Friday, November 19, 2010

Eva Longoria, Tony Parker & Erin Barry face health consequences of divorce by Dr. Christina Villarreal

Very few studies have examined the long term health consequences for people who divorce. According to Dr. Gerald F. Jacobson, director of the Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center in Culver City, Calif., author of 'The Multiple Crises of Marital Separation and Divorce "there has been a 'disproportionate emphasis on the impact of divorce on children, and not enough attention to how divorce affects the former spouses." Celebrities like Hollywood actress Eva Longoria and NBA player Tony Parker, who have recently made international news by filing for divorce after 7 years together, are not immune to the long term health consequences of divorce, as seen below. Erin Barry, San Antonio Spurs former player Brent Barry's wife has also recently filed for divorce, and has admitted to sexting with Tony Parker for months, perhaps leading to the demise of both marriages.

Both Dr. Gerald F. Jacobson and Dr. James J. Lynch, a psychologist at the University of Maryland, author of ''The Broken Heart: The Medical Consequences of Loneliness'', suggest that people's reaction to divorce is similar to experiencing the death of a spouse. Feelings of anger, guilt and depression often become overwhelming. However unlike in bereavement, the former spouse continues on with their life, making it difficult to gain closure following a divorce.

Scientific research has long established the biological connection between emotional stress, and the development of physical illness. Untreated stress can lead to abnormal immunological functioning in those who have divorced, making them more vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses, including cancer. A study examining the health effects of divorce reveal that after a diagnosis of cancer, married people are most likely to recover, while the divorced are least likely to recover, indicating that the emotional trauma of divorce has a long-term impact on the physical health of the body.

Dr. Robert Segraves, a psychiatrist and marriage and divorce counselor at the University of Chicago Medical Center, points out that divorced people not only have higher suicide rates, but also higher rates of admission to psychiatric hospitals and outpatient clinics, more visits to non-psychiatric physicians than people who were married, single or widowed. Dr. Segraves points out ''There's a lot of evidence that divorce is an overwhelming stress for most people, even if they are getting divorced for the right reasons. There's tremendous internal and external reorganization required after a divorce. And the effects are not just short-term. We see a lot of people years later who are having trouble reconnecting with the opposite sex. Men, for instance, often have problems with impotence four or five years later because they're scared to death to be reconnected.''

In a study of 79 men and 159 women who were separated or divorced and who went to a psychiatric crisis clinic, Dr. Jacobson found that time did not necessarily heal the wounds of divorce. While depression peaks immediately after the initial separation and then subsides, Dr. Jacobson found that those who are separated 14 months or more, whether or not they have filed for divorce, ''do not tend to improve further and may even worsen.'' He also found that while women were most disturbed just before separation, ''men tend to be more depressed, anxious and suicidal after separation.''

Should you remain 'friends with your ex" when no children are involved, such as in the marriage of Eva Longoria & Tony Parker?

While many mental health professionals purport that divorced spouses can continue to be valuable resources for one another, Dr. Jacobson found that ''more often than not, continued reliance may not be associated with better levels of mental health, particularly in women.'' Results from this study suggest that ''disturbance will be less when there is a moderate amount of contact between the spouses and when emotional reliance is acknowledged when it exists.''

In spite of the negative impact divorce can have upon one's health, divorce can also be an opportunity for positive growth. By learning and growing from the divorce experience, you will be better equipped to develop a healthy romantic relationship in the future. For more advice on how to move on and manage stress following a divorce, visit this article featured on Dr.

Dr. Christina Villarreal is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Oakland, CA. Please visit her website at or email her at for professional referrals.

Will Sarah Palin Ever Shut Up?

Former Alaska Governor and Fox News Analyst Sarah Palin has gained a lot of fame and wealth from what this blogger contends is a massively high level of anger over how the GOP, and the political establishment, attempted to cast her aside after her unsuccessful bid for Vice President, running with 2008 Presidential Candidate Arizona Senator John McCain.

The pair lost to now President Obama and Veep Joe Biden, but still, all we keep hearing about is Sarah Palin.

Fox News hosts Palin.  CNN, for some reason that prompts a conspiracy theory, keeps promoting Palin. But the American public is growing tired of Palin.

Now, with her claim that she can beat Obama in 2012, her classless blasts at First Lady Michelle Obama, and her daughter's anti-Gay flaming of a classmate, it's time to ask when will Sarah Palin and her family ever shut up?

The idea of Sarah Palin as political celebrity, once interesting, has now ran its course, and simply because Governor Palin has become too big for her own britches.   Let the record show, Palin's not done squat.

The last time this blogger checked, Governor Palin not only hasn't won an election since 2006, and over that time Palin proved she doesn't have the stomach to maintain elected office. Remember, she quit being Governor of Alaska on June 26, 2009.  Palin jumped ship before she could be booted out of office by Alaskan voters in the next election.

But somehow, all that was twisted into the improbable idea that Palin's ready to be President of The United States. This, even as Palin recently said she didn't want to be in a political office and preferred the outdoors of Alaska. Great, stay there.

Palin's Daughters Not White House Material

The idea that Sarah Palin is ready to be President is countered by the recent behavior of her daughters. Bristol and Willow Palin were caught by writing homophobic slurs against a classmate on Facebook. One commenter at tried to pass that off as "teen flaming," but we never saw Chelsea Clinton or the Obama girls do that, or anything close to it.

There's a standard of act and of expectations that come with being in the White House or even to ask the American Public to consider a family for it. Governor Palin' asking too much of America to even think of having her and her family in the White House. The idea is now a joke. The bottom line is Sarah Palin's a TV star, not a serious presidential contender.

And even TV's getting tired of her; not even her Fox colleagues back her new show on TLC Network:

That should be Palin's clue her star's fading. But if it's not, look at the negative reaction to Bristol Palin's advance on Dancing With The Stars. Personally, this blogger has nothing against Bristol Palin, but it's starting to look like she, like everything else Palin, is being pushed on America, against our will.

When will all of this stop.

When will Sarah Palin ever shut up?

Davey D's Hip Hop Corner

Davey D's Hip Hop Corner

Top Ten Reasons Why Black Leaders Are Ignoring President Obama’s Attack on Social Security

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 09:14 AM PST

After a decades-long drumbeat led by the Peterson Foundation, corporate media, Wall Street and their minions of both parties, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare are under attack. The current raid...

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TSA Full Body Searches: The People Crying are Hypocritical

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 08:15 AM PST

I find it funny that all these people are upset about full body searches and pat downs at the airport when just two months ago many of these same folks didn’t seem to mind when Muslim-Americans...

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving No Feast for Unemployed as Extension Defeated

This Thanksgiving will be no feast for unemployed Americans, as the UI extension was defeated today in Congress.

The US House of Representatives attempted to pass a three-month extension of expiring unemployment benefits, which would have continued checks through Feb. 28, 2011. HR 6419 was called under suspension of the rules, attempting to avoid any motion to recommit, which Republicans could bring in order to prevent moving the bill further. HR 6419 failed by a vote of 258-154, because it’s submission under suspension of the rules requires a two thirds vote to pass.

HR 6419 did not have any provision for additional benefits (Tier 5). The bill only would have extended the filing dates for tiers of benefits enacted prior to last fall.

The 99ers (unlike the Democrats) do not intend to go down without a fight. Unemployed Americans are taking to the streets to bring attention to the fact that the cruel, heartless extermination of 5 million Americans is unacceptable.

This Saturday, November 20, 2010 there will be a “Breadline Protest” in NYC - to hopefully bring attention to the desperation 99ers across the Nation are experiencing daily, after 8 months without UI benefits. See the flyer at this link: FlashMobs4JOBS

The flyer text reads:
Please join the 99ers, other members of the unemployed, their friends, family and supporters, in recreating a 1930's "breadline" on Saturday, November 20th. We need to bring home the fact that the unemployed have been jobless and without benefits for far too long – and are starving.

We will be lining up in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, at 33 Liberty Street, in Manhattan, beginning at 11:30 am. Please wear black or dark clothes. Hats, flat caps, scarves and shawls are fine, but no white or bright colors. This is to be a somber event. We will recreate the image from the Great Depression – because we believe this is the Great Depression II, not the Great Recession! Congress and the country have ignored us for too long. On the Saturday before the Thanksgiving holiday we will be invisible no more!

The media will be in attendance. We need to have as many people in the line as we can get, so please reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and members of your house of worship, to join you. We will be picking up stale loaves, as props, during the week before the event. However, if you can get loaves from stores and bakeries that discard them at closing, each night, please bring them.

In Philadelphia, P.U.P. (Philadelphia Unemployment Project) will be holding a Vigil for the Unemployed - Monday, November 22, 2010 - 12 Noon at the Arch Street Methodist Church (between Broad and Arch Streets)
From their Website: PUP 

Without an extension millions will exhaust their benefits during the holiday season and many millions more in the months ahead. Please join us in a vigil for unemployed Americans to call for continuation of the EUC program until unemployment comes down and jobs are available.

Rhode Island: NY/NJ area 99ers – joined by supporters, and the unemployed who are still receiving unemployment insurance (UI) – will hold a rally at Providence City Hall to demand that Congress, in the upcoming lame duck session, do their job for the American people and immediately pass The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706), as well as re-authorize the unemployment extensions set to expire on November 30th for those currently receiving benefits. Their situation is desperate and they continue to be ignored by elected leaders.

Rhonda Taylor, organizer of the event and long time tireless advocate for the 99ers plans to bring her children to the event.
“My oldest who is 20 will be coming too, but I am going with my 3, 4, and 9 year olds since if help doesn’t come soon we won’t be together any longer by Christmas time.”

There are rallies and “Breadline Protests” being planned in Washington State, Colorado and San Diego, CA to name a few.

After HR 6419 failed today in the House, Rep. McDermott (D-WA) appeared on the Ed Show on MSNBC where Ed told him how angry the 99ers are at him for not helping with their coveted Tier 5. See the interview here:

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OK! Magazine's Misleading Cover Story

This is not okay for a magazine to do, and do the people who write for tabloids consider themselves to be journalists? Do they have a degree in Communications? Look at this cover:
What does this cover suggest? This cover suggests that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have gotten married. This cover right here could start many rumors for those who don't actually decide to flip through the magazine and read the story. Pattinson and Stewart are not married - but their characters Edward and Bella do get married, and the two actors just finished filming the wedding scene.
Sensationalism and misleading headlines is not something to be proud of. It's something that will cause there to be facts left out and anyone who just skims that will be misinformed. Seriously? The big letters "JUST MARRIED!" is that really necessary? This magazine really is trying to sell issues apparently if they have to resort to this degree of sensationalism. Obviously there isn't much journalistic integrity, but moreso the need and want for attention.

TSA Full Body Searches: The People Crying About Them Are Hypocritical

I find it funny that all these people are upset about full body searches and pat downs at the airport when just two months ago many of these same folks didn’t seem to mind when Muslim-Americans were complaining about being profiled and singled out for searches. It was just two months ago when the rhetoric was thick, the words hateful and very few of us ‘good ole Americans’ was the least bit concerned aboutionized radiation from body scanning machines or some college drop out turned TSA agent feeling up yours or your spouse’s private parts. After all many of us rationalized that ‘sacrifice was required’ when fighting the war on terror. Many of us emphatically insisted that in order to really fight terror successfully some of our freedoms would fall to the wayside.

Certainly I’m not the only one who recalls pompous sounding pundits on TV saying such things like; ‘We’ll if they have nothing to hide, they won’t mind being searched’,’We now live in extraordinary times which requires extraordinary measures to keep America safe‘ or ‘I think most people would rather be searched and profiled than be blown up’.

We really heard this type of talk a year or so ago when the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had a failed attempt and GOP leaders went in on President Obama claiming he was soft on the war on terror. Many of them called for increased profiling and searches in order for us to be safe. They scoffed at the idea of people’s civil liberties being violated and said it was sign of weakness to give into the concerns voiced by organizations like the ACLUor CAIR.

Now that everyone is getting searched have things suddenly changed? Are we no longer willing to sacrifice our freedoms or do we just want ‘THEM’ (Muslims and ‘other suspicious folks’ ) to be searched and forced to do full body scans? How hypocritical is that?

Newt Gingrich

Wasn’t it just two months ago this country was up in arms about the proposed building of an Islamic Community Center (Mosque) near Ground Zero? Here we saw everyone from high-ranking political leaders like former House speak Newt Gingrich compare Muslims to Nazis to Texas lawmakers Debbie Riddle and Louie Gohmert warn us about ‘terror babies‘. We saw former NPR host Juan Williamsadmit that he ‘got nervous’ when he saw a Muslim passengers getting ready to board a plane.

These types of publicly expressed sentiments led to many of us further demonizing and marginalizing entire segments of our population which in turn left us being unsympathetic to what we now see and hear are similar concerns they expressed about ‘invasive’ searches.

Many of us turned a blind eye reports surfaced about all the Muslim Americans in addition to being profiled and searched were also increasingly being put on NO-Fly lists resulting in more than a few being stranded after being rejected from boarding. Many found themselves in legal limbo when trying to remove themselves or even find out why they were put on a No Fly list in the first place. Sadly some mean-spirited pundits celebrated these No fly list violations because the resulted in the unintended consequences of Forced Exile

With all this in mind, one has to ask the hard questions; are folks crying about TSA full body searches because they feel their constitutional rights are being trampled or are they concerned that they personally are being violated? We really need to be honest when answering this question. Whats really going on here?

Ron Paul just introduced the American Traveler Dignity Act

It’s interesting to note that two days ago (Nov 17th) Texas Congressman Ron Paul just introduced legislation called the American Traveler Dignity Act. He’s concerned that travelers are being subjected to humiliating conditions. He’s outraged. Here’s what he wrote

“Imagine if the political elites in our country were forced to endure the same conditions at the airport as business travelers, families, senior citizens, and the rest of us. Perhaps this problem could be quickly resolved if every cabinet secretary, every member of Congress, and every department head in the Obama administration were forced to submit to the same degrading screening process as the people who pay their salaries.” Perhaps the political elites would re-evaluate their position on the peeping and probing Toms at the TSA; perhaps they would be willing to support the Congressman’s legislation.

Paul wants the TSA and other law enforcement to be held accountable if they cross the line and that’s not only understandable, but appreciated. However, one has to wonder where was Ron Paul pushing a bill or all these outraged people when several years ago, Black women were aggressively being stripped searched at airports by custom agents. Back in 1999 when this was at its height, we were fighting the ’War on Drugs’ . The overwhelming majority of Black women searched were innocent, yet they were subjected to these invasive body searches. Their cavities were probed and their bowel movements were monitored. Pundits who supported this policy were insistent it was necessary to stop the flow of drugs. ‘We had to protect America’.. Does that sound familiar?

People weren’t outraged back then if anything, many were dismissive of the concerns expressed by African-American women who were made to feel totally violated and unfairly profiled. Sadly we heard the same retorts back then as we do now toward Muslims; ‘If-they-have-nothing-to-hide-why-complain’.

Senator Richard Durbin introduced the Reasonable Search Standard Act in 2001

There were lawsuits and alot of pressure put on airports screeners and custom agents. Eventually in 2001 Senator Richard Durbin introduced the Reasonable Search Standards Act.

Reasonable Search Standards Act – Prohibits U.S. Customs Service personnel from subjecting travelers to detention or searches based upon race, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation, except when acting upon specific information that a particular traveler suspected of engaging in illegal activity is described by one or more of such characteristics.

Requires Customs Service personnel, before a pat down or intrusive non-routine search, to document reasons to support a belief that an individual may be carrying contraband in violation of Federal law. Waives such requirement with respect to anyone suspected of carrying a weapon.

The bill was read twice and referred to the finance committee, well see where Paul’s American Traveler Dignity Act bill goes.

Rodstarz of Rebel Diaz was recently searched & detained for 10 hrs at an airport

It’s a shame that many of us have short memories and selective ways in which we like to see laws enforce or who we show concern for when rights are violated. Sistas being jammed up at airports where we had dead silence and people siding with custom agents is one example. Now that we have this new war on drugs south of the border quite a few Brown folks are going through the humiliation. The popular Bronx-Chicago based rap group Rebel Diaz on a recent Hard Knock Radio show detailed what happened when they returned to the US from Chile. They were detained searched, questioned and made to feel violated when they returned from their native Chile. What folks are complaining about now is routine procedure in some communities

For folks who live in the hood, strip searches in public are not usual. belligerent cops ‘looking for drugs and weapons’ are always jacking people up, making them drop their pants in full view of others. In cities like LA, young teens have been made to strip in front of parents. Husbands and boyfriends have been subjected to watching their spouses and girlfriends be felt up and probed by police who turned a routine traffic stop into a nightmarish search.Parents have been made to undress or be felt up by cops looking for drugs and weapons in front of their kids.

The movie CRASH depicted a scene where the character played by actor Terrence Howard had to watch his wife get felt up by police. Many thought it was just a dramatic scene for the movie, but for those who live in the hood especially in places like South Central LA, what was shown on the big screen was as real as day. It’s all too commonplace. It’s a reality and indignation that many have endured for years. Speaking out about this and detailing this is often met with disbelief or outlandish justification where folks rationalize that folks in the hood are all criminal and deserve to be searched.

LA rap star and longtime activist Mykill Miers who actually works with at risk youth inside the system noted the other night over the years he himself has been subjected to such humiliating treatment on 4 different occasions.

In New York City pat downs and invasive searches was the hall-mark of the police serving under former mayor Rudolph Giuliani. In one year alone more than 500 thousand people were stopped and searched on the streets of NY, over 70% of those stopped were Black and Brown men. We certainly could’ve used a Dignity Act type bill then..

How are police searches in the hood connected to searches and pat downs at airports? Well to start have large numbers of citizens who are being subjected to searches that they find invasive and in violation of their constitutional rights. The overwhelming majority of those searched are obviously innocent. No weapons are found, no bombs are found, no drugs are found. Law makers insists such measures are needed to keep us safe and act as a deterrent. For the most part far too many of are willing to go along with this until they’re the ones made to drop their drawers.

Who should we be screening the thuggish looking Black guys who are Ice Cube & his crew or the Columbine shooters Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold?

As long as we have scapegoating caricatures that fits into our collective stereotypes like the Black thug, Mexican drug dealer, or a Arab terrorist, then we don’t mind the searches. In fact, as I mentioned before, we actually insist that they take place. But as soon as it things land in our direction we wanna have mass protests.

The bottom line is this, the constitution should apply to us all. If anyone has a hard time accepting that then they deserve this mistreatment they want imposed on others. It doesn’t matter how big your boobs are, how sagging your butt is or how small your ding-a-ling is. It doesn’t matter if you’re grandmother 80 years old or outstanding pillar in your community, if its ok to search Mr Muhammad, Ray Ray and Jose ‘to keep us safe’ then it’s perfectly ok to profile and search Mr and Ms Cleaver as well. After all, some of the worst terrorist this country has seen are those who are homegrown and blend in with the mainstream population. From Oklahoma City bomber Ti mothy McVeigh to American Taliban John Walker Lindh to Columbine shooters Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold to members of the Ku Klux Klan.

If this really is about protecting our 4th amendment rights, then let’s be principled. Stop all invasive searches of innocent people everywhere, both at the airport and in the hood. If this country truly stands for freedom then let’s make sure it applies to all sectors of our society. Until then as long as innocent young Black and Brown men are being humiliated and strip searched in their own neighborhoods, and we’re advocating for Muslims to be singled out and searched then one should not show an ounce of sympathy or be concerned when someone cries out about being their junk being touched by a TSA agent at the airport.

As the loud mouth pundits like to say.. ‘If you have nothing to hide, why complain…’

Something to ponder

-Davey D-

Bristol Palin Resorts to Name Calling

Bristol Palin should have known better - especially since she is in the public eye. Palin used a homophobic slur to attack a Facebook user who was bad mouthing her mother's reality TV show.

People in general need to stop thinking it's okay to use homophobic phrases in order to insult another person. There are many people on twitter (one person even unfollowed me for this reason) who say "that's gay" when meaning stupid. It is never okay for someone to say that, because gay does not mean stupid. Gay is not a synonym for anything negative and it's unclear how people began doing this. They brush it off and say they don't mean to be offensive, but they are being offensive it doesn't matter if it is on purpose or not. Going around saying the n-word, but then saying that it wasn't meant to be offensive is not right either.

Anyway, Dr. Drew Pinsky was on CNN last night (and I watched it!) and spoke a little bit about what the 20-year-old had commented on.

Here's a screenshot of her public Facebook apology: