog, with Joan Walsh showing such astounding immaturity, it has been a sad spectacle to watch. She has been reactionary, completely illogical, and completely emotional.

She should not be an editor of anything.

Finally, I point to efforts like those of The Denver Group to force a new election at the DNC Convention as divisive and driven by some of the worst elements in the Democratic Party -- some people who are both racist and sexist. The main persons here are Larry Johnson and the afforementioned Harriet Christien; Johnson a Clinton supporter best known for working to find a tape on Michelle Obama that does not exist.

They represent the worst elements of the Democratic Party and should be laughed at, then ignored. America made it's choice for Democratic Presidential representative. And even the Florida and Michigan voters knew their elected officials screwed up in moving their primaries forward. To change the DNC Rules would be to declare that the DNC Rules Committee has no backbone or teeth in any decision it makes, and so anyone could go on -- any state leader -- and thumb their noses at the DNC when it wished to do so.

That's not the right course for the DNC. We must end all sexism and racism in the Democratic Party. Period.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Senator Clinton and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg On Obama Plane Wednesday

Senator Clinton and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg On Obama Plane Wednesday

What does it tell you when Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg (who's heading Senator Barack Obama's search for a vice presidential candidate) are on the Obama airplane on the same day that Senator Obama casts a vote in favor of a slightly refined Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that Clinton opposed?

It tells me that Clinton's going to be the Vice Presidential Canidate for Obama.

This story comes from The Washington Independent, who's contributor SRIDHAR PAPPU wrote:

We awoke on the Obama plane on the Reagan International Airport tarmac with news that we'd have not one, but two special guests on our trip to New York. The first was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama's onetime nemesis and now seemingly close cohort as she tries to both influence the direction of the general campaign and recoup the millions of dollars in debt she owes as the result of the race. The second? Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter of the late president and vice presidential search committee.

The latter arrived on the plane with Obama, sporting some aviator sunglasses. At the moment, his "body man" Reggie Love is passing out cookies to those press held up in the back of the plane. We'll return with a beverage update if time permits.

This is a great political "headfake" that was so good, it caught Pappu off guard, treating it as routine news. It's anything but

The FISA issue and Obama's vote caught the press entirely off-guard. CNN took the bait hook-line-and-sinker today, reporting that Clinton and Obama were "at odds" with each other, and that the issue could harm her VP chances.


Monday, June 30, 2008

On Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

This is my video blog on the need for Bill Clinton to be part of the Obama for America campaign effort. I feel that Obama can't win without President Clinton's support. But then the Clinton's have some image repair work to do and helping Barack's the best way to do it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Peter F. Paul Is Running For President - Video

Remember Peter F. Paul, the businessman who's the plaintiff in the "Paul v. Clinton" lawsuit? Well, he's still involved in the fraud case, but he's apparently decided to run for President of The United States. I just got the information in an email; I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Iraq War: If The Surge Is Working, Bring The Troops Home!

I just ran over this Washington Post article which reports that the "surge" is working, but the Bush Administration does not have a plan for the period after the surge.

It's as if they were expecting to just keep the troops there, lending credence to Senator John McCain's view that we're going to be i n Iraq for 100 years.

I can only hope we get Senator Obama into the White House as President. While Iraq forces may not be able to act independently of American forces, perhaps they would be left with no choice if we took the lion's share of the troops out.

Friday, June 20, 2008

CNN's Paul Begala - Republican Or Democrat?

I just saw CNN Contributor and former Clinton Aide Paul Begala on "The Situation Room" talking "in defense" of Barack Obama on Campaign Finance and on NAFTA against a Republican Strategist who I will not name because it doesn't matter.

Begala sounded like he was half in support of Obama and half sympathetic to John McCain. Meanwhile the Republican Strategist was consistently on the attack against Obama. Paul did not effectively hit back. What's up?

Is Paul still smarting from Clinton's loss?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama gets AFSCME endorsement - Democratic unity growing

According to the Associated Press: Senator Barack Obama secured the endorsement of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees [AFSCME], a large and influential union that had been backing his former Democratic rival Senator Clinton (D-NY) until she suspended her campaign.

AFSCME is the largest union for workers in public service with 1.4 million politically motivated members nationwide.Obama & Clinton The unification of the two camps to put a Democrat in the White House is well underway.

For discussion of what this means to and for Clinton backers, you can also visit an AFSCME discussion thread by at Take note that this is a sign of healing in progress, that the members of AFSCME know who they want in the Oval Office beginning in January.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Patti Solis Doyle Joins Obama: NY Observer Says That's A "Fuck You" To Hillary Clinton

Patti Solis Doyle left the Hillary Clinton campaign in disgrace just a few months ago after loses in primaries and especially in money. Reportedly scapegoated for the Clinton's overall poor performance in the early stages of the campaign, Patti Solis Doyle has been hired by Obama for America with the title of "Chief Of Staff To The Vice Presidential Candidate", a move that some say is a slap to the Clinton campaign and the NY Observer says that move is a "Fuck You" to Senator Clinton.

I'm not one to agree with that view. I think the Obama campaign knows it needs the Clintons, but also their judgement is tempered by the fact that the Clinton political power has been damaged, and perhaps irreparably.

I think too much is written into that "fuck you" view, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it may be the opposite signal and that in a need to come together, perhaps it's best that the two work together. Hell, the source is a donor who may know less than I or you or anyone else -- just gives money. I think there's a suprise in store here.

Andrew Sullivan reports that other Obama staff members hired are:

Constituency Director: Brian Bond – formerly LGBT Outreach Director at the DNC
National Field Director: Jon Carson – formerly Obama for America Voter Contact Director
Senior Advisor to the Campaign and Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama: Stephanie Cutter
Industrial States Regional Director: Paul Diogardi – formerly Political Director for the Democratic Governor’s Association.
Battleground States Director: Jen O’Malley Dillon – formerly Iowa State Director for John Edwards for President
Chief of Staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee: Patti Solis Doyle
Latino Vote Director: Temo Figueroa – formerly Obama for America National Field Director
First Americans Vote Director: Wizipan Garriott
Northeast Regional Director: Eureka Gilkey – formerly Obama for America Deputy Political Director
50-State Voter Registration Director: Jason Green – formerly Obama for America political and field staff
Campaign Chief of Staff: Jim Messina – formerly Chief of Staff to Senator Max Baucus
LGBT Vote Director: Dave Noble – formerly of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
West Regional Director: Matt Rodriguez –.formerly Obama for America New Hampshire State Director
Senior Advisor: Michael Strautmanis
African American Vote Director: Rick Wade

Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama VP? Zennie Asks Obama Supporters In San Francisco

What do supporters of Senator Barack Obama for President think of how far the campaign has come? Who do they want as his Vice Presidential Candidate? I asked people at a celebration event held at San Francisco's Ruby Skye night club on Tuesday, June 10th 2008.

The responses seemed to boil down to this: most of the people I talked to want or seem to think that Kansas Governor Katheryn Sebelius will be the choice. Two people, including San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, thought that the choice should be Senator Hillary Clinton. Two others said she should definitely not be the choice -- a view shared in another video by Oakland City Attorney John Russo, and others gave criteria but no names. Who's your choice for Obama's VP running mate. Chime in here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If you're concerned about choice, don't jump the Democratic ship

Obama supporters have been developing strategies for appealing to ardent Clinton supporters to not jump the Democratic ship after the strident primary season that led to Obama's nomination. Most, and I would be pressed to say all, Clinton supporters are pro-choice and therein, perhaps, lies our best argument. In John McCain, they will find no safe harbor. For the best discussion I've seen to date on this issue, head over to The Carpetbagger Report and check out Why pro-choice Dems have nothing to like about John McCain. And if reproductive choice is of any import to you, use your vote in November wisely.

Bigotry On John McCain's Website: Hillary Clinton A "Bitch; Obama A "Muslim Fag"

AMERICAblog's John Aravosis uncovers major bigotry over at John McCain's website, including references to Senator Hillary Clinton as a "bitch", Senator Barack Obama as a "Muslim Fag" and America bringing 9/11 on itself.

Plus, the JedReport shows that other John McCain forums have Obama referred to using the "N" word.

This is not who we want representing America as President. Because John McCain and his staff allow this on their websites, you have to believe they agree with it.

Monday, June 09, 2008

People Poker: Hillary Rosen And Obama's Victory - Ashley Long

People Poker

I loved Hillary Rosen's blog on Wednesday. She has been a long time supporter of Hillary Clinton and was genuinely disappointed when Sen. Clinton lost the Democratic nomination.

She was supremely disappointed, however, at the way Sen. Clinton handled the events of this past week. The last three lines of this piece, in response to Sen. Clinton's statement that she was waiting to see how she could "use" her 18 million voters, are my favorite:

"I will enthusiastically support Barack Obama's campaign. Because I am not a bargaining chip. I am a Democrat."

I posted a few days ago about how we might bring the party together at the convention. What philosophy or mantra or cause could join all Democrats together as one unified force after such a contentious campaign? I still can't completely answer that one, but I can say that Ms. Rosen has hit on something.

What will not serve us well is looking at each of our delegates, at each of our voters, as numbers on tally sheets. We have spent an inordinate amount of time over the last year tallying delegates and looking at magic numbers. Now, we need to get behind the numbers and into the reason those voters and delegates cast their votes in the way they did and will at the convention. It is in studying that data that we may find a way to unify our party and, in doing so, take back the White House.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillaryis44 and Taylor Marsh Want To Destroy Democratic Party

We've got to work to discredit this website and Taylor Marsh as well. They're going to continue their anti-Obama campaign, even as Senator Clinton has endorsed Senator Obama, and many pro-Obama bloggers like myself have rallied to support Senator Clinton as Vice President.

Hillary is 44 and Taylor Marsh need to knock off their rhetoric.

Many -- in fact all -- of the posts on those sites are studies in angry, unsubstantiated, anger. Just rambling on and on and accusing Barack Obama of matters of which were not his doing and also not even justified with a link -- just ramble-bamble words. Words of hate.

The one way we can take this site down is for each blogger to write a post that reads " Must Be Destroyed" Or
" Is Outdated" -- and then "tag" those blogs, and link the posts to at least one other "like-minded" post.

Anyone who has a blog, please do this ASAP. They're out of control over there.

Hillary is 44 must be taken down or change its message to follow what Senator Clinton has asked her supporters to do, support Barack Obama for President. Hillary is 44's owner and writers seem bent on causing the Democratic Party to lose the election, and Taylor Marsh has written that she's "an American first, before party" but I would assert that she's one with a huge problem that given what she's wrote would seem to point to racism on her part.

Indeed, many bloggers think Taylor Marsh is racist, from "Mark Warner Is God" over at DailyKos, to the "Room Eight" New York blog, as well as Oliver Willis, who points to Taylor's commenters and their racist Obama rants. Then we have "Cali Tajano" who says that Taylor Marsh has gone off the deep end. And JohnBrownks has a full analysis of her bio, which is a must read.

But the bottom line is that she and Hillary 44 have gone too far off the desert and must come back home. The only move left is to effectively marginalize them as being on the lunatic fringe. But there are many who say they're already there.

Thursday, June 05, 2008 Should Shut Down; Close

Alex Rodriguez, Close "Hillary Is 44" Now!

Hillary Is 44 is now a waste of time, and also may be the site behind the Democrats Against Obama effort. The site, owned by Alex Rodriguez didn't do the job of helping Clinton -- Obama's the nominee.

Alex Rodriguez, it's time to shut down Hillary Is 44. Put it to bed. Now.